Chapter 40

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Tris POV(the next morning after Christmas) 

I wake up joyful, memories of the night before flooding my mind. A grin still plastered across my cheeks, I head to the bathroom to shower. 

The shower head sputters a few times, before pouring out clean, warm water. The liquid flows over my body, allowing me to relax. I wash off quickly, not wanting to waste time before everyone wakes up, and change into some sweats and a tank top. 

For breakfast, we have the normal family to feed, plus Blake and his mother, Christina, Will and Nadia stayed over, as well as Shailene, Jennifer and one of their mother's. Knowing we might need surplus, I cook an entire carton of scrambled eggs, a triple recipe of pancakes, and two full packs of bacon. 

When I've finished, a few stragglers have found their way downstairs. 

"Go ahead and get everyone else up, would you?" I ask Nadia, smiling. 

She nods groggily, heading back up the stairs. I go to the twins room, "Baby girls! It's time to get up."

Eliza groans, "Mommy, my head hurts!" 

She sounds extremely pained. 

I rush over to her small toddler bed, seeing an immense red bump covering half of her scalp.  I pick her up, and she immediately wraps her arms around me. 

"How bad does it hurt baby girl?" I ask, placing the back of my hand against her forehead. 

She's extremely overheated.

"Mommy it hurts so so bad!" She screams, and starts crying. 

I don't waste time heading for my purse, "We are going to take you to the doctor, okay sweetie?" 

She nods, still crying. 

"I am going to the doctor! Eliza isn't feeling well!" I shout into the house, "Christina, watch Ash!" 

"Mommy it hurts more!" Eliza sobs, holding me closer. 

"I know darling, we are going to get you feeling all better as soon as we get to the doctor." 

She is quickly strapped into her car seat, before I hop into the driver's seat. Eliza holds her KarKar close, and it hurts me to see her in so much pain. 

I gun it to the closest infirmary, put in place not long after the factions united. I slip my purse over my shoulder, and unload Ellie. She holds me close, "Mama! It hurts! It-" 

Suddenly, she stops talking, and let's out an ear piercing scream as we enter the facility. 

"Eliza! Baby what's wrong?" I shout, holding her head up. 

Her eyes roll back in her head. 

"Somebody please help!" I scream, tears beginning to pour from my eyes. 

A nurse rushes over, "I need you to fill this out, I'll get her into immediate care. Please, wait here and bring the clip board to the nurse's station when you are finished." 

"I'm gong with my child, she's in pain!" I shout, snatching the board from her hand. 

She holds me back, "Ma'am, you can't do that." 

I scream in frustration, throwing my body into the nearest chair. She takes my baby girl back to who knows where, doing who knows what. 

My face must look like a mess, as I call Tobias. 

"T-Four! You have to get here, Eliza is burning up, she's got a headache and she just fainted! Oh god, babe, please just get here?" I spit out, my mind whirling. 

"Tris, I'll be there as soon as possible, don't worry!" He responds, and by the sound of rustling, Tobias is climbing from the bed. 

"Please, just hurry, I'm terrified!" I cry, almost dropping the phone. 

"Don't worry baby, I'll be right there." He tries to soothe me, which almost works with his comforting voice. 

"Thank you, bye." I sigh, hanging up. 

My tears dry up, as I force myself to gain composure. Knowing it's what I have to do,  I fill out the clip board of information for Eliza. By the time I've finished, the same nurse walks in.

 "You're the mother of the two year old, correct?" She asks. 

I nod, standing up, "Is my baby okay?" 

"Follow me." The nurse brings us back into a room. 

Eliza is aware now, an IV in her arm. 

"What happened?" I ask, picking her up carefully. 

She gently hugs me. 

"It appears there was some head trauma, something must have fallen and hit her skull. Now, at this age, the skull is still relatively newly fused at this age, we had to be careful. She has some headache prevention medicine, and you'll have to watch the area. The fainting was more of a blackout from so much pain on a small child." 

The next day really is a blur, Eliza only staying one night in the PICU. They gave her some medication, and the neurologist said that her head should be okay with pain and headache reliever. She can't run or play too rough until she is fully healed now. 

We just got back home, and I'm sitting beside Ellie as she tries to fall asleep. She keeps fidgeting, but I stay near so she is relaxed. 

Over the next week, Eliza almost fully recovers, With one exception.

She won't speak. 

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