Chapter 46

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"Wait here, alright girls? Then you can come in and see your baby brother in a minute." I instruct, while Ellie and Ash bounce around impatiently. 

"Wittle Buver!" Ashlen squeals, immediately being shushed by the nurses, and Blake, Uncle Uri and I. 

She giggles quietly, "Sowwy." 

I walk over to the room that Dad told me to go to, cautious. The door creaks open ever so slowly, revealing a dim room. I step out from the shadows, overjoyed by what I see. Dad is dead asleep on the couch, but Mom is sitting up, a baby blue blanket laying in her arms. My baby brother sleeps soundly, no longer looking sickly. 

"Mom, how is he?" I inquire, walking to the side of her bed. 

"Wonderful, it was like a miracle overnight." She responds, rubbing his soft cheek with her thumb. 

I gaze at his small self, a little miracle. 

"Do you want to hold him Nat?" She asks, moving her hand to support his neck. 

I sigh, "Of course." 

Mom hands me my new brother, and I hold him carefully. As soon as he comes in contact with my arms, his beautiful eyes flutter open, and it almost seems like he smiles. He's got the most handsome features, Dad's facial structure, with Mom's stormy blue-grey eyes and wispy blonde hair. He shifts in the swaddle, pulling out his hand, which wraps around my finger. A grin creeps up my cheeks, and I gently kiss his soft forehead. He doesn't squirm or cry why I hold him, just remains peaceful and happy. 

"Hello my handsome little brother!" I whisper, caressing his soft skin. 

"His name is Carter Maxon Eaton." Mom informs me. 

"A handsome name for a handsome baby." I hum, as he plays with a stray piece of my hair. 

After a few minutes of admiring the little miracle, Uncle Uriah brings the others into the room. Dad gets up from the couch, looking exhausted. Carter reaches a hand out to Ashlen, so I lean down for her to see her new little brother. 

"Hi baby!" She giggles, high-fiving his hand. He smiles lightly, but being a newborn, his movements are slow and soft. 

Eliza walks up, and gives him a hug, which is met with a bunch of us cooing, "Aw!" She smiles, pushing him back towards me. "Buv." She says. 

We all stop, "Did she just speak?" Dad gasps. 

Eliza smiles, "Buv." That was the first time she's said anything for a year! We all cheer,still trying to remain quiet for Carter's sake. 

"Can I hold my handsome little man?" Dad asks, as I stand up straight. 

I tenderly place him in his arms. Dad gazes down at his son in admiration, "My handsome little boy." 


Two Days Later

Blake left the day after we got to see Carter, since he had been here for almost a week and his mom needed help at home. Still, now that he's left, we have one guest bedroom. The girls still share a room, then Carter and I each have our own. 

Mom rocks him as she heads for his nursery, whereas I go to help put away her things from the hospital. She's been very fragile, and wants to focus on keeping Carter happy, so we all leave her be. I finish putting away her belongings, and head back to my room. Eliza and Ashlen are down for a nap, so I have some alone time. Naturally, I text Blake to pass the time. He offers an invitation for me to come over, since I haven't seen his mother in two years. Well...talked to. 

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