Chapter 38

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Natalie's 15th birthday because timmmmmeeee skiiipppsss

Blake's POV

Today, Natalie turns 15. Mom and I are staying at their house for the week, since they've moved to Abnegation and have a lot more room. Shailene, Jen and her mom are staying in the guest room beside Natalie, while we are in the one beside Tris and Tobias. 

"I get the bigger closet!" Mom calls. 

I roll my eyes playfully, and she laughs. I unload my things into the drawers, and set some of my other things in the bottom. 

"How do you do everything so fast?" Mom complains. 

I laugh to myself, "The real question is, how do you take so incredibly long?" 

She get's red faced, causing me to laugh. 

I go downstairs, immediately met by the twins squealing, "Bwakey!" 

"Ashlen! Eliza!" I squeal like the girls, receiving hugs as they bound into my arms. I lift them both up, and they giggle in response. 

Tris walks in, "Hey Blake! Thanks for taking care of my little bratzilla's for a second." She jokes, earning an awful attempt at a mean glare, from Ashlen. 

Tris laughs, sitting down on the couch. I plop down next to her, the girls at my sides. 

"Bwake?" Ashlen giggles, standing up on my lap. 

"Yes princess?" I answer, making her smile giddily. 

"Do woo wub Natalie?" She cocks her head. 

I frown a bit, "Of course, why?" 

"Then make Nat awake!" She exclaims. 

My heart drops, "I'm sorry sweetie, I don't have that power." 

Ash frowns, and tries her best to hug me, before backing off a bit, "Sowwy woo sad." She slobbily kisses my cheek, "I wub woo." 

I answer honestly, "I love you too Ashlen." 

Suddenly, Eliza erupts in squeals, "OH MAH GOSH I KNOW WHAT MAKE BWAKE FEEL BETA!" 

"Oh mah gosh could you be any louder Ellie?" I groan, rubbing my ear. 

She giggles. 

"Okay, what are we doing?" I ask, as she grabs everyone's hands. 

"Come on!" She says, dragging us all to the girls room. 

In the middle is a plastic table, with seven chairs. I sigh, wedging my bottom into one of the chairs, quickly realizing it's way too big to fit. 

"Here woo go!" Ashlen says, putting a huge tiara o me, as well as an insanely sparkly boa over my neck. 

I tub my temple with my thumb and forefinger. These two are a handful. Ash and Ellie giggle at me. 

"What's next?" I ask, smiling. 

"Come here!" She laughs. 

The girls approach me, mischievous smiles on their cheeks. 

"Oh no." I mumble, about to run, but Tris grabs my arms. 

I struggle, but she ties me to the chair and grabs a makeup pallet. What are they going to do to my innocent face? 


After way too long, and way too many brushes, Tris let's me go, and I rub my wrists. 

"You guys are aggressive makeup artists!" I complain. 

They giggle, as I get out to look in the mirror. 

My cheeks are covered in bright pink blush, my lips smothered in matching lipstick, dark mascara, and neon green and yellow eye shadow. 

I trudge back to my seat, ashamed of my loss of manhood. 

"Tea time!" Tris announces, bringing in a tray of sweet tea. 

I laugh, watching Eliza attempt to pour some in a miniature cup. I take a sip, immediately getting screamed at. 

"Bwake woo need pinkie up!" Eliza screeches. 

I laugh so hard, I choke on my tea. 

"Dang Ellie! Tris, does she have like a sonic voice or something?" 

She gives me an evil eye, so I find is best to back off. 

"Otay, we go swim now." Eliza declares. 

I thank the lord, rushing to the bathroom to wash off my face. My fingers rummage past the plethora of products, searching for makeup wipes. 

Oh my god I'm becoming a girl. 

After wiping away the makeup, I change into some swim trunks, and grab some sunscreen and a towel. Tris is waiting outside for everyone, with the stroller loaded up. Shailene, Jen, her mom, Tobias, the twins, Tris and I all walk together, down to the newly built faction pool. Every faction has one now, even at home in Dauntless. Everyone there misses having the Eaton's in the compound. 

I walk a little farther away from the others, kicking up gravel. As soon as we walk into the gates, I toss my stuff on a chair, and head for the hot tub. It makes sense, seeing how insanely stressed I've been lately. 

Shailene finds her way over, sitting next to me. 

"Hey Shai." I greet, the bubbles splashing up into my face. 

She pulls her legs under her, sitting indian style on the ledge, "You know, it really sucks. Having to live every day knowing that your best friend ever might not even wake up."

I look down, "Yeah, I get that. Imagine being her boyfriend and knowing that." 

Shailene's eyes start to well up, "Natalie was like a sister, is like a sister. My dad passed when I was only three, and I've lived with my mom, who works from eight in the morning to nine at night, doing double shifts to afford me. I never really see her. When Natalie took me in, it was almost like having a real family to love and care for me. A-and now, she could be dead. All because of some asshole who her parents made enemies with, and then decided to try and ruin our lives." 

I almost, almost, feel the urge to cry, but it's been my duty to stay strong for everyone. Shai let's a few tears fall, and I pull her into a hug. It doesn't take long to realize, if it's possible my strong Natalie can't pull through, then I have friends I can love almost as much. 

(This is from the original Divergent Elements I wrote)

 Sorry this is kind of short, Don't get mad! 

"Really Lauren! We want longer chapters, or I'll butter knife you!" 

Geez! Back off Peter! 

"People want to read Lauren, and I got a nice, antique butter knife right here!" 

Um, it's okay Peter! I'll update more and write more chapters!" 

*Peter slides butter knife back into his pocket* 

"Next chapter will be TWO THOUSAND words minimum Lauren! Or else, I will throw you over the chasm!" 

Oh my gosh! Stop being so ridiculous Peter! 

"Oh like you could hurt me, or even shoot me!" 



*Shoots Peter in heart with paintball gun*

"Okay stiff you win!" 

Sorry for that encounter with Peter guys! He is such a jerk! Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll stop torturing you soon. (Also low-key might finish the book in like a week because I found the original book in my archive and can basically follow the exact plot as that with a few modifications) 

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