Chapter 13

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I wake up in an unfamiliar room. My first thought is to panic, all I can think of is being captured by Jeanine. I try to sit up, but it's painful.

"Natalie! Lay down!" Someone says, pushing my shoulder down back to the bed. I look over, it's just Mom.

"Mama what happened?" I ask, relaxing a little. I remember trying to help the other people, fighting the bureau, but I don't know why I'm laying down.

She holds my hand,"I know you're tired of getting hurt like this, but you were shot in the arm. It was bleeding so much you passed out. It was easy to fix, but you have to have it in a cast for a while."

I smile a little,"I guess it could be way worse. Any chance of getting out of here soon?"

Mom laughs,"I don't think so. You will need a day or two for your body to stabalize, then you can go back home."

I sigh, being cooped up makes me so fidgety. I adjust my bed so I can sit up, and Mom turns on the television.

I know this an old show, but I'm not sure what it is. It's a game show, called Family Fued. A man they called,'Steve Harvey' is the host, and he is funny. I think I like old television shows more than the modern ones. Most of them are about genetic purification and the history of the rebellion.


2 days later time skip brought to you by Tobias' smexiness

I grab my phone and we head out. It wasn't too bad of a stay, especially since I got to know they are using the quick healing serum on my arm, so I'll only need 2 weeks for my arm to heal up.

Mom grabs a bag,"Are you ready to go back and live normally for once?"

I laugh,"I'm not normal, I'm divergent." She rolls her eyes,"Cliche much? Although you are definitely my daughter."

I laugh, "That I am."

We get signed out and a divergent officer escorts us to a small car. "Can you promise me to stay safe?" Mom asks as we get into the car.

I smile,"I hope. Let's go home."


The next day

I hear my door open, and groan. Suddenly, a body slams into mine,"WAKE UP LOSER." Nadia yells.

I groan,"BUT SLEEP!!!" She pulls the blanket off of me, and I curl up in a ball.

"Why do I have to get up? And why are you in our apartment?"

She laughs,"Your home is my home. Also, it is Mark birthday today, we are having a party."

I sit up,"Ok whatever. Pick out my outfit." She squeals, just like Aunt Christina does with Mom when they go shopping.

She goes over to my closet, and rummages through my stuff. "Dang Nat! I need to get you some new stuff!"

She tosses a shirt to the ground,"There. That one looks ok." It's a black halter top with a lace overlay, and it ends a few inches above my waist.

"Where did I even get that?" I wonder aloud, picking it up. She shrugs,"Found it in the back."

"So, what about pants?" I ask, holding it up. Nadia tosses me a pair of skinny black jeans.

"Thanks." I mumble. I grab a bra, underwear and a towel and head for the shower.

"I'm gonna do my makeup and hair in here. Do you mind?" She asks, pulling out a makeup bag and a straightener from who knows where.

I would say no, but we grew up together, so we aren't embarrassed by any thing with each other. I get undressed and get in the shower, and then she comes in.

"So we can't really go buy gifts in here, so I am going out to grab them in an hour. Wanna come with?" She asks.

"Why not? Are we grabbing them from everyone?" I ask, while grabbing the shampoo.

"Yeah, they are getting us a list and My mom, A guard, and us are going to get them." She explains.

I lather up my hair,"As long as there is a guard, I don't care."


There is silence for a while, while she does her makeup.

I finish up my hair and wash my body. "So am I doing your makeup or what?" Nadia blurts.

"Of course, I can't do makeup for my life." I laugh,"Hand me my towel."

I stick my hand out from the curtain, and she hands it to me.

"So dramatic or subtle." She questions as I dry off.
"Whatever you want."
"As it should be. Same with hair?"
"Of course."

I dry off my hair a little and then wrap my towel around my chest, and step out.

"Ok, I will blow dry and brush out your hair first, then pull it back for makeup." She starts working, and I sit there, puzzled on how she does all of this. She is quick with my hair.

I am surprised when she pulls out foundation that matches my skin tone, as if she prepared. Nadia tries to explain what she is doing, but I am stuck in my own mind.

"Natalie!" I hear her tell. I shake my head out of a daze,"What!"

"I'm done. Look." She says, pointing at the mirror. She has put my hair in a high bun, and done winged eyeliner and mascara. Most of the makeup, besides the eyes, is subtle.

"Perfect." I stand up.

Nadia cleans up while I get dressed.
"You look gorgeous. Now let's go get the gifts!"

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