Chapter 1

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"Y/N lets go already", your older brother Jared yelled from his bodyguard's car.

"Sorry I'm trying", you yelled back. You grabbed a few pairs of leggings, comfy t-shirts, and a couple hoodies from one of your suitcases and threw it all into a duffle bag. Other things like a new toothbrush, toothpaste, a hairbrush, dry shampoo, and some other stuff were already in the bag. Finally, you zipped the bag and ran back out of the room. You grabbed the script with your name on it off of the counter and raced outside. You closed the big wooden door behind you and locked it.

As you turned around and started for the car, Jared opened the driverside door and laid on the horn. You jumped into the back seat and rolled your eyes as he slid into the seat next to you laughing. You rolled the script up and smacked his arm,"Asshole!" He looked at you and flashed a shit-eating grin at you.


You haven't seen your brother for almost a year until two weeks ago. He called you and said that he got you a roll on the show he was currently acting on called Supernatural. He's known for a long time that you needed to get a foot into the business so you could make acting a full-time job. He said that you could stay at his Vancouver house while you were working on the show and said that you can finally catch up. He also suggested that you pack for a few months and leave your small town in Kansas in a week or so.

Immediately after Jared set you up with your first job and a place to live for the next few months, you called your best friend since birth Laney and told her about the role. She then came down the road to your apartment and said that you should watch at least one season of the show.

Because both yours and Laney's family were close and you grew up together, anytime Jared, or Sam, came on screen she would call him Groot; which was a childhood nickname for him.

You were at season 5 by the time you had to leave Olathe, Kansas and fly to Vancouver. The ride to the airport was an hour long and the flight was about six. When you finally got off the plane, you saw a big scary man holding a whiteboard with your last name. You walked up to him and introduced yourself to him. "Hi, I'm Y/N".

"Hey, I'm Jared's bodyguard Clif. Are you hungry? We can stop somewhere on the way to his house if you what."

"No, I'm okay. Thanks though." He nodded and led the way to baggage claim so he could help you with your suitcases. He grabbed both bags off of the carousel and clipped the whiteboard to the handle of one suitcase. Once you double checked that you had your suitcases and the drawstring bag that you brought as a carried on, you and Clif started wheeling them to the exit. It was quiet between the two of you. Your phone buzzed with a notification as you were wheeling the bag you had to the escalators. Once you were comfortable with the bag leaning on your hip, you fished your phone out of your pocket. Clicking the home button so the phone would unlock with your thumbprint, you pressed the messages app and read the new text.

Big Bro: txt me when you're off the flight and on your way to me

Little Sis: hey just landed. your bodyguard is terrifying. if i saw him in an alley id run the other way lol

Big Bro: he's a teddy bear once you talk to him. im at the house so txt me when you're pulling in

Little Sis: kk

You quickly put your phone back in your pocket so you could wheel the bag off of the escalator. Once you walked out of the automatic doors, you followed Clif to the big black Sedan waiting on the curb. You wheeled your last bag to him and said thanks, before climbing into the back and getting your phone out again.

Fav Actress: hey just landed in Vancouver


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