Chapter 38

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~Day 1~


Your eyes felt heavy as you came to. Groaning, you forced yourself to open your eyes; the first thing you see being the cold cement you were currently laying on. You were sprawled on the floor in the same clothes you were in last night, but the fabric was dingier and worn down. The room you were in was pretty bare and dark. Nothing was in the room except you, a small window that looked out into nothing, and wooden stairs that led to a steel door. 

When you tried to sit up and pull your legs close, you felt something tight around your ankle. Looking down, you saw two zip ties attached to each other; one of the loops around your ankle and the other around one of the pumps from a radiater that was fastened into the ground. That's when everything flooded back and fear shook you to your core. 

The bar. Laney. The drinks. The texts. Dustin. 

Oh my god, its Dustin. 

As you spiraled, you heard loud metal grind against each other and the door swinging open; the door rubbing against the wooden floor upstairs as it swung open. You jumped and put yourself sideways on the wall nearby so your ankle was almost touching the almost scalding hot pipes. Loud footsteps came pounding down the stairs. It was your capture that you trusted with your life before the roofie. 

His hair was messy and had on a white t-shirt and blue plaid pajama pants, as he carried a white tray, a bottle of water, a blanket, and a pillow down with him. "I come bearing gifts", Dustin almost whispered with a soft, almost sorry, smile. 

Realizing you were scared, he quietly and slowly set down the blanket and pillow folded on each other and placed the tray down in front of you with the water. "Thought you would be hungry", he smiled. When you didnt respond, he took the water and rolled it to you; making you jump and whimper in fear. "I promise I didnt put anything in it."

Finally, you looked up at him and made eye contact. "Why are you doing this", you trembled. 

No response. 

He clenched his jaw and looked down. Rubbing the back of his neck, he quietly made his way up the stairs and closed the loud door; locking it from the outside once again. 

Once his footsteps dissipated, you felt sadness and fear crash over you. Scooting back into the spot you woke up in, you grabbed the pillow and sobbed into it; realizing that you were completely and utterly alone.

Jensen's POV

You weren't anywhere. No one had seen you since yesterday. His mind was wandering but he kept a straight face. 

He pulled out his phone and went back to his texts that he had been sending you. 

Tall Guy: hey sweetheart. let me know when your at home please

Tall Guy: pretty sure your phone died. text me tomorrow

Tall Guy: you okay sweetheart?

Tall Guy: see you on set beautiful

He took a shaky breath and sent another text. 

Tall Guy: please respond Y/N. you're freaking me out

"Hey", Jared said as he rushed over to Jensen. "Have you seen Y/N?"

"What do you mean", Jensen asked; his voice trembling. 

Jared's eyes went wide. "Did she not go to your house last night?"

"No. She didnt go to yours?"

Jared started to shake as he pulled out his phone. "I'm going to call the detective. Can you call Laney and tell her to get to my house?"

Jensen finally realized what was happening. His hands got clammy and a void was growing so fast in his stomach he felt like he was going to collapse. In the short exchange between your brother and your boyfriend, something became terrifyingly clear. 

You were gone. 

Jared's Sister, Jensen's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now