Chapter 44

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"What are you going to do?"

"You're going to find out soon enough", Dustin stated; the blade still pressed against your bruised neck. A few seconds after his threat, you saw red and blue flashing lights outside of the window that you were watching the sunset from just a few minutes ago. "Guess that's now."

Taking the blade away from your neck, he made his way to your ankle and hastily cut away at the tie. Getting annoyed with it quickly because it wasn't breaking, he groaned and yanked the knife up; snapping the tie instantly but cutting your leg in the process. You hissed in pain, but he didnt care as he grabbed under your arm and yanked you to your feet. 

As he dragged you to the wall straight across from stairs, you heard a loud voice yell, "Vancouver PD open up." Dustin cursed under his breath and pulled your body flush to his, with one arm across your chest to hold you still and the other holding the blade to your throat; once again breaking the skin and making another trail of blood down your neck. 

After a few seconds, and assuming because they got no response, you heard a loud bang from upstairs and something heavy hitting the floor. You assumed it was the door getting rammed off the hinges. "Don't make a sound", Dustin demanded in a low voice in your ear. You didnt dare disobey because of the blade. 

Your breath was hitched in your throat as you heard the numerous pairs of boots hitting the floor above you. The sound of people in the house, besides you and your capture, made your heart drop. 

It felt like the footsteps above you were walking around for hours. So close yet so far. All you wanted to do was scream, "I'm down here", so the torture would end, but you knew better. 

It was like your wish came true because you heard a few sets of footsteps stop in front of the basement door, that you were currently looking up at. After some noises from behind the door, it opened loudly and a bright light blinded you. You winced and stumbled a little but gained your ground again after the blade cut your neck; making you groan. 

"Y/N", someone said behind the light. You recognized it but couldn't put a name to it. The light moved down the stairs and right in front of you, but once it stopped approaching you it turned off and revealed the detective. 

You let out a breath you didnt know you were holding, as he looked around the basement where you had been for days. He saw the blood drops on the floor, the zip ties on the radiator, and the food from days ago in the corner. Once he took in the conditions, he looked you over and saw you were in the clothes the night you were taken, your bruised neck, bloody hand and leg, and the multiple burns on your ankle. "Son of a bitch", he mumbled under his breath. 

"Austin", you almost whispered. You wanted him to stop taking in his surroundings and try to get you out. When he saw the dried blood down your neck and the silver pocket knife that was pressed against it, he immediately got back on track. 

"Okay. Jake I need you to let her go", the detective said calmly as cops slowly made their way down the stairs and lined the walls with their guns drawn. 

"How do you know my name", he asked as he became jumpy. He moved around a little and looked down the barrels of the guns; his nerves spiking. 

"Look. There's a lot happening right now. And I get that." He slowly approached Jake, but once he noticed he stepped back and pressed the knife down on your neck harder. 

"Do you see what you're doing, Jake? If you do something to her, you wouldn't just be hurting her, but everyone else around her. Not only would she be gone, but also a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, and maybe even a wife and mom." What he said made a tear go down your face. "You know that's just cruel. Not to mention, you would be put away for a long time. You're going to get in less trouble if you let her go now."

Come on Detective.

After a few seconds of silence, you felt his grip loosen slightly and the blade drop. You looked at the detective, not knowing what to do. 

Am I safe?

You saw him sigh as if it was in relief, but his brow started to furrow as he looked at something. Before you could realize what was happening, a burning pain flooded your senses, and you knew exactly what happened. 

He stabbed you; plunging the blade deep into your side and twisting it hard. 

You gasped for air, but nothing came out. Your eyes were still on Austin, so you saw the horror in his eyes as you got stabbed. Without any hesitation, he ran at you and grabbed you; pulling you to the ground and shielding your body as the policemen started to shoot. 

Everything got blurry as your body hit the cement floor. All you knew was that guns were being fired, and Austin was keeping your head off the floor and putting pressure on the wound. 

Once it got quiet, who you assumed was Austin because of your blurry vision, grabbed the paper-thin blanket nearby and put it under your head as he put as much pressure on your side as possible. 

You assumed the fast blood-loss fed into your blurred vision and now your hearing. "Y/N keep your eyes open", he begged as you took shallow breaths because it hurt like hell to inhale. "Get an ambulance here now!"

Everything around you sounded like it was coming through a tunnel. The only thing you could think about was that you were bleeding out and you may die in a basement of a crazy man that had heald you captive for days.

"Y/N stay with me", Austin continued to beg as your vision slowly faded to black... and everything... 


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