Chapter 29

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"Alright everyone", Austin started as he walked into the room with a bunch of papers in his hand. "There are a few things I need to brief you on." You, Jensen, and Jared were sat down on the black leather couch as Austin sat on his desk. "So your bodyguard won't know anything about the reason you hired him or any details about the case. He's only going to know what you tell him. If anything happens that's too risky, he's been instructed to contact me. Any questions?"

"No. Jen? Jar?"

"What about the background checks", Jared mumbled as his hand was on your knee. "How thorough are they?"

Austin hummed as he crossed his arms. "I can get info about it if you would like. The details of that aren't my forte." Jared shook his head and looked up at you. "Well, that's all I need from you guys for today. Have a nice rest of the night", the detective smiled as he stood up off his desk and shook Jensen and Jared's hands before heading back towards the house. 


The next day, Clif came by both Jared's and Jensen's house to pick the three of you up. Of course, Jared sat in the shotgun seat and you and Jensen were in the back with his arm around your shoulder and you comfortably tucked into his side. Filming went as normal, with Jensen and Jared goofing around and making everyone on set laugh. 

You had a short day with only three hours of actual work. Once everything was wrapped, you started back towards your trailer with your nose in your phone. You decided to walk and stretch your legs instead of riding on a golf cart; which you don't regret doing. Once your trailer was in sight, you put your phone in your jean pocket and fished your keys out instead. 

As you approached the door, you stopped dead in your tracks. The door to your trailer was open and you saw the trailer slightly moving like someone was walking around inside. It couldn't have been Jensen, Jared, or Misha because they should be filming still, and if Jensen and Jared are on set, so is Clif. 

Your heart was pounding as you quietly palmed your keys in your hand and put Jared's front door key in between your middle and ring finger. Stopping at the threshold of the trailer, you peeked inside and saw an arm for a split second as the steps went further back towards the end of the bus. 

Going against the voice in your head that told you to run, you slowly went up the steps; which didnt get the attention of the intruder. You got up the steps and watched as the man looked around the trailer and hummed with his hands in his pocket. He seemed carefree, which scared you even more. He was semi muscular and was a little bit taller than Jensen, but not as tall as Jared. He was also facing away from you, but you could tell he had gelled black hair with a white long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. 

After a few seconds of inching your way into the trailer, you were in the aisle in the front of the trailer; your knuckles turning white from grasping the keys so hard. As you started to get closer, a board under your feet creaked, which made the intruder turn around.

His skin was fair. Now that he was facing you, you saw his hair was a very dark brown, including his eyebrows and his well-kept stubble. His eyes were a very unique shade of brown that someone could get lost in. And his smile was very nice and comforting until it dropped once he saw that you were using your keys as a form of self-defense. "You must be Ms. Padalecki-"

"What are you doing in here", you questioned; your voice dropping to a threatening tone.

"A PA let me in", he said in a calm voice while he showed you the palms of his hands; saying that he was unarmed. He started to walk towards you, but you raised your fist with the keys in hand. 

"Get the hell out."

"Y/N do you know who I am?" He kept trying to get closer. 

"I swear to god if you don't get the fuck out." Your mind was racing with endless possibilities on how this would end, and it scared the shit out of you. 

"Come on lets talk." He ignored your warnings and slowly reached for you, but that's when you broke. 

You swung at him with the keys but failed to hit him. As you tried to hit him again, he maneuvered himself out of the way as he grabbed the lanyard that hung down from the keys. He pulled the clinging metal out of your hand and tossed them on the couch, but it didnt stop you. You ran towards him and punched him; making contact with his cheek. You tried again to hit him in the stomach, but he grabbed your arm and held it away from himself. "Y/N", he yelled. "I'm not here to hurt you."

"Then fucking prove it", you shouted back as you ripped your arm away from him. 

"Look in my wallet. It's behind you on the counter. Open it and look on the left side." He sat down on the couch next to the keys he threw and watched you as you briskly walked towards the counter. You grabbed the folded leather and turned around to face him. Leaning against the counter, you unfolded the wallet and did as he told you to do. His driver's license was the first thing that stood out. His name was Dustin Willson. He had a Canadian license and actually looked good in his license picture. 

Lucky bastard. 

What got your attention was a slot of three or four thin cards. You picked one out of pocket and read Black Wolf Protection Group. That's when everything clicked. You looked up at Dustin and all he did was smirk. "Believe me now?"

"You're the bodyguard I hired aren't you", you mumbled as he got up off the couch and walked over with his arm extended. 

"In the flesh-"

Before he could finish, the door to the trailer swung open and Jared looked around; immediately going for Dustin when he made eye contact. Jensen followed closely behind and put himself between you and Dustin. He reached behind him and grabbed your hand as he kept his full attention on the bodyguard. "Jared", you spoke up. "He's the bodyguard."

"How do you know", he asked as he kept his attention on the unknown man. 

You wrapped your free arm around Jensen's shoulder so you could hold up the card. He read the card carefully and nodded to himself. "She's right."

Jared clenched his jaw and backed off a little bit, while Dustin wiped away invisible wrinkles from his shirt. "Well, I'm on a roll with the introductions huh?"

"No kidding", Jensen said monotoned, with his hand still on your arm. You felt him loosen his grip a little bit, so you pulled your wrist away and approached Dustin. 

As you got closer, you saw a red patch on his face from where you hit him. "I'm so sorry I punched you." 

He smirked, "I've had worst I promise."

You laughed a little and Dustin smiled at you; leaving the room in an awkward silence. "Well", Jensen said as he clapped his hands. "We have to head back. So see you later?"

"Yeah. See ya." Jared smiled at you and walked out the door, while Jensen kissed your head and whispered to you. 

"Call me if you need me, okay?"

"Of course", you smiled. Jensen smiled back and nodded at Dustin before leaving the trailer with a faltered smile and furrowed brows towards Jared, who only shrugged.

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