Chapter 24

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"Y/N wake up", you opened your eyes and grimaced at the lights in the room. Looking down, you saw Tom and Shep asleep with their heads in your lap. Gen was also asleep in the bed, Jensen was nowhere to be found, and Jared was looking down at you waiting for you to acknowledge his presence. You hummed in response. "Do you want to grab a coffee? You've been asleep for a while now."

"Yeah give me a second", you responded, your voice still laced with sleep. Jared nodded and started looking around the small white room for his hoodie. You slowly maneuvered your body so you could get out from under the sleeping kids' heads while also not waking them up. By the time you successfully got off the couch, Jared was waiting by the entrance; holding the door. You quietly got out of the room while he closed the door lightly.

You took your phone out of your back pocket to check the time. It was around 5:18 pm. You had a notification from Jensen and opened it.

Tall Guy: hey I'm at the house for Jared so I can grab clothes for the boys. do u need anything while I'm here?

Short Padalecki: can you bring a blanket and a charger???

Tall Guy: yes ma'am

Short Padalecki: ooooooo can you also grab dry shampoo??? its a black spray can with a green cap.

Tall Guy: okay

"Huh. That's weird." You turn around and look at Jared, who's staring at the security guard near the door. "Do they always do this?"

"Do what?"

"Stand at the doors like that. Or is it just because we're... us", Jared said trying not to sound condescending.

"I asked them to", you said while walking to the elevator.

His eyes darted to you as you walked away. He walked quickly behind you and whispered, "What the hell do you mean you asked them to? Did you get another text?"

"More like a call. They said the room number that we're in and I got scared." The doors opened and you both got inside. The doors closed shortly after and Jared sighed.

"So did you get the police involved?"

"Yeah, there's a detective helping us. I have his card and he told me to call him if anything else happens." He nodded and rubbed your back. Sighing, the bell rang and you both stepped off the elevator.


"Hey guys", Gen said when you and Jared walked in with four coffees. "I'm going through caffeine withdraw. Please say one of those are for me?"

"Well, Jared was paranoid and looked everywhere in the hospital for your doctor to ask if you could. Sip away."

She snatched a cup out of the drink holder and took a sip; a smile spread on her face while leaning back in the bed. "I miss this."

"Babe where are the boys?" Jared looked around and only found Tom's plush T-Rex.

"Jensen came by to drop some stuff off and brought them off at your parents. They were sick of the room and wanted to leave. We're gonna be here for three more days so I didn't see a problem", she mumbled in between sips of coffee. He smiled and started walking towards the bed. She scooted over to one side and let him lay down next to her.

"I might go back to the house and shower. Want me to check on Oddete on my way out?"

"Sure", Jared shrugged and kissed Gen. Smiling, you collected your things and made your way to the door when your brother called your name. "Thanks for all of the help."

"No problem."

You closed the door behind you and pulled up your contacts on your phone. You scrolled for a second until you saw "Tall Guy". You pressed the call button and heard the number dial. After a few rings, you heard the sound of passing cars on the other line. "Pizza Hut how may I take your order?"

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