Chapter 9

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The sun was blinding the next day. You groaned when the light shining through the windows hit your face and woke you up. With the memories from the night before flooded your head, a smile grew on your face.

Finally, you got the urge to roll out of bed and go straight downstairs for food, since the alcohol that was in your system canceled out the burger from last night. Though once you got halfway down the stairs, the strong scent of coffee and muffins woke you up immediately.

Jared was standing at the counter facing two messy plates full of crumbs. He chuckled when he saw your face light up at the smell of the espresso filling the house, immediately pouring you a fresh cup. "Hey Sleeping Beauty", he smirked.

"Morning Rapunzel", you joked, earning a groan from him. "Is Gen still asleep?"

"Yup. She fell asleep right as she got into the car." He laughed thinking back at it before he started again. "Did you and Jensen stay the whole time?"

"When we saw the crowd starting to disperse, we left too."

"And he spent the night", Jared asked while taking a sip of coffee. You glared at him.

"No, he didn't."

"Did you want him to?" With the blood rushing up to your cheeks, you punched your brother in the arm and ran your fingers through your hair. "So you went to the party and he dropped you off here. That's all that happened?"

"And well", you started, taking a sip of coffee in between so you could think about how to word everything. "He asked me out. Like on a date", your voice raising slightly at the end of each sentence.

Jared's smile grew wider as he lightly smacked the counter, "That's my boy! What are you going to do?"

You laughed and took another sip from your mug, "Why are you so interested?"

"Because it's been so long since you've dated!"

Your eyes grew wide for a second, "Oh my god I totally forgot to see if you were okay with me dating him. Would it be awkward?"

He put a reassuring hand on your shoulder before nodding, "Of course you can date him." Your phone started vibrating on the granite with a bunch of emojis popping up on the screen. "And I guess that date may happen sooner than later. Text me when you leave, Kid." Patting your back, he walked past you and out of the kitchen so he could get ready for the day.

You pressed the answer button on the screen and grasped your mug, "Hello?"

"Hey Y/N", Jensen said loudly, sounding like he was calling over the Bluetooth in his car. "I know its only been a few hours since I brought up the whole dating question, but there's a country music festival downtown tonight and I wanted to see if you wanted to go? Totally up to you though."

Smiling, you nodded your head, but mentally face palmed yourself since he couldn't hear head movement. "Id love to. What time should I be ready?"

"Around 3:00ish? Or if you're ready early, we can go before the music and grab a bite to eat?"

"Alright, well see you soon." Ending the call, you looked up at the clock and saw it was noon; which made you race upstairs and rush to get ready. 

Jared's Sister, Jensen's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now