Chapter 8

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A constant ringing woke you up from your sleep. Groaning, you flipped over and blindly dropped your hand on the bedside table; looking to turn the agitating noise off. After a few smacks on the wood, you felt the edge of your pop socket. You squinted at the bright screen and read Jared's contact name. Sliding the answer bar you balanced your phone on your face so you could go back to hugging your pillow. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kid. Breakfast is ready." Before you could respond, he hung up. You got the urge to get ready, so you threw your legs over the side of the bed and blindly started making your way to the light switch. The room filled with temporary blinding lights, before you blinked a few times; realizing what today had in store for you.

Staying in your oversized t-shirt and shorts from the night before you walked downstairs to be met with the whole family eating. Tom and Shep heard your footsteps and smiled.

"Hi Aunt Y/N!" Tom yelled through a mouth full of pancakes, while Shep waved enthusiastically. You did the same back before Gen lightly scolded her son.

"Tom don't talk with your mouth full, baby. Hey Y/N." She smiled at you before your eyes went down to her protruding stomach; carrying their third child.

"Speaking of baby, you're about to pop!"

"I know", laughing, she put her hands on her stomach."The sooner she's out of here, the better. My back is killing me." Jared momentarily put his spatula down, so he could kiss his pregnant wife and hand you a plate of two fresh pancakes topped with syrup and chocolate chips. You thanked him and sat down next to Gen. "Can you help me with my outfit for the party tonight? I have no idea what the two of us can fit in", she remarked, gesturing to her bump.

"As long as you help me with my hair."

"Deal." Everyone finished their food relatively quickly and you went back into the guest room. Quickly, you jumped in and out of the shower. You tied a towel around your dripping wet hair and put on one of Jared's old Always Keep Fighting shirts and running shorts. A knocking could be heard outside of the door as you slipped the shorts over your waist. "Hey, it's Gen."

"Come in!" The door creaked open and unveiled a pregnant Genniveve with loosely curled hair and a white fluffy robe. "Ooo I love your hair!"

"Thanks! So I saw the picture that Kim took, and I think that we should do a half up half down curled look. Good?"

You shook your head in agreement and led the way to the bathroom. Gen plugged in a curling iron she had in hand, while you pulled bobby pins and hairspray out of your suitcase. While she sectioned off your hair, you started with your foundation. When Gen finished your hair, you finished setting your makeup in place with setting spray. "Your room has better light. Do you mind if I do my makeup in here?"

"I don't mind at all. Do you want me to go look at your dresses and pick a few out?" She nodded, approving of your plan as you both started walking towards her room. Small children giggling slowly grew louder as you got closer to the master bedroom. The both of you walked into the bedroom and smiled when you saw the scene unfolding in front of you.

Jared had a dress shirt on with his suit pants. He stood next to a mirror, while the boys stood on the bed trying to tie his tie into a bow. The boys burst into random fits of laughter when one of them messed up while Jared just watched from the reflection of the mirror. "Having fun Jar", you asked while watching Shep tie the small piece of fabric into a knot.

"So much", he said while chuckling at his two boys.

Gen grabbed her makeup bag off the counter. "I'll meet you in your room", she stated while walking back towards the guest room.

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