Chapter 11

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A/N: Y/F/B = your favorite beer and Y/H = your height (If you don't drink, name a random brand. It isn't important to the story)

Jensen ordered two cans of Y/F/B and handed one of the cold cans to you. He quickly paid for the drinks as the two of you walked around the booths. You smiled to yourself, and Jensen saw. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Its just funny that we just met and you already asked me out on a date", you shrugged. He threw his arm around your shoulder as you kept walking around the vender's area.

"Well, this can slow down if you want."

"Well, I don't want it to", you stated matter of factly while looking up at him. He smirked and stopped someone who was walking by, giving his phone to them.

"Well, I don't want to either. Come on we're taking a picture." The stranger gave his beer to the woman he was with and held the phone up; ready to snap the photo. "Jump up." He squatted to put down both of your beers and held his arms out.

"You can't be serious."

"I'm super serious. Come on", he laughed. Sighing, you walked behind him and put your hands on his shoulders and counted down from three. You jumped onto his back and wrapped your arms and legs around him.

The woman with the stranger taking your photo gave the beers back to the two of you smiling. Thanking her, Jensen jumped a little to adjust you on his back before sliding his open hand under your leg. The stranger took a few photos before handing his phone back.

A loud burst of yelling and screaming from the direction of the stage caught both yours and Jensen's attention. "Concert is about to start. Wanna get good spots", Jensen asked.

"Lead the way", you asserted as you interlocked your fingers with his.

Once again, he led you through the crowd towards the stage. Towards the middle of the crowd, a sudden burning hot pain raced up your arm. Yelping, you let go of Jensen's hand and grasped your arm, where the throbbing pain was originating from. Four long and quickly bleeding scratches ran from the bottom to the top of your bicep.

Realizing you lost Jensen in the crowd, you winced as you quickly pulled the flannel from around your waist and shoved your injured arm through. Because you were only Y/H, you had to get on your toes and sometimes jump to try and find Jensen in the sea of people that you were in the middle of.

Finally, you felt an arm wrap around your torso. You jumped and spun around to lock eyes with forest green ones. "Lost ya for a second. Let's get to the front", he smiled.

As he held your hand again, everyone started screaming and speakers from the stage started to pop from being plugged in. Jensen finally stopped and looked at the stage.

Once again, your height got the best of you with a bunch of tall people in front of you, so Jensen fit in perfectly with the crowd.

"Can't see shorty?"

You glared at him and grabbed his shoulder, so you could talk to him. "Everyones short to you asshole!" He laughed and held his beer out to you. Raising an eyebrow, you slowly took it out of his hand and turned your attention to the stage to see who was going to come out first.

The beat of a song started to play and people around you started to scream when a man with a guitar walked on stage with a mic attached to his head.

Without warning, Jensen had gotten down on the ground and lifted you onto his shoulders. You couldn't help but laugh and try to steady the beers you had in hand.

Throughout the concert, you had multiple singers grab your hand as they were walking by or wink at you during their performances. Jensen sang all of the songs and swayed with his beer in his left hand and his other hand holding onto your thigh to keep steady.

As one of the singers left the stage so another one could start their set, you took a picture of you on Jensen's shoulders and sent it to Laney. Jensen pat your leg and looked up at you. "Hey, I need a refill. Wanna come with?"

"Can you grab refills and I go to the bathroom?" He helped you down from his shoulders and back onto solid ground.

"Sure. Meet you outside of the bathrooms?" You nodded and led the way out of the crowd, but something didnt feel right.

You thought everything was going fine. Hell, going amazing. You and Jensen were dating, according to him, you had an amazing job, and all around was pretty happy.

But all of that didnt stop your adrenaline from rising faster than you were comfortable with. It couldn't be the coffee you had, because you've never been on a caffeine high from it; ironically.

Or maybe you felt eyes on you because you were with Jensen and they recognized him? But why didnt you feel eyes on you throughout the concert?

Your heart rate started picking up for no good reason when finally you decided to look around.

That's when you saw him.

The man in the black baseball cap from the mall staring directly at you with an unsettling smile spread across his face.

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