Chapter 5

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You couldn't help but wonder why he was staring at you. The same thoughts kept going through your head. Would Jensen ever compare you to his ex-wife? Would his daughter ever like you? Would Jared say no if you two ever started dating?

Y/N you just met him. You've known him for a day, so stop acting like your going to be an item anytime soon.

"Y/N? You with us", Jared asked; his eyebrow raised in confusion. Making eye contact with your brother, you acknowledged him with a nod. "Was your first day good besides getting locked out?"

"Yeah, it was fun! I got to work on a set, meet cool people, and eat all of your food!"

Jared looked at you scared,"Did you eat my candy in my trailer?"

You shrugged while Jared glared at you, but before he could say anything the waitress came back over to the table with a notepad and pen in hand. All three of you ordered burgers, and once she left again you excused yourself to the bathroom. Jared followed you with his eyes and once you disappeared behind the door to the girls' restroom, he started talking to Jensen. "So how did yesterday go for her?"

"She did really well since we weren't messing with her like we did with Alex."

"So Y'all only watched a movie?" Jensen looked at him with a raised eyebrow and nodded. "Did she stay the night?"

"What did you want me to do? Make her sleep outside", Jensen questioned defensively. 

"Hey", Jared threw his hands in the air and chuckled. "Just saying, if y'all date I'm giving you my permission. You like her don't you?" Jensen's face turned red and punched your brother in the arm. You walked back seconds later and scooted your way into your side of the booth.

The rest of lunch went smoothly. The conversation kept shifting from topic to topic. Once the three of you finished eating and Jared gave his card to the waitress, she brought back the small black book that held the card and check. "I didn't want to bother you while y'all were eating", she began while messing with her phone. "But I'm a huge fan of the show and was wondering if I could get a picture?"

The boys grinned and agreed before getting out of the booth to stand next to her. She gave her phone to a coworker and began turning red when Jensen and Jared hugged her for the picture. Before she walked off Jared looked at you and motioned for you to come over.

"What was your name sweetheart", he asked the waitress.


"Well Jessie, can you take a picture of Jensen, Y/N, and I?" She nodded before taking his phone and turning it sideways. You got between the two of them and smiled. "Thank you. Have a nice day."

"Thanks! You too, guys!" She followed her coworker back to the kitchen and you soon heard Jessie start telling everyone what had just happened. As you went back to the table to grab your phone, the boys started walking to the door.

"What would you say if I did. Have a thing for Y/N I mean." Jared smirked and nudged Jensen with his elbow.

"Like I said, I'm totally fine with it. But if you hurt her I'll kick your ass."

"You're really okay with it", Jensen questioned.

"100%. I know you enough that you won't be an ass to her, and that's all I can ask for."

"Thanks, man."

You slid between them and grabbed a mint from the bowl next to the front door, grabbing two more for the boys. "What did Y'all talk about?"

"The show", Jared stated nonchalantly; while taking the two mints from your outstretched hand and giving one to Jensen. When you looked at Jensen to confirm, he smiled and nodded.

Jared's Sister, Jensen's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now