Chapter 3

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About an hour and a lot of laughter later, Jared and Jensen finally finished their scene. They both walked over and sat on either side of you. Crew members walked onto the set and started resetting the entire room. Jamie rushed over to Jensen with pressed powder and started touching up his already applied makeup. Jensen took out his script and glanced over at you,"You ready?"

"Ready with a little bit of anxiety", you huffed while scanning your lines once more.

"Alright listen up", Bobby yelled from his place behind the monitors. "I need Jensen and Y/N on set in a minute, and I need Jared and Alex on deck with Jensen please and thank you!" He sat back down and you looked at your brother, who flashed a smile and gave you a nod. You smiled back at him and dropped your script in the chair you were previously sitting in. While Jensen walked over to the infamous Men Of Letters map table, you walked up the metal steps and behind the large and heavy door. Once you heard Bobby yell action, you immediately shook off your nerves and got into character.


"That's a wrap! Good first day Y/N?" Bobby got up from the director's chair and started over towards you.

"Yeah, it was fairly easy. So what time should I be back?" He looked at his clipboard that was tucked under his arm and skimmed through it.

"Tomorrow. We only gave you one scene so you could get used to it here. Jared has a few more scenes today, so you can hang out in your trailer until then", he said with a friendly smile.

You nodded and thanked him quickly before walking back to the chair you were in. Jared looked up at you and smiled,"Hey kid! You did awesome for your first day!"

"First, stop calling me kid. I'm not a kid and I hate that nickname. Second, thanks. Bobby said I can hang out in my trailer until your done today, so meet me there when you're done?"

"Yeah, that works. Oh, flag a crew member down once you're close to your trailer and she can set your tv up to the live feed if you want."

"Alright, we need Jared, Jensen, and Alex on set please!"

"Alright I have to go torture Alex. See ya Y/N/N", he walked over to Jensen and onto his mark. Jensen looked at you and flashed a smile. You flashed one back and grabbed your script and phone off the chair, before heading back to the trailer.

You only needed to ask one person for help navigating through the field of trailers. The same PA that helped you find your way also knew how to set the TV up on the live feed. You thanked him and sat down on the couch, while you quickly went to yours and Laneys text messages.

Fav Actress: off your shift yet?

You waited a few moments for a response and when you received none, you sighed. Looking up at the live feed, you saw Jared and Jensen acting serious and what seemed like arguing. You turned up the volume on the tv and kept staring at Jensen.

His brows were furrowed and knit together in confusion. His lips were slightly parted and in somewhat of a pout. After a few seconds though, his serious look soon faltered and he broke into laughter because Jared said something to him. They set back up into their starting positions and redid the scene once more.

Your staring got interrupted by the growling of your stomach. Almost simultaneously, another voice yelled cut and the screen cut to all black. You took that as your cue to grab your phone off the couch and go to the vending machine. The sound of rain hitting the roof made you groan, and you reluctantly grabbed a hoodie that was a few sizes too big; wrapping it around your waist.

While you started walking to the small shed across the trailer lot, you started scrolling through Twitter; immediately making a small smile appear on your face.

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