Chapter 10

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A/N: Y/F/D = your favorite drink (from Starbucks of course. If you don't drink coffee or don't like Starbucks, you can name something random. The kind of drink isn't important to the story)

After half an hour of getting ready, you ran back downstairs in a Pearl Jam t-shirt and shorts; pairing it with white converse and a flannel around your waist. You kept your makeup neutral as well as your hair, which was loosely curled with a black bandana wrapped around your head like a headband. 

As you plopped down on the couch downstairs and went to the camera app on your phone to double check your makeup, an unknown number popped onto the screen.

Without thinking, you answered it and lifted the phone to your ear. "Hello?"

"Hi", a voice said that had obviously been masked with some sort of voice changer. "Is this Y/N Padalecki", the demonic sounding voice asked.

"Yes. Whos this?" Two beeps could be heard, and the call was ended by the unknown person on the other line. Rolling your eyes, you went back to looking over your makeup and hair when a caller ID with a bunch of emojis filled your screen.

"This is Jensen right", you asked when you picked up the phone.

"Umm, yeah? Who else?"

"I'll show you when your here", you laughed.

"Well", a car honked its horn outside, making you roll your eyes. Grabbing your purse and sunglasses off the counter, you hung up the phone and ran out the front door to Jensen's car.

You hopped in the shotgun seat and pulled up his contact; letting him look at his name. "Tom wanted to pick your name for my contact so..."

He laughed when he saw "🦖🦕🍔🎬🎤❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖💏" as the name and shook his head.

"That's Tom alright. Were the hearts from him or you?" Laughing again, you lightly hit him in the arm.

"Shut up." He started pulling out of the driveway and shrugged.

"Hey if you want to profess your love for me, I won't tu-"

Your eyes grew wide as you shoved him, "Jensen!"

"Alright, alright we're going", he yelled over your scream while smiling.


"Hi welcome to Starbucks how may I take your order?"

"Hi, can I get a venti iced coffee, please?"

"Anything else?" Jensen looked at you waiting for you decide.

"And can I get a Y/F/D, please?"

"Yes and is that all", the woman in the speaker asked.

"That's it", he stated before being told a total and driving up to the window. He gave the women money and you started pulling out money as well. Jensen saw and took the wallet away.

"What are you doing", he asked tossing it to the back seat playfully.

"Paying for my drink?"

He hummed while shrugging, "Not gonna happen."

"C'mon Jensen it's only a few bucks."

"Exactly", he smiled as the window slid and the barista handed you the drinks.

Jensen was playing country music the rest of the way to the music festival. From Luke Bryan to Thomas Rhett, Jensen sang almost every word to every song while you hummed the tune; country music not being your go-to genre.

After half an hour later, he pulled into a field of cars that were in the same field as the festival itself. He parked and came to your side before opening it to you. Thanking him, you open the back seat door and climbed in. "Um, what are you doing Y/N?"

"Ya know, just grabbing my wallet that you threw behind the seat", you said sarcastically. He laughed before grabbing your phone and sunglasses from the passenger side and waiting for you to find the wallet.

Finally, you climbed out and closed the door while Jensen gave you your phone and glasses. He locked the car and hugged you into his side as you walked up to the line being let into the venue.

As you entered the line, you started looking around; realizing you were with a popular actor that could be recognized at any second. If anyone there realized who he was, he would probably be swarmed by women wanting to take pictures; while you were stuck by yourself chugging a pitcher of beer.

"Y/N?" You hummed and looked up at him. "We're about to be next." Looking at the few people ahead of you, you started searching your wallet for your license while Jensen grabbed his ID and the tickets.

Once you made it the front, Jensen shifted his sunglasses to the top of his head and gave the woman the tickets. She scanned them with her barcode scanner and then asked for both of your ID's. Following her instruction, you gave her yours first. She smiled and gave it back while she absentmindedly took Jensens as well.

"Wow, you have one of the coolest last names ma'am. I watch a show with one of the leads with that last name."

Oh no.

Jensen chuckled as she looked at his ID; making her eyes widen.


"Oh my god! Can I get a picture with you, Jensen?"

"Of course you can. But I would get her in the picture too. She's gonna be on the show soon." Her mouth dropped as she looked at you.

"Oh my god, there's two Padalecki's on set now!" She attacked you with a hug and you laughed; hugging her back of course. Jensen joined the hug and signed for one of the girls scanning tickets to take a picture.

One of the other girls snapped a picture and showed the girl who you hugged. She laughed and hugged both of you again before giving the both of you wrists bands. As you were walking away, the small woman called for the both of you once again.

"Can I ask y'all a question?" Both of you nodded before she hesitated for a second. "Are you guys together?"

Your eyes grew wide and you sharply inhaled. "Jensen?" He looked down at you and searched your face for anything that said otherwise. And when he found none, he wrapped an arm around your waist and nodded.

"Yeah we are", he stated. Thinking about your next move carefully, you decided to wrap your arm around his waist as well. After more talking, and the side eye from her boss, she waved goodbye and went back to scanning tickets.

As you walked away Jensen looked down at you, "Do you want to be?"

"Want to be what, Jen?"

"Together? I don't suck that bad I promise." Both of you chuckled before you nodded. Both of you continued walking when the stage came into view. "Ready for some fun, Padalecki?"

He had an eyebrow raised when you chuckled again. You grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down to your level. "Depends. But whoever makes it to the beer station first doesn't pay", you whispered before sprinting towards the station laughing.

"Damnit Y/N!" A smile spread across his face as he ran after you.

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