Chapter 35

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When you opened the door to Danneel, you felt your heart drop to your stomach. She was beautiful. She had dark brown eyes and fair skin. Her hair was the same shade of brown but almost had a red tint to it. Even with no makeup on, messy hair, and in a baggy sweater and jeans she was still so pretty. 

No wonder Jensen married her. 

"Y/N this is my mommy, Danneel", Jj said while she was rested on your hip with her arms around your neck. 

"Hi there", you managed to mutter. "Y/N."

"Hi Y/N", she smiled as she awkwardly stood at the door. You stepped out of the way so she could come inside, but Dustin barely budged. 

"Hey Dustin can you get Jj's plate and give it to her please", you asked with a stern voice. He looked down at you, but when you gave him a small nod he sighed and started to walk towards the island'; as you put Jj back on the ground so she could follow.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you", Danneel said as she walked inside and closed the door. "Jj always talks about you."

You couldn't help your eyes from going wide. "Really?" 

"Yeah she really likes you", she smiled. She seemed sincere and happy that she had grown accompanied to you. 

To say you were happy to hear those words was an understatement. You treated her like a daughter you never had. Hell, from meeting her one time, you loved that little girl with all your heart. 

But that's what made you confused. You, a girl that was dating her ex-husband, fell in love with her daughter and wanted to make sure she was healthy and happy. 

Is she not pissed? 

"Oh my god", she suddenly whispered. You followed her eyes and you saw her staring at Odette across the room. "What's her name?"

"Odette", you smiled. She started walking towards the rocker in awe and looked at the sleeping child. She squatted down and brushed her thumb over the baby's leg; making a quiet groan and flinch come out of the tired baby. 

After a few minutes of admiring Odette, Danneel sat down on the couch and smiled. "So what's up with the guy? Dustin is it?"

You forgot that to Danneel, he was a scary stranger that was helping her daughter get a drink from the fridge. You were torn on if you should say anything or not. But she was her mother, so if anything could affect her daughter, she had a right to know. 

You were about to start with the phone call before the festival, but Danneel could tell you were having a tough time telling her what was happening. She put a hand on your knee and smiled. "You don't have to tell me. Want to change the subject?"

"Sure", you sighed in relief. 

Both of you talked about school, you told her about college since she never went, and a bunch of other things. "Oh and Jensen in a kilt and some stupid t-shirt every day was easy blackmail", she laughed as she thought back to the filming days of Ten Inch Hero. 

"Oh my god and the Mohawk", you groaned; making Danneel laugh harder. 

"It's crazy how long ago that was", she smiled as the room fell into silence. It was a surprisingly comfortable silence. 

"It's so weird", you sighed. 

"Which part? The tattoos or the piercings?"

"Not gonna lie. Both. But can I ask you something?"

"Of course", she said as she propped her head on her arm; her demeanor changing from fun and playful to mature and serious.

"Are you okay with me dating Jensen? I honestly thought you were going to be pissed about it and me getting to know Jj-"

"Your joking right? Y/N, whatever Jensen does is his business and his business alone. Jj absolutely adores you and from what I can tell your an amazing person. Sure Jen and I got a divorce, but we're still good friends and care about each other. So if I disapproved, you would know", she smiled as she looked at Odette again. "Besides I'm dating too. Jensen met him a while back and gave him the okay. I'll tell him he picked a good one."

"Thanks, D", you said. You couldn't help but hug her. She giggled and hugged you back. 

Maybe dating Jensen would be easier than you thought. 

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