Chapter 6

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As Jared took the lead and started walking out of the restaurant, he cursed under his breath and pulled out his phone. Looking in the direction that he did, you saw a bunch of people with big cameras. You assumed Jensen saw too because he put a hand on your shoulder to stop you from going outside. "Hey, can you pull the car up to the doors? Paparazzi is here", he paused before nodding and hanging up the phone.

The big SUV that you arrived in came directly up to the doors, which caught everyone's attention. Clif got out and used himself as a barricade between you three and the mob of photographers that ran to the car, as you three funneled into the back. Once the door was closed and locked, the intimidating bodyguard ran around the front of the car and to the driver's seat; peeling onto the road and getting on the highway back to set.

"Do y'all want this?" Your brother handed you his phone that had the picture you just took pulled up. You angled your body so that Jensen could see it over you since you got put between the two of them.

"Yeah. I'm gonna post it too Jared", Jensen replied while you handed the phone back.

Almost instantly after you gave him his phone back, you got a text from him in a group chat with a number that wasn't on your phone; immediately figuring out that it was Jensen's number. Quickly saving it to your camera roll, you handed your phone to your brother with the camera open. "I don't want to post the same thing, so use your selfie arms and take one of us three."

He obliged and did as you asked, the first picture being a normal one with the three of you smiling, and the second one with Jared crossing his eyes, you sticking your tongue out, and Jensen doing a fish face.

jaredpadalecki: @ y/npadalecki @ jensenackles Back to work 😈

jensenackles: @ jaredpadalecki, I think I like the shorter version of you better @ y/npadalecki

y/npadalecki: I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore @ jensenackles @ jaredpadalecki


Just as soon as you pulled up to set, a PA was driving towards the car in a golf cart. Thanking Clif, you jumped out of the SUV and into the back seat of the cart. Jared got in the passenger seat next to the small lady with a walkie-talkie, and Jensen sat next to you holding out the makeup you had put on before lunch. As soon as Jensen sat down and gave you the eyelash curler and mascara, the PA took off into the sea of trailers towards Jamie and Rachel's so you could get ready to film.

You guessed that you were cutting it close since she drove so fast. "Hey, Jensen?"

He didn't react. Lightly nudging him with your elbow, he looked down at you. The wind passing by from the fast-moving golf cart was loud so you motioned for him to lean down so you could talk to him. "Yesterday on Twitter, you said something about me being your date to the party. Did you mean that?" He smiled at you and leaned close to your ear.

"Yeah, I did. Jared is bringing Gen, Misha has Vicky, and I knew you didn't have someone to go with. Are you okay with that?"

Oh, so it was because he felt sorry or he didn't want to be lonely. So I'm right. He isn't interested in me. Damnit.

"Of course I am. Pick me up from Jared's house at 6?"

"Its a date." The PA pulled up to the steps of the makeup trailer right as the conversation ended, and walked inside.

"Hey, guys. Jared, you're with Rachel, Jensen you're with Joel, and Y/N you're with me", she ordered as an extra left her chair covered in fake blood. "Y/N, this is Joel. He comes in as a backup when we have a lot of people to do." You waved at him and he smiled back, as he fixed his focused on Jensen and his makeup.

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