Chapter 23

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You ripped the phone away from your ear and hit the end call button. Your mind was racing with a lot of question, but one chilling thought was replaying on repeat in your head.

This psycho is in the same building as us.

After you shoved the phone back in your pocket, you made your way back to the elevator. As you made your way there, you saw the emergency bay straight ahead with a police cruiser with an officer inside.

You raced out the sliding doors and straight towards the car. After knocking on the window to get his attention, he rolled his window down and lowered the volume on his radio. "Are you okay, ma'am?"

"Not really", you huffed; your voice shaking. "Is there a detective I can speak to?"

"You would have to call the station."

"There's no one inside? Can you call someone here?"

"No ma'am I cant."

"You don't understand-"

"Miss did you need something", an unknown voice asked from behind you. You whipped around and became face to face with a man in a suit jacket, black jeans, and a white button up. He was a slim man with broad shoulders. His skin was slightly tanned and had dark brown slicked back hair. He had brown eyes, a strong jaw, and a 5 o'clock shadow.

"Are you a detective by any chance?"

"Yes. I'm Detective Campbell. Would you like to go back inside?"

Nodding, he led you back to the cafeteria while you texted Jensen.

Short Padalecki: hey i had to run to the bathroom. tell the boys ill be there in a second.

Tall Guy: alright

"I never caught your name miss", Detective Campbell said as he sat down at a two-person table.

"Y/N Padalecki", you said as you held out your free hand for him to shake; which he took.

"So what seems to be the problem?"

You pulled up your texts from the unknown number and gave it to him. He went to the top and scrolled through all of them, nodding every now and then. After a little less than five minutes, he gave it back. "Have they physically harmed you?"

"Yup", you sighed as you put down the bags and water. You took your arm out of your hoodie sleeve and exposed your semi-scabbed over scratches. "They did this to my arm the same day the bathroom photos were sent to me."

"Have they done anything else that can be a threat to you or anyone else's well being?"

"They called me and told me the number on the room my sister in law is giving birth in, and then threatened my entire family."

He nodded and reached into his suit pocket, pulling out a business card. "Well, I'll gladly help you in any way I can. My number is on that card. You said that your sister in law is here and is giving birth?" You nodded. "I can put someone outside of the room if you would like."

"Can you please?"

"Yup. They'll be there soon. Feel free to call or text that number if anything happens. And congrats on the new family member, Y/N."

"Thank you", you said as you collected the bags of food and water bottles back in your arms and walked back towards the elevator. Once the bell rung and the doors slid open, you once again followed the room numbers all the way down to 217.

After softly knocking on the covered glass door, you slid it out of the way and saw Tom and Shep asleep on the couch, Gen and Jared on the hospital bed looking down at the bundle in his arms, and Jensen watching in a chair nearby.

The sound of you entering the room made the three of them look up at you. "Hey Shorty", Jared whispered with his eyes filled with tears. Gen wiped her tears away from her cheeks before smiling. "Wanna hold her?"

You vigorously nodded, making Jensen get up from his chair and move out of the way so you could sit. Once you sat down, Jensen grabbed the food and water from your arms, so you could hold your new niece.

Jared got up from the bed, with the baby girl still in his arms, and carefully gave her to you. Once she was in your arms, tears started welling up in your eyes as well. Jensen sat on the arm of the chair and put his arm around you, smiling from your reaction. "What's her name Jar?"

"Odette. Odette Elliott Padalecki."

Jared's Sister, Jensen's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now