Chapter 14

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After a few hours, the fight scene wrapped. The crew started cleaning up the set while you found a chair behind the cameras; dropping into the seat while rubbing your eyes.

A migraine had made its way to your head and made all of the lights on set ten times worse than normal. It felt like your skull had its own pulse, and being paired with nausea and burning hot pain in your arm, you felt you were on the verge of death.

Your phone started vibrating next to you, and without looking at the caller ID you answered the call. "Hello", you grumbled.

"Hey Shorty", your brothers' voice said loudly into the phone; making you wince in pain. "Finish your scene yet?"

"First of all, stop screaming into the phone. And second of all, yeah just did."

"Do you have a migraine or something?"

"Yeah. Are you close to here and near Advil?"

He hummed into the phone and started talking to someone next to him. Probably Jensen because they have a scene together in seven-ish minutes. "Yeah, we can grab some. We're getting some food beforehand. Do you need anything?"

"Yeah just grab me whatever."

"Alright. See ya in a bit. Love ya bye." He hung up and you put your phone back on your chair.

A few minutes later, a big hand was placed on your shoulder. "Still hurting?" You looked up and saw Jensen with a concerned smile on his face.

"Yeah. I look as bad as I feel", you smirked as you motioned to the fake blood that still covered your face. He laughed a little and handed you an Advil bottle. You thanked him and took the pills as Jared walked over with chips and a water. "Thanks, Jar. Hey, how long do y'all think this scene is gonna take?"

"An hour maybe?" Jensen looked at Jared for confirmation, but all he did was shrug. "But after this scene and the next scene with us three and Misha, we'll be done for the day. Sound good?"

You nodded at Jensen with a smile. The director went to sit back down in his chair and started calling for the boys. "Alright. That's us. Let's go Ackles", Jared called as he made his way over to set. Jensen walked to the front of your chair and put his hands on the armrests.

"Don't forget, its Thursday. Ya know what that means?" All you did was raise an eyebrow; not understanding what he was getting at.

Before you could clarify what he meant, he kissed your forehead and rushed to set. Shocked for a second that Jensen had kissed your head, another hand grabbed the armrest and leaned against your chair. You looked up and saw the baby in a trenchcoat himself.

"I have a question", Misha said in a hushed tone. You didnt respond immediately because the director called action. "I'm gonna get payback at Jensen and Jared for pranking me 24/7. Want to help?"

"Depends. What's your plan?"

He shrugged, "I got the crew to get some pies. So are you in?" You started debating it when you finally decided to join him. Misha smiled and rushed away as you looked over at Jensen and Jared; reciting their lines as the brothers.

Misha walked back up to you a while later with an aluminum pie pan filled with whipped cream. You smiled at him devilishly and gave the pan back. "I have an idea. Could I do the honors of slamming this into their faces and you can live stream it?"

"Id love too", he said with a smile spreading on his face. You put the pans in both hands and looked at Misha; who was currently on a Facebook live. He nodded at you and you made your way behind the set to a door in the back.

The brothers were in a morgue pretending to be FBI in their suits and were questioning a small woman behind a desk in the corner. So when you walked in through a door that was supposed to lead to the outside covered in fake blood and your arms behind your back, you shocked them, to say the least; but they stayed in character and referred to you by your characters name.

"Ali", Jensen started with Deans voice. "What the hell are you doing here? We told you and Cas to stay in the car."

God damn that voice.

"Well, its an emergency. Cas told me to send a message." A smile started to spread across your face when you saw Misha snickering while holding the phone. "Turn around."

They did as they were told, and started laughing when they saw Misha. "Y/N what the fu-"

Jensen was stopped mid-question by a pie to the face. The crew laughed, and so did Misha and Jared. While Jared bent over laughing, you slammed a pie in his face as well; muffling his surprise with whipped cream.

The crew was now laughing hysterically. The boys were covered; some of the splatter getting on their flannel. Jensen wiped some away from his eyes and looked at you laughing. "Son of a bitch. You really got us."

"Aww Jen", Jared said while walking towards you. "She did better than Misha! Come here, kid", he mocked while opening his arms. Jensen caught on and wrapped his arms around your waist, holding your arms down in the process, and lifted you up.

"No no no! Fuck you both! Put me down! Jensen I swear to god", you shrieked as you tried to squirm to get away. Jared walked over and started hugging you and rubbing his face on your clothes. Jensen buried his face into your neck and laughed.

The three of you were laughing messes, literally, when they let you go. Jared tried shaking his hands to throw some of the cream off while you and Jensen stayed laughing. "Oh Jensen you have a little something", you giggled as you pointed to the corner of your mouth.

"Oh right here?" He licked the corner of his mouth. "Did I get it?"

You broke into another fit of laughter, "Yeah you got it." Without you thinking, you pulled his face down and kissed him; forgetting that the crew and Jared were in the same room.

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