Chapter 22

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Laney drove you to Jared's front door and hugged you over the center consul. She waved bye and drove out of the neighborhood. Once her car was out of view, you walked up the stairs and tried to steady your oncoming panic attack.

You walked into the foyer and called for your brother. "In the living room", he yelled back. Kicking off your shoes, you sped walked to the couch Jared was sitting on. He was laying down on the couch with his eyes glued to his phone.

"Jar", you whispered as your voice cracked badly. He looked up at you and the soft smile that rested on his face dropped. "Is Gen here?"

"No her and the boys are out. Did something happen", he asked as he sat up. You walked to the couch and sat next to Jared. You told him everything from pulling into the salon to the call, even showing him the sticky note. And the longer you talked about what had happened only a few minutes ago, the further you fell into a panic attack.

After you caught him up, you were choking on sobs and were shaking. Jared sighed and grabbed you, hugging you into his chest so you could cry. He rubbed your back and brushed through your hair in an attempt to calm you down.

Finally, after 10 minutes of spiraling, you had stopped crying enough to be understood, but you stayed in Jareds' arms and clenched his shirt between your fist. "What do you want to do", he asked.

"We should tell the cops."

"You said you didnt want to", Jared remembered.

"I know." Before he could respond, his phone started to ring. You finally let go of his shirt and sat up; wiping away your running mascara. Putting your elbows on your knees, you looked next to you at Jared whos eyes went wide.

"Oh my god", he said as he stood up from the couch and frantically looking around, with the phone still held up to his ear. "Okay, I'll be there soon. Thanks so much", he rushed as he hung up the phone. "Holy shit Y/N Gen is in labor."

"What", you yelled as you stood up from the couch.

"Yeah she was with the boys and her water broke. An ambulance is taking Gen to the hospital and they said that police are going to stay with the boys until I get there- Oh my god I never made a bag for her."

"Okay. Get all of the baby stuff and I'll get Gen cloaths", you instructed. He nodded and sprinted in one direction, while you ran up the stairs to Jared and Genevieve's room. You grabbed a few bras from her drawer, a few pairs of underwear, two pairs of sweatpants, three of Jareds' t-shirts, fuzzy socks, blankets, a toiletry bag, a phone charger, and the boys IPads and chargers to keep them occupied.

After you zipped the duffel bag, you sprinted back downstairs and almost collided with Jared once you raced towards the garage. "Ready for your daughter?"

"No", he huffed a laugh. Smiling, you ushered Jared to his car and threw the bags in the back seat before peeling out of the neighborhood.

You were about 10 minutes away when you got an incoming phone call from Jensen. You pressed answer and put it on speaker. "Y/N where are you?"

"I'm with Jared. Gen went into labor and we're heading to the hospital."

"I know. Gen went to nearby cops about her water breaking and Tom got ahold of her phone and saw the first name in her contacts", he said; the kids talking amongst themselves in the background.

Jared smiled and huffed a laugh, "That's my boy."

"Gen is in room 217 on the second floor. The boys and I are outside and Gen's contractions are getting closer. Get here quick Jar."

"Got it. Thanks", he said as he hung up the phone. He immediately turned on his emergency lights and went to the hospital as soon as possible.


Jared grabbed the two bags from the back seat and sprinted inside, with you close behind. The nurses in the halls saw the two bags and moved out of the way; knowing exactly where he was going and what was happening.

The two of you ran into an open elevator and pressed the closed door button multiple times. "Someone's excited", you smirked.

"No shit", he scoffed. "I'm gonna have a baby girl."

You patted his back and both heard a bell; signifying that you've reached the second floor. Once the doors open, both of you followed the numbers outside of the rooms until you saw Jensen sitting down with his head against the wall, and the boys watching a movie on Jensen's phone.

Jared, still running down the halls, sped to his boys and got both of them in a hug. Jared gave them their IPads and chargers from the bags and rushed inside the room where Gen was; not before kissing the both of them on the head.

Jensen saw you behind your brother and stood up. He smiled at you and hugged you as well. You asked Shep for Jensen's phone back once he received his IPad, which he happily did. After giving Jen back his phone, you sat down next to where he was sitting. He followed suit and leaned his head back against the wall once again. You put your head on his shoulder and interlock your fingers with his, while the boys sat in front of you two on the floor staring at their screens.

The four of you stayed like that for 45ish minutes, when Tom got up from his spot and tapped your leg; waking you up. "Aunt Y/N? I'm hungry."

"What do you wanna eat buddy", you asked; still in the same position you fell asleep in.

"Fishies", Shep exclaimed as he jumped into your lap; which woke him up and made him chuckle.

"They're hungry?"

"Yeah. Do you want anything?"

"I'm okay. Thank you though", he smiled. You kissed his cheek and stood up; making your way down to the first level where the cafeteria.

You went through the line and grabbed four bags of Goldfish and two waters. After making your way to the register and paying for the bags, you walked to a table and sat down.

Fav Actress: gen went into labor. ill keep you updated

Once you got all of the bags and bottles balanced into one hand, your phone started to ring. You fished it out of your back pocket and looked at the caller ID. Unknown.

You pressed accept and held it to your ear; pissed they had the nerve to make contact at this point in time.

"I'm busy-"


You paused from the random outburst, "What?"

"Did they ever pick a name for her? Do Tom and Shep even know what's happening? They seem oblivious", the demonic sounding voice laughed, as a tear slid down your face.

"Don't touch my fucking family or ill-"

"Is that a dare? Because I love ultimatiums, Sweetheart."

Jared's Sister, Jensen's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now