Chapter 21

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"And then I changed clothes and left", you said as you replayed what Jensen had said a few minutes ago.

"Did you do the thing where you change in the bathroom but leave the door cracked a little so he can see", she asked as she took her keys out of the ignition and grabbed her phone, wallet, and coffee.

You groaned, "I wish. I was way too flustered to do anything." She laughed and closed her door as you got out of the passenger seat. "Fuck you too then", you scoffed.

"Hey your the lucky one here", she stated. "You're the one dating the hunky Winchester."

Rolling your eyes playfully, both of you walked to the store with a pastel pink sign that was accented with white flowers and pastel purple brush strokes. She opened the door for you, and almost immediately you two were greeted by a small woman with an accent. "Welcome. What would you two like today?"

"Two manicures and pedicures please."

The small woman nodded and walked to two massage chairs to get them ready. Another girl, about 20 with pale skin and wide eyes made eye contact with you and smiled before turning away quickly. Smiling back, you turned to the shelves and picked a nail polish bottle.

After both of you were ready, you walked to the chairs and sat down. Laney immediately turned on the massage aspect and let out a content sigh. You laughed and followed Laney's lead by putting your feet into the dark blue water that was in the plastic tub connected to the chair.

You hissed and took your feet out quickly because the water was scalding hot. The woman that you smiled at earlier saw and rushed over; immediately apologizing. She drained the tub and started to refill it. "I am so sorry, Ms. Padalecki."

You looked over at Laney, who had her brows furrowed and was staring at the woman. Smiling, you turned back towards the girl. "Did you watch the most recent episode", you asked.

She looked up at you wide-eyed and started turning red. "How did you know?"

"I didnt give them my name", you laughed. "I didnt mean to embarrass you, Sweetheart."

"No no its okay", she rushed; you noticed that she was growing more comfortable talking to you. She sat down in a rolling stool and started your treatment. "Well I've binged the show with a friend for a few months now and we finished season 12 a few weeks ago."

"Who's your favorite character", you asked.

"Castiel, but if I had to pick between Sam or Dean then Dean all the way", she laughed.

"Us too", Laney winked. You asked the girl for her name, to which she replied Sophie. For the rest of the pedicure you, Laney, and Sophie talked about the show and the boys.

After your pedicure was done, Sophie took you over to one of the desks that the manicures happen at. Both of you continued small talk and laughed.

Sophie was about to put your first coat of nail polish on when your phone started buzzing in your lap. "Hey Sophie, can you do me a favor and put my phone on Do Not Disturb?"

"Yeah of course", she replied as she picked your phone up and swiped a few times on the screen. You thanked her and kept the small talk going.

After another hour of sitting in the chair, she finished painting your nails. You got up and looked at Sophie, "Thanks so much!"

"No problem at all. Do you mind taking a picture with me", she asked as she took her phone out of her pocket shyly.

"Of course. Hey Laney", you called since she was sitting in the waiting area reading a magazine. "Can you come take this picture?"

"Sure", she replied as she put her magazine down and walked over. She took Sophie's phone and held it in front of her face as Sophie hugged you and smiled. The camera shutter could be heard which made Sophie let go and smile at you.

"It was so much fun talking to you Ms. Padalecki."

"Call me Y/N", you smiled.

"Okay. Well next time you're in here, ask for me! See you next time Y/N!"

Once Sophie went to clean up her station, you turned to Laney. "Can you go get the car while I pay?"

"Sure. I'll honk when I'm up here", she winked and left the store. After you saw her disappear behind a brick wall that leads to the parking lot, you mustered up the courage and took your phone off Do Not Disturb.

Four text notifications popped up from the unknown number, saying that you received four pictures. You pressed on the text chain and grew wide-eyed when you saw that had been sent.

One was of you and Laney walking into the store, the second was of you getting settled in the chair, then one of you standing up and hugging Sophie for her picture, and finally one of you standing up and looking at your phone after Laney went to go get her car.

You brushed your hand through your hair and started texting.

Y/N: are u able to call??? i don't want to type

You immediately got a response that made you feel uncomfortable.

Unknown: For you, always. :)

As you read the last word, you got an incoming call; the caller ID also reading Unknown. You immediately pressed accept. "Hello?"

"Hello Y/N," they said; the same voice from the festival came through. You stood up and walked towards the window; immediately scanning your surroundings to see if you saw anything out of the ordinary.

"Can you still see me?"


"What do you want from me," fear peaking through your voice.

"What makes you think I want anything from you?"

"No one in their right mind would do this to another person."

"Oh?", they laughed and you closed your eyes.

"Tell me who I'm speaking to right now."

"Your secret admirer."

"A full name damnit", clenching the sleeve of your hoodie, you braced yourself for a name.

"That's not how this works Ms. Padalecki. If you follow my instructions, I'll leave you alone. I'll reveal myself and you can do whatever you want with the information." There was a long pause before his voice boomed. "Answer me."

"Okay", you almost whimpered. You wiped away a single tear that escaped.

"Then we'll be in contact. See you soon Y/N."

Three beeps came from your phone and the call ended. You wiped your cheek and walked over to the counter. "Hi", clearing your throat quickly before finishing. "How much do I owe you?"

"Oh it's already been paid for", the small women from before said. You raised an eyebrow. She saw and looked through her desk as if she was looking for something.

Finally, she picked up a light blue sticky note and began reading aloud.

"This one is on me, Y/N. Keep in touch and see you soon. Your friend, Unknown."

A honk from Laney's car outside snapped you out of your gaze. You saw the woman behind the counter saw the look that was plastered on your face. "Are you okay ma'am?"

"Yeah I'm okay", you whispered. "Can I have that sticky note?"

She nodded and handed it to you. "Thank you."

You rushed outside and into Laney's car. She looked at you and put her hand on your back. "Y/N are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost."

"Its just the coffee I guess. Can we go?" She looked you over and nodded silently, before putting the car in drive and pulling away from the storefront; as you crumpled up the note in your pocket.   

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