Chapter 18

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After blow-drying your hair and putting on a little bit of mascara, you heard the front door open and a loud "Hey Groot" being yelled by Laney.

Jared's home.

You grabbed your phone and walked down the stairs to see Laney on her toes hugging Jared. "How have you been? I haven't seen you since Tom was born."

"Its been great! Gen is pregnant with our third kid-"

"A girl", Laney rushed to ask. After he nodded, she threw her hands in the air. "Aunt Laney is here to spoil her!" Everyone laughed at the remark and continued the conversation.

While Jared was telling her about Tom and Shep, you walked over to the TV and turned the channel to the CW. "Hey Y/N, want the last beer? Jen is bringing some more over", Jared called while reaching inside the fridge.

"Yes please!"

"Oh my god I just realized I'm going to be watching the season 13 premiere with three of the characters in the same room", Laney squealed. "Oh, this is going to be great!"

As she finished freaking out, the doorbell rung followed by a knock. You ran to the door and opened it to find Jensen standing there with a case of beer in one hand and two pizza boxes and a bag of sour patch in the other. "I ran into the pizza man as I walked up."

"Whos the babysitter Ankles", Jared yelled from the kitchen making everyone chuckle.

"Wow, I don't think you could have given him that any easier", you smiled as you closed the door behind him and grabbed the case of beer from his hand.

"At least I get joke drumrolls and he doesn't", he raised his eyebrows and grinned. "You ready for your first episode?"

Shaking your head, he grinned once again and kissed your head. "It's gonna be fine. The episode's about to start, so let's get everything set up fast."

With that, you and Jensen walked into the kitchen together where Laney and Jared were talking. They both saw Jensen putting down the pizza boxes and smiled, "Dude you kept the duds", Jared asked; motioning to the red flannel, jeans, boots, and spiked hair that he filmed in hours ago.

"Oh shut up I raced over here", he huffed. "Oh I'm Jensen by the way", he reached his hand out for Laney to shake; which she took.

"I'm Laney. Has anyone ever told you that you're taller in person?"

"Yeah I've been told", he chuckled.

"Guys it's starting! Just bring the pizza boxes and beer", Jared yelled from the couch.

Everyone rushed into the living room and sat down wherever they could. Laney sat down on the floor in front of the coffee table where she set the pizza boxes. She leaned up against the long couch behind her that Jared currently resided on. You and Jensen sat on the second biggest couch nearby with both of you under a blanket and his arm around you; a big smile appearing on your face when you took it all in.

I could really get used to this.

Laney handed out pizza when someone asked for a slice and would smile at you when you came up on the screen. Jensen sat quietly with a smile on his face as he watched the episode, and mindlessly brushed his hand up and down your noninjured arm; that he still had no idea about. But whenever Jared was on the screen, he would say "handsome devil" or "oh damn he's hot", to which Laney would yell "Hell yeah Groot".

After an hour, the episode ended. Laney was asleep under a random blanket and pillow nearby on the floor, Jensen took out his phone and checked his notifications, Jared stood up and started folding the blanket he used, and you yawned with your head in Jensen's lap; which you had done earlier in the episode.

"You tired", Jensen asked looking down at you.

"Yeah just a little", you mumbled as you sat up and stretched your arms over your head. He smiled and lightly grabbed your shoulder to pull you into his side. A content sigh escaped your lips and Jensen chuckled.

"You know you should go to bed before you fall asleep on the couch."

"I don't wanna move", you groaned.

"Well princess, you need to get out of the way so we can clean." You rolled your eyes and sighed in defeat as you got up from the couch once again.

"Alright. Are you going to stay here tonight?"

"I don't know yet, but I can see." With that, you smiled and kissed his cheek before going to the guest room.

He got up off the couch and groaned as he stretched. "Laney, you asleep?" She groaned. "Laney the episode is over", he whispered as he bent down and lightly shook her. Her eyes slowly opened and went wide before she laughed.

"Honest to god I forgot you were here and thought I was binging way too much of the show", she laughed. He offered his hand to her, which she took, and helped her up. "Where's Jared? I was going to ask if I could stay here instead of going back to the hotel."

He looked around for a second before humming. "I'd check the kitchen. I think I saw him go in there." Nodding she grabbed the half-empty pizza boxes and headed to find Jared. Jensen stayed behind and started folding blankets and putting pillows back on the couch.

As he grabbed empty beer bottles and the crumpled up bag of sour patch, he headed to the garbage bin in the kitchen; but stopped in his tracks when he heard mumbling.

"Jared I don't think you understand how bad those are", he heard Laney whisper as someone paced across the floor. "She told me they're from filming. The unknown guy couldn't have done that with just his hand"

"I know", Jared stated shortly.

"Do you? Jared, I'm a fucking surgeon. I've seen so much shit that you can't even comprehend, and I know that those are fucking made with some sort of weapon. We need to tell the police-"

"Laney stop it", he hissed. "I told you because we've been close since we were little. She asked me not to tell anyone. No police, and especially no Jensen."

The pacing stopped. "Wait why can't Jen-"

"He can't know", he interrupted. "Y/N made me promise."

Once Jared finished, Jensen's head was flooding with emotions like worry, confusion, and above all anger. He mumbled "screw it", and stepped out from behind the wall. He tossed the bottles and wrapper in the garbage and made eye contact with both of them; his arms crossed and his brows furrowed.

Both Laney and Jared froze like deer in headlights when they saw him step out. Jared walked away from the counter he was leaning on, "Jen-"

"Don't. Tell me what's happening right now." Neither of them said anything. It was as if the world stopped.

Finally, Laney spoke up, "Look Jensen. Y/N may be in trouble. But we'll tell you everything."

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