Chapter 46

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The sounds of steady beeping made you start to stir, along with the white light shining above your head. Wincing a little at the bright light, you sat up; groaning as you felt a pulling sensation where you were stabbed. You looked down and saw the ball of gauze protruding out, which made your gaze wander to your bandaged hand, and to your foot covered in ice packs. To your shock nothing hurt, considering the large IV bag that you were connected to. 

No wonder I can't feel anything. 

Once you saw the state you were in, you started to notice your surroundings in the dimly lit room. You saw Jared sprawled out on a couch in his sweatpants and t-shirt. His hair was disheveled and he looked worse for wear as he snored quietly. You smiled a little because his lengthy body was too big for the couch; making his legs dangle off the side and his arm hang off the edge. 

Then you looked over a little and saw Laney in a recliner. She looked like she was in a fetal position, but you couldn't tell because of the blanket she was under and had pulled up to her chin. She looked pretty bad too; matching Jared almost perfectly beside the fact that she had mascara all over her face from crying and a braid thrown behind her as she slept. 

You felt your heart swell at the fact that you had woken up to your favorite people in the same room. You had waited to see their faces since you had been taken, but it got better when you felt something warm in the palm of your uninjured hand. You looked down and started to tear up. Jensen was sitting on an uncomfortable chair, as he was slouched over onto the bed asleep with one arm under his head as a pillow, and the other with his fingers intertwined with yours. To your surprise, the bags under his eyes were worse than Jared's and Laney's combined. Even as he slept, his brows were furrowed as you saw his eyes looking around under his eyelids. 

He seemed to be having some sort of dream he didnt like, so you started to lightly brush your thumb over the back of his hand. When he didnt budge, you leaned over a little bit and started rubbing his shoulder. You saw him start to stir and his eyes started to flutter open. 

"Hey sleeping beauty", you said in a raspy voice. You coughed a little, and once Jensen registered that you were awake, his eyes shot wide open as he got up from the chair and sat on the bed as close as he could get to you. He quickly but carefully cradled your face in his hands as you started to laugh. You put your hands on top of his and watched as his eyes started to flood with tears. "What happened to no chick flick moments, Deano?"

He laughed too, as he looked at the other two still sleep on their chairs. "I'm gonna wake them up-" 

He started to get up, but you grabbed his arm to stop him. His head whipped in your direction. "Jen let them sleep. It looks like none of you have since I've been gone."

He smiled, "You have no idea." 

You cleared your throat a little because it was dry. Needless to say, Jensen overreacted, because his eyes went wide as he searched for something on the ground frantically. He knelt down and grabbed a half-empty bottle of water; unscrewing the cap and giving it to you. You took it gratefully as you took big sips. Jensen looked back at the group to see if they were still asleep, which they were. 

Once you stopped your coughing fit, you looked up at Jensen; frowning a little because of how dark the bags were under his eyes. "What", he asked. Without saying anything, you braced yourself on your uninjured arm and scooted yourself over so your gauze was facing away from him. He tried helping you, still not knowing what you were doing, until you rolled on your uninjured side and tapped the empty space next to you. "Y/N what are you-"

"Jen just get in the damn bed", you begged. He smiled and did as he was told. Once he got settled, he grabbed the blanket he had on his lap earlier and laid it across both of you. He put his arm behind you as you put your head on his shoulder and played with the string of his hoodie. 

"Is this okay?"

"Its perfect Jen", you smiled. You felt safe. Safe and happy. For the first time in three long days. Letting go of the string, you wrapped your hand across his torso and closed your eyes; trying to enjoy the safety you felt with him for as long as possible. 

"Y/N I can't even begin to imagine what you went through", he almost whispered. You felt his breaths become shallow, so you looked up at him. 

He looked broken. 

"It scared us so much because we didnt know if you were okay, injured, or even- damnit." He sighed and your heart ached because you could see him start to fall apart. 

"Jen you don't have to say anything", you said. 

"I have to or I'm going to explode", he shrugged as he cleared his throat and looked down at you. 

"It was so fucking scary. From seeing the CCTV footage of the bastard taking you, to not hearing from you, it scared us so much. Laney blamed herself for what happened, Jared fell apart, and I couldn't sleep because every time I closed my eyes, I saw you screaming for help." He wiped away a tear that escaped. "None of us could imagine loosing you at all. And I know we've been dating for a short amount of time, but I thought about how I would never be able to see you get ready in the morning, or you singing in the car while I drove, or watching you interact with Jj." He took a shaky breath. "What I'm trying to say is that I love you so much and the thought of losing you was so fucking awful."

Your eyes went wide as another tear slid down your face. "What did you just say", you asked. 

He rose an eyebrow in confusion, but quickly realized what he said. "Sorry. I don't know why I thought this was the right time to say that." He wiped his face and sniffed a little. 

"I love you too", you said. He looked down at you with disbelief written all over his face. You laughed at his dumbfounded look and grabbed his face; kissing him like there was no tomorrow. 


So needless to say, this wasn't the most traditional love story where the girl is best friends with the boy, or they were friends since birth, or any other overused plot you could think of. Sure people in the acting business get together for publicity or the rare occasion where there is a connection, but they sure as hell don't end with a kidnapping and a near-death experience. 

But either way, love is love. 

And the most important part is that, at the end of the day, you were, and would always be...

Jared's Sister and Jensen's Lover

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