Chapter 17

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You and Jared stayed like that for a few seconds until he stepped back and cleared his throat. "Okay on a lighter note, I have a plan for tonight."

"Which is", you asked as you wiped your eyes.

"Well, tonight is the season premiere and usually Jen and I watch it alone but now it can be all of us! I have a bunch of stuff in store for us", he laughed. "Well that was your last scene, so head back and get ready."

You huffed a laugh, "Okay Mom. Thanks again."

"Anytime", he smiled. With that, he looked at his phone and groaned. "Damnit I have one more scene with Jen and then were both done for the day. See ya later?" Nodding, he left and headed to set; leaving you alone again in your trailer.


Clif showed up to your trailer after Jared left, and lead you off the property. Once he got you to the SUV, he drove you to Jared and Gen's house and drove back to set to wait for the boys. Since you had the house alone, because Gen decided to take the kids to a movie and dinner, you grabbed your Bluetooth speaker off the counter and turned it on.

Little Sis: hey can u bring a script home?? i forgot to grab one on my way out

Deciding to take a shower before people came over, you took the speaker and your phone into your room while going into yours and Laney's text chain.

Fav Actress: heyyyyy are u watching the episode tonight???

After not getting a response from either of them for a minute while the water heated up, you went to Spotify and played your playlist of Panic! At The Disco, Twenty One Pilots, and a few other bands. Jumpsuit by Twenty One Pilots started playing, so you put your phone on the counter next to a towel you laid out and started getting into the shower.


After 15 to 20 minutes, you got out and wrapped your body in the towel. Once you brushed your wet and tangled hair out, you sat down on your bed and looked to see if anyone texted you.

Big Bro: yeah i can. jen and i are almost done filming. we're also going to get food for tonight. want anything?


Big Bro: okay Jennifer Lawrence lol. be there soon

After yours and Jared's conversation ended, you clicked on Laney's and saw that she had read it an hour ago.

Fav Actress: ???

Almost simultaneously, you heard the front door open and a set of feet walking inside. You turned off the speaker and swiped up on the music application. "Hey Jared", you called from your closed door.

No response.

"Jared? Jensen? Gen?"

No response.

The sound of shoes hitting the wood floors got louder as they grew closer, and faster as well. Before you could react, the door swung wide open and a blur ran into the room and jumped on you. "Suprise hoe!"

Laney got off of you laughing, as your face grew red as you laughed and fixed the towel around your chest so you didnt flash her on accident. "Wait when did you get here?!"

"About an hour ago? I forgot how much I fucking hate planes, but I make an exception for my favorite Padalecki", she giggled.

"Aww, I love you. How have u been?"

"Ya know. Hospitals, scrubs, sleeping in said scrubs at said hospital, and lonely as hell. But I know someone has had some good luck in that department." She rose her eyebrow up and down and leaned towards you with a smug look on her face. Laughing once again, you shoved her away and rolled your eyes.

"Shut up. Did I tell you about the cast party and festival?" When she shook her head, your eyes went wide. "Oh my god there were photographers there and they emailed the pictures from the party to me! I never looked at them!"

"Well show me the damn pictures then", Laney exclaimed as she scooted closer to you. After scrolling back a few emails on your phone, you found the email and opened the link attached to it.

The first picture was of Jensen helping you out of the car. Laney saw your outfit and whistled. The next picture was you and Jensen, arms interlocked and smiles spread across both of your faces, walking into the party. The third and fourth were you, Jensen, Jared, and Gen listening to Bobby's speech, with Jensen's arm around your waist. The last picture was the one that you both took outside of the party where you both had funny faces on.

Laney awed at all of the photos and you saved all of the pictures to your phone as you filled her in on the details. Once you finished catching her up on the cast party, you told her about the festival; not mentioning anything about the unknown number. You also showed her the picture of you on Jensen's back.

"So are you and Dean Winchester himself dating yet?"When you didnt respond she squealed. "Y/N Padalecki!"

"Laney I'm still in a fucking towel! I need to get ready!"

"Okay okay okay I'm sorry. I'll leave", she sighed as she got up from the bed. "Holy shit Y/N"

"What", you asked worriedly thinking that there was a spider or she broke something.

"What the hell is on your arm?" You rose an eyebrow and thought about what she could have been talking about, and that's when it hit you; the angry red scratches on your arm.

"Oh, one of the extras had fake nails on and accidentally knicked me."

"Y/N those are way too deep to be a knick or an accident." For a second, you forgot she was an actual surgeon that sees more gory stuff than you can ever comprehend.

"Lane, I did my own fight scenes today and there were extras there that were acting as a nest of vamps. Just a few cuts. I promise I'm okay", you huffed. All she did was nod and close the door behind her as she left.

Letting out a breath you didnt know you were holding, you walked into the closet and put on a shirt and sweatpants. As you began to towel dry your hair, a million thoughts a minute started racing through your head; but one stood out the most.

I need to keep this all under wraps for as long as possible. 

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