Chapter 36

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You and Danneel talked for hours. It turns out she was a super sweet person and nothing struck you as 'off' when Jensen was brought into the conversation. 

Danneel was talking about her and her new boyfriend when Gen walked in with an arm full of bags. She didnt see Danneel at first, but after she dropped the paper bags in the kitchen and started to approach you, she saw her red-ish hair. 

"D", Genevieve asked with a smile on her face. Danneel turned away from you and stood up. They hugged and Gen laughed, "Long time no see!"

"No kidding! How are you?"

"I'm doing great", she smiled. "Well, you two have already met obviously."

"Yeah", you smiled as Danneel flashed one back at you. "Are you going to show us what you bought?"

"Oh my god yes", she said as she picked up her still sleeping baby. "I'm going to go put her upstairs so we don't have to worry about being quiet. How were the others by the way?"

"We set up the Incredibles a while ago and they were passed out on the couch a few minutes later. They're still out", Danneel stated. 

"Great then I'll be right back", Gen nodded. 

Needless to say, Gen wasn't kidding when she said she was going to get a bunch of clothes. She had about 8 bags, a few from the same store, and tried on everything. She bought full outfits and a few random pieces. Every time she had a new piece on, she would walk out of the bathroom and in front of the couch where you and Danneel were sitting; which made the both of you whistle and catcall her. 

Apparently, you were being too loud because Tom, Shep, and Jj came upstairs to see what was going on. Tom and Shep sat down on the floor in front of the couch and Jj sat in next to you with her head in your lap. You looked at Danneel to see if she was okay with that, but all she did was a smile and take a picture on her phone. 

Gen went back into the bathroom to change and you were telling D your phone number so she could text the photo to you when the front door opened. 

"Hello", Jared's voice called through the house. 

Tom and Shep's faces lit up as they yelled for their dad and ran towards them. "Daddy! Unca Jensen!", Tom yelled from the front door. 

"In here guys", you called from the couch as Danneel stood up. 

Jared led the way and smiled, "Well hey stranger." He hugged her and she hugged back. 

"How's the weather up there", she asked. 

"Shocker. You're still going with old jokes", Jared teased. Jensen walked up behind him and smiled when he saw her. 

"Hey Jen", she smiled as she hugged him. He hugged back with a big grin on his face. 

You believed her when she said they were over. There was no doubt in your mind about that. They were married and they were always going to be close. But for some reason, your heart panged in your chest when you saw them together. 


Jj stirred on your lap and looked up at you. "Hey bug", you smiled. "Guess who's here?" She sat up and looked around; her smile growing when she saw Jensen. 

"Daddy!" She jumped off the couch and ran towards him. 

"Hey", he laughed as she jumped on him. 

Your smile wavered a little as you looked at the three of them together; which Jared didnt fail to miss. 

"Hey, uh, we need to get the house ready for Laney," Jared said as he put his arm around Gen, who had changed back into her normal clothes and joined everyone in the living room. "Hate to be a buzzkill-"

"You're fine", Danneel smiled. "Jj, are you ready to go?"

She nodded and ran to you; hugging your legs. "Can we have another sleepover soon, Y/N?"

You squatted down and hugged her again. "Of course. See you later."


You walked into Jensen's house, with him close behind. "You okay Y/N", Jensen asked as he locked the door behind him. 

"Just tired", you sighed as you collapsed on the couch. 

"So nothing's bugging you", Jensen said in a hesitant tone. He sat down next to you and let you put your head on his lap; draping his arm around you in the process and rubbing circles on your forearm. 

You sighed, "I guess I'm still a bit freaked out by what happened to my trailer. I really hope we get the son of a bitch." As you spoke, your nerves got slightly on edge by thinking about what all they had done so far. Who knew what was coming next. "Can we change the subject?"

"Sure", Jensen agreed. "How was today?"

You huffed a laughed and laid down with your head in his lap while you looked up at him. "Can I be honest?"

"Of course", he smiled as he held your hand and played with your fingers. 

"I thought Danneel was going to be mad about me dating you."


"I don't know", you admitted. "Maybe just because you guys were married and even had a kid. You can't just throw all of that away."

"You're not wrong. But D and I agreed it was easier to just be friends. We were closer when we weren't legally together."

"How's that", you questioned. 

"Just before all of the titles and shit, we were better together as single friends and not like married strangers. There was a weird tension all the time."

"Are you saying you wouldn't want to be married again", you asked hesitantly; holding your breath for his answer. 

"I'd love to be married again", he laughed as you let out a sigh of relief. "Hell, I want both of us to be happy in the end. Promise not to repeat what I'm about to tell you?" You nodded. "Her boyfriend called me today and asked if I was okay with him proposing."


He nodded. "She deserves it", he said with a smile. Out of nowhere, his expression went from happy to a little bit sad as he looked down at you. "Are you okay with us still being close? I promise everything there died a long time ago-"

"Jen", you laughed as you reached up and grabbed his face to stop his rambling. "You're a full grown fucking adult. I'm not your mom. If you want to be friends with someone, then do it. And I know if you thought I should know something, you would tell me right away. I trust you."

All he did was lean down and kiss you. You were happy that you had gotten everything off your chest and out in the open. 

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