Chapter 43

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~Day 3~

Jensen's POV

No one got sleep again. Jensen and Jared stayed in the living room in silence all night, while Laney went to her hotel room to 'distress' as she put it. They were all struggling. 

The next day, the boys and Gen all sat at the kitchen counter. "Are you guys okay", Gen asked quietly as she played with the handle of her coffee mug. She studied her husband and his best friend as they either sat down with their head in their hands or stood to the side staring at the granite. 

"Yeah. We're fine", Jared assured her as he stood up and walked over to Gen; capturing her in a hug that he obviously needed. The room stayed that way, in somewhat of a silence, besides the sound of Tom and Shep playing downstairs in the den. 

Jensen still stood at the wall, but shifted his gaze to see Jared and Gen's interaction. The sight made him smile slightly, but it faltered quickly because it reminded him of you. Genevieve noticed and flashed a smile at him; silently telling him it would be okay. 

Once the hug broke, Jared's phone started to ring loudly. He sighed and slowly picked it up; reading the caller id and answering the call without saying anything else to the group. "Hey Detective", he said; his tone obviously tired and dreading what he would say. 

As Jared walked away a little, Gen walked over to Jensen and interlocked their arms. "Are you okay?" He looked down, ready to reply the same way Jared did, but the look that she gave him compelled him to respond truthfully. 

"No", he whispered as he shook his head; his voice shaking slightly. She nodded and tightened her grip; putting her head on his arm. 

"That's what I thought", she responded quietly. After their small interaction, they listened to Jared as he talked to Austin on the other line. 

"Hey, Jared", Austin said; sounding out of breath as the sounds of the office behind him could be heard. "We got something."

"What", he asked as his eyes went wide. 

"We looked for Jack instead of Dustin. The license plate on the car matched up with his real name and an address came up as well. I sent a patrol car down to it and the same car was in the driveway."

"Are you-"

"Yeah. We think we found Y/N", he confirmed. When Jared heard the Detective say that, he turned back towards the small group with tears welled in his eyes. Jensen and Gen noticed and had panic written all over their faces. "We're going in at night so we have some cover."

"Can you please call me when you have updates", he begged as he walked over to his wife and friend. 

"Of course. Make sure to keep your phone on you all night."

"Okay. Thank you so much", he smiled as he hung up the phone. 

"Jar what happened", Jensen demanded.

With that, Jared's tears started to fall as he grabbed Jensen; hugging him tightly. "They found her. They found Y/N."

~Y/N's POV~


You were done. You had no energy, no fear, and no hope. All you felt was numb. 

Staring out the window, you watched as pastel blues and vibrant pinks faded into dark indigo; stars starting to flicker into the sky as well. As you watched the colors fade, you thought about the day you and Laney both opened your college letters and started to scream as you both read that you got excepted, the amazing wedding reception your brother had as he cried staring at his new wife walk down the aisle, and the moment you had with Jj while roasting marshmallows and Jensens face of pure happiness and adoration. 

You thought about your love for them and how much they meant to you, which brought tears to your eyes because of an overwhelming thought you had for the past few days. 

I'm never gonna see them again. 

You just wanted to close your eyes and get it over with. That is, until you heard running on the floor above you and heard the door to the basement swing open; your capture running down the stairs frantically. 

"Leave me alone already", you said in a raspy voice because of the lack of water from the past few days. "You've done enough."

Instead of saying anything, he pulled a pocket knife from his waistband and flipped the blade up; pressing it against your badly bruised neck hard enough for it to knick the skin. Because of your low energy, all you did was flinch as you felt the blood drip down your multicolored neck.  

"I've had enough of your bullshit Y/N", he growled as he kept his blade firm against your throat. "The good news or the bad news first?"

"Go to hell."

He huffed a half-hearted laugh as he pressed the blade harder to your skin. "Fine. The good news is that I think they found us-"


"-but the bad news is that you won't be around to see it."

Your heart dropped. "What are you going to do?"

"You're going to find out soon enough."

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