Chapter 39

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Jared called the network after the detective and told them that you were missing. They understood completely and agreed to postpone production until you were found. 

"Damnit", Jensen mumbled as he got your voicemail again. He kept pacing back and forth in his trailer while Jared was sitting on the couch hunched over with his face in his hands. "Absolutely nothing."

"Call the bodyguard maybe", Jared asked; his hands running through his hair as he kept his eyes on the ground. 

Jensen nodded and dialed Dustin's number, of course, he didnt respond either. 

"Did you call Laney earlier?"

"Yeah, but she didnt respond. I didnt leave a voicemail though." Both of their voices were laced with anger and fear. 

"Could she be with her", Jared questioned. 

"If she was, she would have told someone", Jensen sighed. "Does she even know what's happening?"

Jared shook his head. Without saying anything, Jensen dialed Laney's number and put it on speaker; immediately getting an answer. "Hey, Jensen. Nice timing", she laughed into the phone. "Y/N was saying how y'all were filming today and she's not responding to her texts, so can you let her know I said thanks for the fun night."

"So she's not with you", Jared asked loud enough to be heard. 

"Hey, Groot! And no she's not with me. Is she not on set?"

"Can you tell us what happened last night", Jensen said; ignoring her question. 

"We went to the Diamond, drank, played pool-"

"When did you leave?"

"Around 10:00ish? But I was the only one that left. Someone else came in though. I think she said something about a bodyguard. Devin... Dustin..." The boys looked at each other with scared looks in their eyes. "Guys tell me what's happening."

"Did you see them leave?"

"No. Damnit guys tell me what's happening right now", she demanded. 

Jared held his hand out for the phone and Jensen placed it in his palm. "Y/N didnt come home last night and she isn't on set. She isn't calling back and we're freaking out because of the unknown number."

"Oh my god. I'm going to your house, Jared. Meet me there."

"Okay see you in a minute", he said as he ended the call. "Okay, let's meet there and try to regroup."

Jensen nodded and got his phone back from his friend. Once Jared left the trailer, Jensen dialed your number again; this time with his eyes full of tears and a quivering lip. "Come on Y/N. I need you."

Jared's Sister, Jensen's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now