Chapter 2

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Okay I know I need to be professional, but Dean fucking Winchester is outside of my trailer.

"Padalecki? You still there", Laney questioned; still on the Facetime call.

"Umm yeah. Hey, Lane, I have to go."

She laughed on the other end,"Your acting like you just ran into Jensen Ack-" Your eyes grew wide and you ended the call before she could embarrass you anymore. He laughed and you felt blood rush up to your cheeks

He was even prettier in person. He was a little shorter than Jared, though still a giant. His eyes were an amazing shade of forest green that sparkled, because of the sunlight that reflected off of the side of the trailer. And his short dirty blonde hair was already spiked up with gel in propper Dean style. You could tell the jeans and layered shirts were Deans outfit and not Jensen's because you could recognize it from an earlier episode.

"Sorry, she's a little much"

He smirked,"Its okay. I'm guessing your Y/N."

You nodded and took the key out of your pocket. "Yup", you said while locking the door. "I'm guessing Jared sent you here to get me to set?"

"Yeah, your right. So is this your first acting job?" He started walking backward so he would still face you. You shoved the key back in your pocket and caught up to him.

"Yup. I only realized I wanted to act a few years ago", you said nodding. He turned around and started walking straight again, with his hands in his pockets.

"Well, you're lucky you know someone in the business. Most people wait for years before they land a solid role." You smiled to yourself and kept walking beside him. It was a comfortable silence between the two of you.

"Well, whats your story, Jensen?"

He looked down at you and smiled. "Well, I'm from Austin like you and Jared, I'm a big fan of the cowboys, I'm now 40, and have a little girl named Justice."

"Aww, that's cute!"

"What about you Y/N? School? Job? Dating life?"

"Well, I went to Kansas University for a business degree, but also because I got a scholarship for playing volleyball all four years of high school. Once I graduated, I got an apartment in a town called Olathe and tried working in a cubical; but that lasted a few weeks before I quit." He laughed a little and you felt yourself blush like a schoolgirl once again. "So I worked as a boutique salesperson by day, and I was trying out for TV roles by night. Nothing stuck and I called Jared for help. He sent me a script, I tried out over Skype, got the part and now I'm here. And to answer your last question, no I'm not dating anyone."

"That's quite a story. So are you working with me today?"

Quickly taking out your script from your back pocket, you looked at the lines and sighed. "That's a good question. It just says two."

"Then its just my luck, I'm two. Jared is one and Misha is three. Can I see your script?" You nodded and handed him the now crinkled stack of papers. He took it and flipped to the last page, raising his eyebrows and smiling he then gave it back. "Seems like your gonna have to get used to it here. And especially to me because Ali and Dean have a relationship"

Your eyes grew and your mouth fell agape. Feeling your face heat up, all you could do was chuckle. He saw how red your face got and smiled, while he threw an arm around your shoulders; which made your face get even redder. "Hey, don't worry about it. We'll make it as easy for you as possible. And everyone here is extremely nice, so there's no need to worry." Looking up at him, you smiled and felt your nerves slip away. "Well we're here", he said while walking up to the door and opening it for you. Thanking him, you walked into the huge cold building and immediately were in awe.

"There you guys are. Here Kid." He handed you a small coffee cup and also handed another one to Jensen. Both of you thanked him and you all started walking towards the sound of chatter amongst crew members. "So how was the walk to set? Isn't he such an asshole?" Jared ended up whispering the last sentence loudly, which earned a shove and a huffed laugh from Jensen.

"First off, I'm a delight you asshat", both you and your brother laughed. "Second, shes officially my favorite Padalecki." He draped his arm across your shoulders once again, but this time you wrapped your arm around his waist without thinking about it.

You looked up at Jared with a shit-eating grin,"First day on set, and I already stole your best friend." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Well I'd love to chat, but Jen we have a scene."

"Oh shit your right. Y/N I think our scene is after so you can sit in a chair behind the monitors and remember your lines." Jensen led you to an open chair behind Bobby, who now had headphones on and was talking to a PA, while Jared went to his mark and took a last glance at his lines. Once you got settled, he smiled at you one last time before joining your brother in the Bunker set.

Looking around at the set, Jared and Jensen getting on their marks, the cameras on tracks, and bright lights everywhere made the realization hit you.

This is gonna be one hell of a ride. 

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