Chapter 15

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You pulled away and looked at Jensen to see his reaction. All he did was smile and look at you; his hands still resting on your waist. "Well", he started chuckling. "One hell of a first kiss huh?"

You smirked and pushed him away playfully, "You're a child. Let's go back to makeup." Grabbing Jensens' hand, you lead him out of the set and to a golf cart where Jared was already seated.

Both of you sat on the back and the golf cart started driving towards the makeup trailer once again. Jensen took his phone out and turned the front-facing camera on and pointed it at the two of you. Instead of making a funny face, the both of you just smiled.

jensenackles: It's official. @ y/npadalecki is better at pranking then @ misha


"Hey Jamie and Rachel", you called as the three of you entered the trailer. "We're back!"

"Filming can't already be- oh my fucking god", Jamie laughed at the sight of the three of you; as did Rachel when she saw the whipped cream. "So were the cleanup crew?"

"Yeah", Jared huffed a laugh.

"Alright. Well, Jensen go with Jamie, Jared you're with me, and Y/N your gonna have to wait since Joel left earlier." Rachel squatted down and reached below her counter and grabbed towels. "You guys can get it the majority of it off while we get everything to put on your makeup."

The girls started grabbing things from the cabinets while the three of you leaned into the mirrors. You only took a few seconds to get everything off so you started getting it out of your brother's hair. "Your hair is gonna feel gross until you shower, you know that right?"

"Or we can take you for a haircut", Jensen said as he whipped down his cheeks.

"Hey, at least I don't know all the words to Let It Go by heart because my kids play it on repeat."

"Shut up", he scoffed.

"Oh, I wanna hear this." You dropped the towel in a basket nearby and leaned against the back of Jared's chair. Rachel and Jamie finished collecting all of their stuff and turned their full attention on Jensen.

He looked over at you; white streaks still on his face. He sighed and looked at you while he kept wiping his cheeks. "Jj, my daughter, anytime she's at my house she wants a movie night that only consists of Frozen", he confessed waiting for your reaction.

"Oh", you chuckled. "I'm going to remember that." Jensen playfully rolled his eyes and chuckled as he finished getting everything off.

"Alright. We need to get you three ready", Jamie announced as both she and Rachel started to fix the three of you back up.


"Alright guys", the new director for the next scene started. "We've lost a lot of filming time today and I'd like to not lose anymore." The director rolled up his script and pointed it at the boys; who were a few feet away from the chair you were lounging in. "So Jensen and Jared, I need you two to be serious for the rest of today's scenes. Is that easy to do?" They both nodded silently. "Alright let's get this going."

Jensen and Jared made their way to their marks right before the director called action. Having to be quiet, you turned off your ringer and volume and went to messages.

Fav Actress: hey bug. working?

Laney Bug: nope. i'm packing a duffel bag rn. and im rewatching the season finale from last year for tonight.

Fav Actress: first off a duffel bag for what?? and second wth is tonight?!?! Jensen's hinting at it but i dont know whats happening.

Laney Bug: dude. ur on the set of supernatural and you dont know that the season is starting tonight??

Fav Actress: oh my god im so fucking stupid.

A few minutes later, the directors' voice boomed through the studio. "Alright everyone cut! Good job staying on task everyone. For the next scene, I need Jensen, Jared, Misha, and Y/N. Be ready in five!" Jensen and Jared walked over to you and stood around your chair, while Misha pulled up a chair and sat across from you.

"Do you guys want to read lines really quick", you asked; not wanting to mess up the scene for everyone.

"Yeah", the boys agreed. Everyone started to read over their lines, while you made sure you put your phone away. You turned the volume all the way down, flipped the ringer to silent, and put your phone on airplane mode; just to be safe.

You slid your phone under your jacket and took out your script, as they started to practice the scene.


"Okay time to shoot everyone. I need Ackles, both Padalecki's, and Collins on set please." You and the boys walked over to the set and stood on your marks. A PA came to the four of you and collected your scripts when the director got settled in his chair. "Action!"

"Ali", Jared started. "We still don't have Mom, Gabe is back, Jack is-"

"Jack. Jack is Jack. He's the most powerful being and has Daddy issues. But guess what? His Dad is freaking Lucifer." Jensen had his arms crossed and brows furrowed; paired with Deans signature deep voice.

"Dean," Misha said with a gruff voice. "We don't have time for this."

"Cas is right. We don't have time for any of the offhanded comments", you groaned while looking at Jensen who only scoffed and looked away. "We need to get Mary back and find Lucifer so we can actually get to her."

"She has a point", Jensen sighed. "Maybe Rowena will know a spell or something."

Jared, who was sitting at the map table, started rubbing his eyes. "I just don't kn-"

In the middle of Jared's line, a loud ringing could be heard. You and the boys jumped and started looking around while the director sighed. "Guys this isn't amateur hour. Ringers off when we're filming." He dropped his script on the floor and put his head in his hands; sighing in annoyance.

It kept ringing. Almost like multiple notifications were appearing on the screen. But there was something familiar about the ringing. It was your phone.

You calmly yet hastily rushed over to your phone, and of course, it was. The airplane mode was turned off and your ringer was on with the volume all the way up. There were six new notifications; all text messages.

When you opened the phone and went to the text app, your heart dropped at the messages. All from the Unknown person.

Unknown: You can't ignore me forever Sweetheart.

Unknown: You can't run.

Unknown: You can't hide

Unknown: So stop trying to act like I'm not there.

Unknown: Watching your every move.

Unknown: And next time, make sure your ringer is off ;)

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