Chapter 45

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Jensen's POV

Jared and Jensen sat quietly in the living room waiting for the detective to call and say you were okay, while Gen was asleep with her head in her husbands' lap. Both of the men sat on differing couches staring at Jared's phone which was sitting on his armrest. 

"Anything yet", Jensen asked as he rubbed his eyes. Jared shook his head as he did the same. He sighed and smacked his hands on his thighs; standing up from the couch and starting towards the kitchen. "What do you want to drink?"

"Beer if we have it", Jared said as he looked down at his wife. Efficiently getting two chilled bottles and twisting the caps off, he walked back to his friend and handed him one of the drinks. Jared saw Jensen staring at the phone again and sighed. "Nothing still. Trust me, I'm looking out for it-"

As he finished his statement, his phone started to ring loudly; startling Gen out of sleep. He quickly apologized and immediately answered the phone. Jensen saw his face go from anticipation to confusion and ending on complete and utter fear. 

"Okay, we're heading there now. Thank you so much", he said as he got up from next to his, now awake, wife. Once he hung up, he looked at the small group in the living room, "They found her, but something happened." He started grabbing his shoes and rushed to put them on.

"What", Jensen asked; fear laced in his voice as he followed suit. 

"She's at Vancouver General, but we need to go now."

"I'll stay here and watch the boys. Text me updates", Gen rushed as she kissed Jared and headed upstairs. 

The boys quickly finished grabbing their phones and wallets and ran to the garage; peeling out of the neighborhood as fast as possible. 

As Jared turned on his emergency lights and speed to the hospital, Jensen dialed Laney's number; getting an answer almost immediately. 

"Did they get her?"

"Yeah, but something happened-"

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

"Laney, listen to me", he said in the calmest tone he could. "She's at Vancouver General."

"I'm three minutes away from it. I'll meet you there", she replied. 


About ten minutes later, Jared dropped off Jensen at the entrance, while he parked the car. As they pulled up, Jensen saw Laney through the glass sliding doors. Her hands were wiping her face and she walked to what he assumed to be the waiting room, which made him pick up the pace. "I'll be fast", Jared rushed as Jensen slammed the door; letting him drive to the first row of cars and find a place to park.

Jensen ran inside and turned the same corner she did, which made him become face to face with your red-eyed best friend. No one else was in the waiting room, except for the two nurses behind the counter for check-in, so Laney stood up and walked towards Jensen fast; quickly hugging her to provide comfort in any way he could. 

It was quiet for a few seconds, besides the sound of quiet announcements over the intercom and Laney trying to calm her breathing, when she pulled away and wiped her eyes again. "Sorry", she half-heartedly laughed. 

"It's fine", he smiled. "Did you find out anything?"

"Well, since I'm her emergency contact they told me everything." As she was about to say what happened, Jared ran inside and joined up with the small group. "Can we sit down", she asked. 

Once the boys nodded, they went to the corner of the waiting room with her in the middle and sat down in the small navy and tan chairs that were oddly aligned. 

Jared's Sister, Jensen's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now