Chapter 28

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About 12 minutes later, Austin pulled up to the station. He got lucky and found a spot close to the front door and parked. "Alright Y/N. We're here", he said as he took the keys out of the ignition and opened the car door; stepping out as you unlocked your seatbelt. 

"Remind me what I'm doing here again", you asked as you got out of the car and threw the door closed. 

"Well", he started as he walked next to you towards the station. "You're here so we can get you an encrypted chip and a bodyguard."

"Oh yeah. That", you huffed as you shoved your hands in your hoodie pocket. 

Austin looked down at you. "What's wrong, Y/N?"

"Just weirded out. That's all."

He sighed as he held the door open for you to the station. You thanked him and looked around at the clutter of men and women in uniforms with guns and handcuffs attached to their waists. A bunch of desks with three-year-old computers at each were lined up in rows. The hustle and bustle of the policemen and policewomen made the sunlit room very crowded. The sounds of ringing phones and cussing from people being brought in also made the office extremely loud and chaotic. 

He led you through the sea of uniforms to the back where there were a few rooms that were made of windows with the blinds barely open. Fishing the keys out of his pocket, he grabbed one of the keys and unlocked the wooden door. 

Once you entered and he closed the door behind you, you took in the details of the office. It was a dark wood room with the big windows that saw out into the entire department. He had a slightly bigger desk with a newer, but still someone dated Dell computer. The black filing cabinet nearby was completely opened with manila folders flying out of the drawers. A black leather office chair was tucked under the desk that was the same design as the sofa that was against the wall next to the door. 

"Alright Y/N", he started as he led you to the desk. As you sat down, he logged on and clicked a few files. "All of these documents are different bodyguards. I'm going to go and grab the tech team. So stay here. I'll be right back." 

With that, he left and shut the door behind you. You let out a breath you didnt know you were holding and pulled out your phone to see if anyone had texted; which sure enough two people did. 

Jared: dont freak out?! Y/N why the fuck are u at the station?!

Jensen: are u okay?

Jensen: plz respond Y/N. ur freaking us out.

Jensen: we left set and we're a few minutes away. watch for us.

You dropped your phone on the desk and put your head in your hands. A knock at the door made your head snap up. Austin walked in with two people following behind. The first person was a girl in a police uniform. Her makeup was natural with her blonde hair tied into a slicked-back ponytail. "Y/N this is Caroline. And that is Matt." He pointed to the guy who had short brown hair that was gelled up and was also in uniform. Both of them had computers and a bunch of other electronics under their arms.

You mumbled a hi as they got settled on the leather couch. "So what are we doing today Austin", Caroline questioned. 

"Encrypted chip. And are you able to double check the phone for bugs?"

"Yeah. Y/N do you have any more texts you need to send", Matt checked as he got up off the couch and towards you. 

"Nope. Here", you said as you slapped the phone into his outstretched hand. "How long is this going to take?"

"30 minutes. And that gives you enough time to look at resumes", Austin said with a smile; walking out of the door and into the sea of police officers. With that, you double-clicked a word document and started reading while Caroline and Matt typed away on their computers. 

A few minutes later, the door opened again and two sets of feet rushed towards you, which made your attention shift from the screen to a worried brother and boyfriend. "Hey guys", you sighed as you stood up from the chair. Jared grabbed your shoulder and pulled you into a hug. You laughed and hugged him back immediately. 

After a few seconds, Jared let go and smiled at you before realizing that there were other people in the room. He went to greet Caroline and Matt while Jensen also captured you in a hug. You buried your face into his chest as he put his chin on your head and a hand in your hair. "You okay", he asked with a gruff tone. 

"No", you sighed. "There's a lot that I need to catch you up on."

He let you go and grabbed your shoulders, so he could look down at you; even though you avoided eye contact. "About the unknown number."

Your eyes went wide as you looked up at him. "Jared told you?"

"Yeah. Laney knows too. Sorry", Jared chimed in as he walked over to you. 

"That just gives me less to explain then", you said while glaring at your brother. "What's the last thing you told him, Jared?"

"The nail salon thing. I told him while you were getting food for the kids in the hospital." The boys gathered around you as you sat back down in the office chair. 

"So when I went to the cafeteria for snacks for Tom and Shep, I got a call from the unknown guy. He said the room number that Gen gave birth in and then threatened everyone." Jensen couldn't help his eyes to stop widening and Jared's head dropped. "That's when I called Detective Campbell. He gave me his number and said to call if anything happened. And then when we were at the grocery store, he texted me to have fun at the barbeque."

"Wait what", Jensen hissed as he looked you over for any sign that you were kidding. Of course, he found none. "I didnt tell anyone about it. Did you Y/N?" You shook your head. "Jared?"

"No one besides Misha. So what are you doing here?"

"Getting some spy proof thing for my phone and a bodyguard."

"Speaking of your spy proof thing", someone said as they walked through the door. It was Caroline. "Your encrypted chip is done and your phone is bug-free." She gave you your phone and you smiled in the reflection of the black screen.

"Thank you so much. And thank Matt for me too please."

"Anytime", she smiled as she closed the door behind her. 

You inhaled sharply and slid the phone back into your pocket. "Alright. I need a bodyguard. Wanna help?"

After they both agreed, they pulled up chairs on either side of you and read through some documents with you. Once they chose their favorite people, you picked your bodyguard's file out of the group. 

A/N: Let me know who you think the Unknown person is in the comments. I want to see who everyone thinks they are 😈  Love you guys!!❤️

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