Chapter 16

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Unknown: You can't ignore me forever Sweetheart.

Unknown: You can't run.

Unknown: You can't hide

Unknown: So stop trying to act like I'm not there.

Unknown: Watching your every move.

Unknown: And next time, make sure your ringer is off ;)

"Y/N?" Jared came up behind you, but you turned off the screen before he could see the texts. "You know when your filming your phone needs to be turned off, right?"

Sorry, some random person grabbed my phone and turned the volume up and blew up my phone. And don't forget, the guy is always watching me. But yeah it's my bad.

"Yeah, yeah", you said while shutting down your phone completely. "My bad. Just a rookie mistake. Won't happen again." You wrapped your arms around yourself and avoided eye contact with your brother.

His brows furrowed, "You okay?"

"Mhm. I'm fine." Once again, you avoided eye contact. His confusion turned into concern as he grabbed your shoulders and searched your face.

"If anything was happening, you would tell me right?" You nodded. "Look at me and say that."

Exhaling sharply, you looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah. I would."

Before he could say anything, the director called everyone back to set. You ducked away from your brothers grasp and walked directly back to your mark.


After about an hour of filming, the scene was wrapped. Without taking a second, you briskly walked to the chair you previously sat in and grabbed your phone and jacket. Once you grabbed everything, you made your way directly to a golf cart nearby to go to your trailer. The PA dropped you off right in front of the trailer door. You reached into your jacket pocket and grabbed the key; quickly unlocking it and getting inside.

You closed the door behind you and dropped everything on the counter. Since you were finally alone, something inside of you let all the anxiety and fear from today spill over and get released. Tears flooded your eyes and went down your cheeks, and your breathing became erratic. Putting your face in your hands, you tried to calm down as much as you could when Jared barged into the trailer and locked the door behind him.

"Jar, what the hell", you said while quickly wiping your tears away. He finished locking the door and saw your puffy eyes and running mascara. "Are you here to question me?"

"I'm here to know why your crying. Did something happen with Jensen?"

You huffed a laugh and wiped your eyes again, "No no its not Jensen."

"Then spill Y/N/N." He sat down on the couch and turned his full attention to you. Tears started clouding your vision again as you thought back on all the things that have happened.

"Well, it started with a phone call. This voice... it had some sort of filter. It asked for me. I wanted to know who it was but they just hung up. I didn't think anything of it, but at the festival, we were going through the crowd", you whispered as you took off the flannel you had on for the episode; leaving you in a t-shirt that you were able to roll up to show him the scratches on your bicep.

He saw the angry gashes in your arm, which made his eyes grow wide. He softly grabbed your wrist and pulled your arm closer so he could see how deep they went.

"And then I saw a guy there that freaked me out... but he was the same guy that I saw at the mall that was just watching me. But the entire time since the phone call, I've been getting creepy texts and pictures of me being sent from an unknown number", you lightly pulled your arm away and showed him the texts. "And before we filmed I turned off my ringer and put my phone on airplane mode, but somehow it all turned back on and those last texts were on my screen."

As Jared read through the texts and examined the pictures, tears kept rolling down your cheeks. You put the flannel back on and took a shaky breath as he gave the phone back and rubbed his eyes. "Jared say something", you whispered once again.

He rested his elbow on his knees and looked at you, "Why couldn't you tell me Y/N?"

"I was scared-"

"I am too! It's fucking terrifying knowing my baby sister is being harassed and threatened!" He couldn't help but raise his voice. You understood though. If you had a younger sibling, you would be scared shitless. Jared finally collected himself and was calm enough to not raise his voice. "Well, what do you want to? Tell the police?"

"I don't know."

"What about Mom? Dad? Jensen-"

"No", you interrupted. "I can't tell him."

"Okay", he apologized.

"Look, it might just be some... teenager messing with me. It's not a super crazy possibility. I want to see if anything else happens. And more importantly, I want to do this my way." He sighed and nodded. "Can we please keep this between us Jar?"

"Of course." He stood up from the couch, and you followed. Jared grabbed your shoulder and pulled you into a hug; one hand around your back and the other holding your head. "Love you, Y/N"

"Love you too Jar", you smiled into his chest; holding onto him as if your life depended on it. 

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