Chapter 19

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"What the hell do you mean she might be in trouble", he questioned; panic obviously rising in his voice.

"She might have a stalker", Jared said in a gruff tone; not able to make eye contact with Jensen. Laney kept her gaze down at the ground as well.

"Jared that's the shit you see in movies. That's not a thing that can happen", Jensen stated; his voice dropping to a deadly tone.

"Yes it can", Laney blurted. She lifted her gaze to Jensen and saw his angry expression. "Its just not in papers. I get a bunch of harassment and stalker cases in the ER all the time."

"So are you going to tell me or no", Jensen asked sternly.

Jared recited everything you told him in your trailer when he found you. Laney watched Jensen's emotions surface as Jared explained the festival. She could tell that he was blaming himself for not noticing at the festival that something was wrong. He didnt hold out any details about the pictures and texts you received as well. Finally, Jared got him up to date by ending with her phone during the scene. "I can tell you want to say something. Say it", Jared huffed.

"Well, my first question, how the hell did they get the pictures in the bathroom."

"They probably were being a perve and waited", Laney sighed.

"Second, did you actually see them? The scratches and the texts?"

"Yeah. She did in her trailer after her ringer was all the way up during the scene."

"And third", Jensen said making eye contact with Jared. "Why weren't you going to tell me?"

"She asked me not to. She made me promise", Jared brushed his hair back from his face. "So everyone needs to promise to let Y/N tell you, on her own, about the unknown guy. None of us can report to the police either. She needs to do that herself unless she tells us. Understand?"

"Yes", Laney nodded.

"Yeah", Jensen sighed. "Well, I'm going to go to bed. Mind if I stay here Jar?"

"Not at all."

"I wish we met under better circumstances, Laney. But it was nice to meet you", Jensen smiled as he walked over to hug her.

"You too. Make sure your good to her", she pointed a finger at him.

"You don't need to worry about that", Jensen looked up at Jared. "I promise."

Smiling, he walked back towards the guest room. He slowly opened the door, cringing at the loud squeaking of the door hinges. Once he opened the door enough to squeeze through, he looked over at your sleeping form to make sure he didnt wake you. When he saw nothing that indicated that you were awake, he closed the door once again. He used his phone light to navigate the cluttered floor.

After a few seconds, he found the bed and pulled the covers over him and pulled you into his side. You let out a content sigh and unconsciously scooted as close as you could to him.

As he was about to fall asleep, he saw your phone screen light up and he barely saw Unknown sent you another text. The text made him hug you closer to him.

Needless to say, he couldn't get much sleep that night.


You knew immediately that Jensen had stayed the night. One of his arms were snaked around your waist, while the other arm was that was under your pillow was holding your hand. His legs were intertwined with yours and his breath was fanning your neck.

You smiled to yourself and scooted closer to him. He sighed and kissed your neck. "Morning Y/N."

"Morning. Sleep okay?"

"Mhmm", he hummed. "Do you care if I get ready?"

"Five more minutes", you whined as you rolled over to face him. He smiled and looked down at you.

"Can't do that sweetheart", he sighed as he kissed your head and got up from the bed.

He disappeared behind the wall of the bathroom, while you sat up in bed. After yawning, you reached to the bedside table and grabbed your phone. Only one notification was on your screen. A text from the unknown number that came in at 8:27; after the episode ended the night before.

Unknown: Beautiful acting Ms. Padalecki. Truly amazing how you can act like a badass as Ali, but so terrified and anxious off-screen. Bravo Y/N. Bravo.

You took a deep breath and tried to focus on calming down when you heard footsteps coming towards you. Turning your head, your eyes went wide when you saw Jensen emerge from the bathroom in nothing but a towel while brushing his teeth with one of the plastic toothbrushes that were under the sink. "Hey, I'm about to hop in the shower. Wanted to know if you wanted to join", he said while mumbling through toothpaste.


"I'm kidding! Unless you want to", he smirked. You rolled your eyes playfully and saw Jensen turn around, quickly undo the knot in his towel, grab the corners of the cloth, and hold it over his butt as he swayed and wooed.

He immediately made you forgot about your phone, and instead start laughing. You grabbed a pillow close by and threw it at him. It hit him in the back, which made him go back inside the bathroom after making a high pitch squeal; ultimately making you laugh harder than you were before. 

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