Chapter 26

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You took a shaky breath and locked your phone.

I'll deal with this tomorrow. This asshole isn't messing up tonight.

"You ready?" You turned around to face Jensen and nodded.

"Yeah, Clif should be outside." Taking a few bags from Jensen's hand, you led the way out and opened the trunk for the groceries.


Clif dropped Jensen off at his house. Soon after Clif drove you and Jared to his house, Jared went into the trunk and started collecting bags. You used your keys and opened the front door. When you were halfway down the driveway, you stopped and stared at your brother, who had all of the grocery bags on his arms and Clif following behind with the two cases of beer. "Really guys? I could have helped."

"Two trips are for the weak", Jared practically yelled while speed walking up to the house. You jogged ahead and held the door open for him and Clif. The scary looking bodyguard's face was red because he was laughing so hard at your idiot brother. He quickly put down all of the bags and started laughing while putting the hair that fell in front of his face behind his ears.

When everyone could catch their breaths from Jared's stunt, Clif left a few minutes later and you started unpacking the groceries. "Hey, Mom and Dad said they're going to drop the kids off here."

"Okay", you responded. "Then can you help me clean the vegetables?"

"Yeah sure." He started cleaning tomato's while you cleaned the lettuce.

Once everything was prepped, Jared ran upstairs and changed into an off-white sweater and blue jeans, while you put on a red cropped shirt and ripped jeans. 

Jared started putting burgers on the grill when a knocking could be heard followed by children laughing. You walked to the door and opened it to find Misha and his kids. Misha was wearing a red flannel long sleeve with black jeans. The little boy had on a dark green shirt and khakis, and the girl had on a pink dress and black flats.

"Hey, it's the nice Padalecki!"

"Hey, it's the short one!" Jared yelled through the screen door. Misha rolled his eyes and hugged you. You hugged him back.

"So these are my kids. The boy is West and the girl is Maison." West waved and Maison hid behind her dad's leg. "Don't be shy baby", he laughed. You kneeled down enough to become face to face with the little girl.

"Hi, I'm Y/N. I like your hair", you said motioning to the pigtails you guessed her mom did. She mumbled a thank you but didn't move from her spot. "Wanna come help me cook?" She looked at her dad and he nodded. Maison then came out from behind her dad's leg and took your hand.

Another hour passed. You were lightly taking sips of beer, while the kids had a few slices of tomato to hold them over and the dad's laughs filled the house; even though they were outside.

The door opened again and Tom and Shep came running into the room. West and Maison's attention shifted from eating to chasing the boys downstairs to the play area. You cleaned up their leftovers and put uncooked hot dogs onto a plate. Grabbing your half-empty beer from the counter, you walked to the back and through the screen door. "Hey, Jar your kids just showed up."

"Okay. Guessing they went downstairs?"

"Yeah they did", you confirmed while handing the plate to Misha so he could put it on the table nearby.

You and the boys kept talking and drinking until the door could be heard opening once more. You walked back through the screen door and saw Jensen, in a black button-up and blue jeans, holding hands with Jj. She had on a purple frilly shirt with white jeans. Jensen walked to you smiling. He said a quick hey and kissed your cheek, before leaning down to talk to his beaming daughter. "This is my girlfriend Y/N. Can you say hi?"

Jared's Sister, Jensen's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now