Chapter 42

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A/N: The same warning from the previous chapter applies here.

"Have a seat", Austin said as he gestured to some extra chairs placed at the edges of the room. The group did as they were told and crowded around his desk as he placed a manila folder in front of them. "Dustin isn't who he seems to be."

"What does that mean", Jared asked hesitantly as Jensen and Laney opened the file and started reading. 

"His real name is Jack Morgan. He got through our background check because he bought a 'person' on the dark web."

"He bought a person", Jensen questioned as he shoved the file towards the middle so Jared could see it too. 

"We call it buying a person because he bought someones social security number, name, old jobs, college degree, family, and basically, whoever Dustin is, his entire life. And that explains how he got in with no criminal record and immediately into the bodyguard company." 

"So who is he actually?"

"Dustin- Jack is a big jailbird. He's been charged with aggravated assaults and drug possessions, including Rohypnol which is considered date rape drug", he said as he started typing on his computer. 

"Are you saying that Y/N was roofied", Laney asked as she wrapped her arms around herself.

"We think so. We found CCTV footage from the strip across the street. It may be hard to watch", he warned as he turned his computer monitor towards the group. 

The three of them saw the back of the bar and saw Dustin's car. Not knowing what to expect, Austin pressed the space bar on his keyboard and the video started to play. After a few seconds, everyone saw a man with someone's arm across his shoulder; the other persons body stumbling and moving sluggishly. The group connected the dots and realized the man was Dustin and the limp body was you. He went to his back seat and placed your body down before running to the driver's side and pulling away fast; dust clouding behind the car as it sped off. 

It was the last time you were seen. 

Everyone's hearts dropped and Laney stood up; going outside to take a breather and collect her thoughts. "So you think she's drugged", Jared asked.

"Her body movements suggest so. That's not how people act if they drank a lot."

"It's not like her either", Jensen added with his hands cupped over his nose and mouth. 

"The good news is now that we have his real name, we have a start on looking in the right direction. We can track the car better and may be able to look up addresses where Y/N would be. Just know, now that she's been gone for 24 hours, we're on high alert and we're looking everywhere."


It had been an hour since Dustin came back down and zip tied you back to the radiator. He didnt say anything. He just put the restraints on and stared at your black and blue neck from where he choked you. It was already extremely dark and angry looking; of course, tender to the touch as well. 

You haven't stopped wishing for someone to save you. Everything in your body ached with pain. Your stomach, ankle, neck, and a few other minor things. 

For some reason, all you did was stare at the shattered screen of the TV. The pieces of the screen were on the ground; a few reflecting some sunlight from the window back into your eyes. At the same time, one of the bigger pieces of glass caught your eye. 

You didnt know what came over you, but you wanted to leave. Now. Maybe it was lack of food or maybe you were desperate, but all you could think of was using the glass to free yourself and waiting by the door for Dustin to end this once and for all. 

At that moment, you decided that if you did nothing, you were as good as dead. 

With your ankle still extremely close to the radiator, you lied down on the ground and used your arms to pull yourself across the cold floor. Once you were sprawled out as much as you could, you pawed at the piece; barely touching it with your fingertip. You cursed under your breath and tried once more. After what felt like an hour, you finally hit the glass on the side and were able to flip it towards you. 

You silently celebrated your small victory, but quickly started to work on the second part of your escape plan: cut yourself free. 

Shuffling back into the position you were in before, you leaned down to your ankle and thought about how you were going to cut the ties. 

After looking around for a second, you decided on ripping a corner off of the blanket and wrapping it around the glass; even though it was paper thin. 

Guess its gonna have to work to get out of this shit hole.

Without hesitation, you started hastily cutting away at the restraints. Once you saw that the glass was sturdy, you decided to work faster in case Dustin decided to randomly come downstairs. 

It took a while to make any difference, so you started to mindlessly cut as your thoughts wandered. 

You pictured yourself getting back to Jared's and seeing your brother, best friend, and boyfriend. You saw yourself running into their arms and feeling safe for the first time in the longest two days in your life. 

Because you longed for that moment so bad and wanted to get out of this hell, your grip started to tighten on the glass without realizing it. That changed when you heard and felt the glass shatter and embed the small pieces deep into your palm and some on your leg. You yelped in pain as you saw blood quickly pooling in your hand and dripping out of the cuts on your calf. 

Apparently, your immediate reaction of yelling in pain caught Dustin's attention, because right after you heard running towards the basement door and saw him run down the stairs; quickly shielding your hand and leg as much as you could. "What happened", he said roughly; still obviously pissed about earlier. 

"My ankle touched the pipes. It burned a little, but that's all", you responded. 

From how he reacted, you thought he believed you until you followed his eyes to the drops of fresh blood that had landed on the concrete floor. 


"Where is it coming from."

When he saw that you were avoiding the question, he grabbed your elbow and yanked it out from behind your back; his strength pulling your entire body in the process. Once he saw the puddle of blood in your hand and streaks down your leg, he started to fume. 

"How fucking dumb are you", he hissed. When you kept avoiding his gaze, he raised his hand and, a second after, you heard the loud contact of it.

He smacked you across the face. 

You felt tears swell in your eyes from the intense stinging on your cheek as you heard him sigh. "I'll grab bandages. Don't fuck anything else up."

As he started to walk back upstairs, you used the dirty shirt that still clung to your body from the bar to apply pressure to your hand. Rubbing your cheek, you let the tears flow. 

From staring at the blood, the pain on your face, and your terror, you felt your hopes of being found plummet. 

I'm gonna die here.

Jared's Sister, Jensen's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now