Chapter 34

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the back to back authors notes, but I wanted to say thank you so much for getting my first book to 100,000 reads (101,000 as I publish this)! I never thought anyone would actually read this book and let alone get so much good feedback to keep writing. I just wanted to say thank you so much for sticking with me and making this a fun side project that I can lean on whenever I need it. Love you guys and remember to always keep fighting! (Also I know I'm going to get people asking what the other 23 drafts are in my works. Y'all will find out soon I promise)

"So I'm going to head to the strip and get a bunch of clothes that I don't need and probably will never wear", Gen stated as she put her wallet, keys, and a few other things in her purse.

"At least you're honest about it", you laughed; the sound of Tom and Shep playing echoing through the house from upstairs. You were on the couch in the living room nearby Odette's automatic rocker; where she was peacefully asleep.

"Are you sure you want to watch the kids? I can still call a sitter and you can come with if you want."

You sat up a little and faced Gen with a smile. "I'm positive. I don't really want to leave the house anyway. Still feel weird about the whole... ordeal."

"Okay", Gen sighed in defeat. "You have mine, Jared's, and Jensen's phone numbers. I told them to text you when they have free time and I'll text you every hour. Dustin is here too so your gonna be fine."

"Were you assuring me or yourself?"

"Whatever", he spoke as she headed to the door. "Oh Y/N?"

"Yeah", you called.

"I can invite Jj over if you want to keep the boys occupied."

You thought about it for a second and the memories that came to you made you smile. The shock on her face when you showed her how to make smores, the excitement that radiated off of her when she found out you were sleeping over, and the trust she had in you to protect her when she had a nightmare.

"Yeah that would be great", you smiled. With that, Gen walked out the door and left you with the three kids.

You felt your phone vibrate on the couch and grabbed it; seeing two new text messages.

Laney Bug: i should be there by tomorrow. any updates?

Fav Actress: not yet. see you soon.

Laney Bug: ❤️

You swiped out of yours and Laney's conversation and went to the group chat with Jensen and Jared; where the second new text was from.

Jared: hey shorty. doing ok?

Y/N: yeah

Jensen: would you tell us?

Y/N: hey if that means both of u get back here if i get freaked out then hell yeah i would

Jensen: all you have to do is ask 😉

Jared: go to ur own fucking text chain love birds 🤮

Y/N: love u too Jar

The sound of the front door opening and heavy footsteps approaching you made you put down your phone and see who was here. It was your bodyguard.

"Saw Genevieve leave. Need anything?"

"Well, you can help me make the kids lunch if your bored", you smiled.

"Bored? What do you mean? I'm having a blast watching cars pass and getting weird looks from your brother's neighbors", he said sarcastically.

"Okay, you're in charge of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." Dustin laughed and followed you to the kitchen. While he grabbed the loaf of bread and jars of spread, you grabbed strawberries and small cans of baby food out of the fridge.

Because of the teamwork, you were able to make three plates of food, setting the extra plate aside for Jj, and found the baby spoons that you couldn't find for at least five minutes.

While Dustin grabbed napkins and glasses of milk for the boys, you walked upstairs and into the playroom. "Hey, there's some food downstairs for you two. And Jj is coming over."

"Yay", Shep started to cheer before you remembered there was a newborn in the house. You quickly hushed him.

"We have to be quiet buddy. Remember your baby sister?"

"Oh", he said as his head dropped. "Sorry Aunt Y/N."

"No hey", you laughed as you squatted down to his level. "You're not in trouble. Just reminding you we have to keep it a bit quieter now." You lightly lifted up his face and waited for him to make eye contact with you. "Am I still your favorite Aunt?"

He laughed and hugged you. "Yeah, you are."

"Can I get a hug too", Shep asked.

Without saying anything, you lightly grabbed his arm and pulled him into the hug as well. After a second, you stood up and looked down at the boys beaming faces. "Ready to eat?"

With enthusiastic nodding, they followed you downstairs. They got settled at the island and as they started eating, a knock was heard at the door. You started to follow the knock from outside so you could let Jj inside, but Dustin held you back and went instead.

Oh yeah. I'm on house arrest.

He walked briskly for the door and opened it a crack. Dustin said something before you heard a little girl laughing and sprinting towards you.

"Y/N", she said, in a surprisingly low voice, as she jumped into your arms. You laughed and hugged Jj close to you.

"Hey bug", you whispered back with a big smile. Walking back towards the door, you started to talk to whoever brought her over. "Hey, thanks for dropping her off-"

You stopped talking in the middle of your sentence and your mouth fell slightly agape on who was standing on the other side.

Jj, not reading the look on your face, decided to speak up and clarify what was happening.

"Y/N this is my Mommy, Danneel."

Jared's Sister, Jensen's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now