Chapter 31

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You woke up the next day to your alarm ringing quietly so Odette didnt wake up, but loud enough for you to hear it. Groaning, you saw it was 6:00, and got up; padding directly to the shower. 

After 10 minutes, you came back and wrapped your body and hair in a towel. While you squeezed your hair out in the cloth, you walked over to the nightstand and unplugged your phone. You went to Spotify and went to a random playlist; which made Billie Eilish start playing softly. 

As Bellyache started to play, you double checked to make sure you didnt miss any texts from them

After seeing none, you felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders and started to smile as you swiped your mascara wand through your lashes.  

It took you another 15 minutes to finish your makeup and hair, and about 10 more to find a nice pair of jeans and a decent looking top. 

You finished getting ready at around 6:37 and walked down the stairs as you typed away on your screen. 

Y/N Padalecki: hi! im ready a bit early so you can head over whenever you want to. 

"Hey", someone said from the kitchen quietly so they didnt wake up the baby. You looked up and saw a sweaty long-haired man that you have known since you were a child. 

"Why in the hell are you up this early?"

"I haven't gone on a run in a while so I wanted to get one in before I filmed. Why are you up this early?"

"Dustin offered to get breakfast before he took me to set."

"Fun", Jared responded as your phone buzzed. 

Dustin Wilson: Good Morning. I'm a few minutes away.  

"He's gonna be here soon so I'll see you later?"

"Yeah", he smiled as he walked up to you and kissed your forehead. "Text me when you get to the restaurant and to set please."

"Okay dad" you huffed a laugh. 

"Love you too", he whispered loudly. 

A few minutes later, Dustin pulled into the driveway. You walked out the front door and to the passenger side, where you were greeted by your bodyguard. "Morning", he said happily.

"Morning", you yawned. "How are you this awake without coffee?"

"I'm a morning person."

"Well lucky you", you mocked which earned a grin from Dustin. 

After a 15 minute drive, Dustin pulled up to a new breakfast spot that had popped up in downtown Vancouver; the Nero Belgian Waffle Bar. You led the way inside and got sat down at a booth. 

Dustin started some small talk while you flipped through the laminated menu. You both ordered quickly due to time and you decided to get to know Dustin a little bit better. "So", you started which got Dustin's full attention. "What's your story?"

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"Anything you want to talk about", you shrugged. 

"Well I grew up in Fort Mill, South Carolina, I went to Clemson University for a semester but dropped out for the marines, and after a few tours I found out about being a bodyguard through a friend." 

"What about your family", you asked. 

"Two older brothers, Jason and Elliot, our dad was super involved and made sure we were comfortable, and our mom was an alcoholic."

"Oh wow. I'm sorry", you remarked. 

"It's fine", he reassured while he waved his hand. "Everyone goes through some shit."

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