Chapter 41

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A/N: I don't know how to put a trigger warning on chapters, but if abuse triggers you then proceed with caution.

~Day 2~


The sound of loud metal screeching on the cement made you jump awake; your focus immediately going to where the sound was coming from. 

Since you had just woken up, you were still a bit dazed. You shoved the pillow you were laying on aside and looked up at Dustin who was drilling something onto the wall with a tv at his feet. 

What in the everliving fu-

"Hey, you're awake", Dustin smiled as he put the drill down and leaned against the wall; turning his full attention to you. 

Ignoring him, you looked around and saw that the door to the basement was open. Your heart rate picked up a little after you realized that he didnt zip tied you back to the radiator. You could run. 

Not yet. 

You also realized that the food from last night was nearby, yet untouched. Even though you refused to eat or drink anything he gave you, given what happened last time, your body was struggling to function from the lack of it. And it was hard. 

"What are you doing", you groaned as you rubbed your eyes; getting a glimpse of the outfit you still had on that was even dirtier than the day before. 

"This is my shitty attempt to help you get comfortable and make time go by faster", he shrugged. 

"Do you think you're funny", you scoffed. "You know you fucking kidnapped me right? And drugged me!" You ended up screaming the last part, as you stood up and slowly made your way towards him. 

"Y/N you should stop while your ahead", he said in a deep and aggressive tone. You were so blind with rage, that you didnt realize what you were doing. 

"Or what? What are you going to do? Fucking drug me again?"

"Last chance", he almost growled. 

You didnt know what came over you. He was obviously extremely pissed, but you didnt care. All you knew, was that you were full of hate. You wanted to make this hell for him. 

Without thinking, you spit on him. Directly on his face. 

He was thrown into a blind rage and grabbed your throat. You gasped in surprise, and tried prying his hands away; but to no avail, as he shoved you onto the wall with his grasp still tight. 

"Y/N you're going to fucking regret it if you get on my bad side. Cut it out. Now", he hissed as he let go. 

He was holding on to your throat so tight that you lost your breath. When he let go, your legs couldn't hold you up as you collapsed on the ground. 

Gasping for air, you watched as he walked away and rubbed his hands through his hair. Out of nowhere, he screamed "Fuck" and grabbed the drill upside down; using the butt of it to shatter the TV screen. He hit it so hard that instead of the screen breaking and pixels covering the screen, the glass shattered into pieces on the ground. 

He stormed out of the basement and slammed the door, leaving you gasping for air and a sobbing mess as you rubbed your neck; praying for someone to find you before its too late. 

Jensen's POV

He hadn't slept. He was exhausted because every time he closed his eyes, he would see you scared and alone. It haunted him. 

He was currently at his counter and had his face in his hands; the coffee next to him not even having a chance to help him in any way. He hoped over and over that this was all just a nightmare, but of course, deep down he knew it was the god awful truth. 

As he tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes, he heard a knock on his front door and the alarm system ring; saying that the front door was compromised. "Hello", Jared called as he closed the door behind him. 

"Kitchen", Jensen replied as he fixed his posture and ran a hand through his hair. 

Jared looked Jensen up and down once he made it around the corner. "You didnt sleep either?"

"I look that bad?"

"Well, it would make three of us. Laney's in the car right now trying to get a few minutes in."

"What's going on", he sighed as he dumped out his untouched coffee. 

"Campbell said he found something and we should all go back to the station."

Once he heard that the Detective found something, he grabbed his phone and started towards his front door and grabbed his shoes; not listening to the rest of Jared's sentence. "What are we waiting for then? Let's go now." 

"You're not even going to put on your shoes", Jared asked as he locked Jensen's front door for him. 

"No time lets go", he said back as he ran to the car with his tennis shoes in his hand. 

He wasn't the only one who had just started their day apparently because when he got in the car he saw Laney curled up in the back with leggings and a white hoodie paired with a messy bun, and Jared got into the driver seat with black basketball shorts and a black t-shirt with unkempt hair; which made Jensen look normal with grey sweatpants and a blue t-shirt. 

The ride felt short once again because of his wandering thoughts, as they pulled up to the station. They all filed inside and raced directly to Austin's official; who stood up once everyone walked inside. 

"Morning guys. I know you just started your day, and I hate to put this on you, but this case just got harder."

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