Chapter 27

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The bed sank next to you and a hand started to lightly shake you. Squinting, you rolled towards the drop in the bed and looked up to see Jensen with a smile. "Morning", you said; your voice laced with sleep. 

"Morning Sweetheart. Clif is going to be here soon."

You nodded and sat up in the bed while rubbing your eyes. "Where's Jj?"

"I went ahead and dropped her off at her Moms. And speaking of Jj, when did she come in here last night", he asked as he went through his dresser. 

"Midnight I think. She had a nightmare and didnt want to wake you up." He nodded and turned his attention towards his phone, which lit up and made a faint chime; indicating a text was sent to his number.  

"Well, Clif is here. You ready?" Nodding, you threw the comforter away from you and threw your legs over the side of the bed. "Its kind of cold. Do you want a hoodie?"

"Sure", you shrugged. He opened another drawer and pulled out a black hoodie that said 'LOVE' in red with the 'O' as an anti-possession symbol. 

With that, you followed him down the stairs and out the door to Clif's car. Both of you got into the back and started making small talk.

Clif was telling you about a girl he was talking to named Evie about 15 minutes into the drive when your phone lit up; notifying you that Jensen had tagged you in an Instagram photo. You looked to your left at him and saw a smile on his face. "What did you tag me in Jen?"

"Open it and find out."

Raising an eyebrow, you clicked on the notification and unlocked your phone. Instagram popped up and brought you to the picture Jensen had just posted and already had 90,000 likes. You smiled at the picture that had finished loading. It was a picture from earlier this morning with Jj in your arms hugging her stuffed moose. Your arms were wrapped protectively around her and both of you were peacefully asleep. 

jensenackles: I think this is the best thing I could have woken up to this morning. @ y/npadalecki

"Can you send this to me and was that really the best thing you could have woken up to", you asked in a low voice as Clif pulled through the gates on set.

"Yes, and yes", he whispered back. 

"Call me when your scenes are over", Clif smiled as he put the car in park.


About two hours went by when, finally, you finished filming for the day. After changing out of the Ali costume and into black leggings that you packed for the trailer and the hoodie Jensen gave you earlier, you took out your phone. It opened on the picture Jensen had posted a few hours ago, you smirked at the photo and liked it before going to your texts to save the picture to your camera roll. Once you went to yours and his text chain and saved the picture, you swiped out of the messages and saw the text the unknown number had sent yesterday. 

Unknown: Cute picture on Instagram Y/N. Also, have fun at the barbeque tonight.

Taking a shallow breath, you went to the counter you had thrown all of your things on and grabbed your wallet. You looked through all of the card slots and found the card you were looking for. Walking back over to the couch, you dialed the number and held the phone up to your ear. After a few rings, a familiar voice answered. 

"This is Detective Campbell."

"Hi there. It's Y/N Padalecki."

"Oh hello Y/N. Is everything alright?"

"Kind of. Can we meet somewhere? There's a coffee shop called Revolver nearby."

"Sure thing. I'll be there in 10."

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