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"MAXINE!!!!" My best friend yelled running down the halls to reach me.

"Woah Cal what's going on?" I asked my best friend as he looked back.

"Um I got the soccer team mad at me again," he yelled turning the corner and the many boys on my team ran after him. I closed my locker as the bell rang and walked over to my class.

"Morning Miss Maxine," The math teacher said as I placed my things at a table and counted down till Cal ran through the door panting and sweating. "Um morning Mister Cal?" He questioned looking at the boy who was panting and sweating his way over to me.

"What did you do this time?" I asked him as he leaned his sweaty face on my shoulder.

"I......I.......told.....I told.....them that......their....THEIR short shorts weren't hot," he panted and I pushed him off me laughing. "Then I told them you're trying out for captain and Mr. Bad Boy chuckled so I told him that you would be on the field today to talk to coach," and with that I slapped him in the back of the head. "Then they started chasing me," he rubbed his head and looked up when a couple of the soccer boys walked in.

"So Maxine I hear your trying to take Zachs spot," one guy asked sitting in front of cal and I. When I didn't answer his friends sat beside him staring at me. They whispered to one another until the teacher yelled for them to turn around.

I was daydreaming as the teacher spoke about something that had to do with x and y. Soon enough the bell rang and cal had to shake me to wake me up. "Dude wake up, I don't want to walk out alone," he yelled at me till I shook my head and stood up grabbing my stuff.

"YOU BIG WIMP!!" One of my teammates yelled before I gave them the death stare and made them start running away.

"We have history next, can't wait for Ms. Bores a lot," Cal chuckled as we walked to our next class until Zachary Ryder stepped in front of us with one of his buddies starring Cal and I down.

"May I help you Zachery and Raymond?" I asked as a crowd gathered and everyone stared at me for saying what I just did.

"Listen hear Freak its Zach and Ray and if you don't start calling us that then-" Zachery started getting angry stepping closer to me.

"-then you'll try to ruin my life blah blah blah. I can't kick a soccer ball blah blah blah," I began saying and cal kept nudging my shoulder telling me to shut up and I could feel Zachs breath on me. "God you need a mint," I said pinching my nose and they all gasped.

"What? I can kick you off the team, I don't even get why your on the team because there's a thing called a Girls team," he said and Him and Raymond chuckled.

"Well boys she's on the team because she's better than all of you and that's why I'm asking, Max to be the captain," Coach Goldberg walked through the crowd and we all were starring at him.

"Coach you can't do that she's a girl-" Raymond began begging but he put his hand up.

"She's the star player and can do better than all you maggots so what do you say Max?" He looked over to me as Zachery was still infront of me with a big gasp.

"She accepts the offer," Cal said noticing I couldn't answer.

"Good now everyone get to class," Coach Goldberg yelled and everyone ran leaving Zachery, Raymond, Cal, and I.

Cal lifted me up as he grabbed all our stuff "good day boys," He told them and carried me to our next class.
~skip ta lunch~
"Come on please I forgot mine at home!" Cal has been begging for money from Jordan for at least 5 minutes.

"Cal I'm not giving you money, maybe you should have woken up earlier," Jordan told him that, remembering this morning when cal didn't pick him up.

"Fine Max can I have some money?" He turned to me and I reached in my pocket and pulled out 3 dollars for him and gave it too him.

"Are you serious right now?" They both yelled at the same time and I looked at them as everyones eyes turned to us.

"You gonna take it or should I put it back in my pocket?" I asked pulling the money back as cal puts his hand out for it and took it.

"Hey freak I need to talk to you," The 'great' Zachery yelled for me to which I turned to him as he walked over to me with his black leather coat as Raymond & Alexander followed him.

"Oh my god they're so hot," I heard a girl gasp and Raymond looked over at her and winked.
As he did she fanned herself.

"So freak are you gonna talk to us or want me to make you run laps this practice," Zachery said as his guys chuckled with him.

"Um actually Zach you can't make her run because she's the captain now," cal said and all three of the boys scolded him.

"It's cool cal. But it has to been even numbers," I told Zachery and he turned to the guys nodding them away. He grabbed my wrist and took me out of the lunch room to the hallway.

"So what do you want Zachery?" Before he said anything he looked around and pushed me up against the wall.

"What the heck are you doing?" I yelled trying to push him off me, but he just stayed there with his hands on the wall staring at me with his grey eyes with no emotion.

"You set me up with the whole coach shit, you knew you were going to get captain, I'm not gonna listen to a freak." He told me and starred into my eyes and I kneed him in the stomach.

"Then quit the team," I told him as he backed away from me. "If you can't handle a better soccer player as the captain then quit." I told him and again he pushed me to the wall.

"Your gonna tell coach that you don't want to be captain and quit the team or else," he gritted his teeth and I chuckled at him.

"I'm actually not and you are going to back away now," I said and he shook his head looking both ways before putting his hands on my sides moving his hands up and down.

"You know Maxie your different than other girls-" he began watching his hands move up and down my sides. "So different but so-" he started thinking of a word but couldn't. When he heard someone walking out the lunchroom he pushed away and began yelling at me again telling me to talk to the coach. The footsteps got closer until Jordan jumped in front of me.

"Leave her alone Zach," he said looking Zachery in the eyes and he tsked walking back to the room. Jordan turned and looked at me making sure I was ok.

"I'm fine," I whispered still confused what was going on before he walked over to us.

So different but so what? What was he gonna say. I thought looking at my hands that were shaking.

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