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I walked down the halls alone. I guess it was better this way.

"Let us explain," Cal yelled as they ran up behind me. I haven't spoken to them all day and now that it's lunch, well I was gonna eat alone in the closet.

"Maxie listen," Jordan begged, I started walking faster. Luckily when we entered the cafeteria it was empty.

"Max talk to us," Caleb said running in front of me and stoping me. They built a wall around me and just looked at me with pleading eyes.

"We're sorry," Aiden said and I looked around at them. They all looked upset and I shouldn't be mad over this, but I am especially over my brother.

"Move," I whispered but they didn't. More people started walking into the room as they also crowded around.

"Awe trouble in paradise?" Jude and his friends chuckled walking to us. The guys opened a space and Jude stood with his friends. "Oh keep going, we're all enjoying it," I looked away from them as I felt broken.

"Hey dude whatever your name is. Leave us all alone," Cal said making Jude's group step closer.

"Why don't you fucking make us?" Jude chuckled when he was right in front of Cal. Caleb pulled him back and looked down at Jude.

"You touch her and I kill you," Caleb said to him in a deep manly voice. Jude smirked up at Caleb, the guys moved behind Caleb as Jude's friends starred at all them. Me? I was backing away about to leave the cafeteria before Raymond grabbed me and took me to Jude's side.

"Looks like little miss tomboy here is scared," Raymond chuckled and set me down. The guys turned there eyes to me and Jude well he was busy talking to the people behind him.

"Just leave her out of this. She's done nothing," Jordan said. The cafeteria was full with people and they were all huddled around us.

"Oh the only reason I'm here is for her. We're taking her to Northdale," Jude chuckled as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me beside him.

"Didn't I tell you if you touch her I'm gonna kill you?" Caleb said leaping onto to Jude and punching him across the face. The others attacked Jude's friends and Raymond grabbed my wrist and ran out of my room to outside.

"Let me go," I yelled but he covered my mouth and kept me walking until we got to a run down car.

"Get in now," Raymond said but when I didn't move he pushed me into the car. "Get in the damn car," he yelled so when he went to the front and I headed to the other Side I took off. I ran into the woods and sat down near a fallen log. "Come on freak. Come out," Raymond yelled making me shudder and keep my mouth closed. "Fine die out here," Raymond chuckled and he's footsteps leading out of the woods were loud till I heard nothing.

I didn't know if i should run or if I should stay there. No one has looked for me which I guess is good but my stomach is starting to hurt and I don't think I can get up. "Maxie?" I heard one of the guys yell but I hadn't eaten since yesterday and I'm not thinking straight.

"Should we even look in here? Ray said she ran to the road," Alex said making the guys chuckle.

"And your gonna trust the herpes guy that hates her guts?" Aiden said. I was actually able to hear them.

"He doesn't hate her guts," Alex said making everyone's steps stop. "I mean h-he doesn't hate her as much as you all think," Alex stuttered making one of the guys chuckle.

"What do you mean Alex? She's out injured and no one can find her. Ray is barely lucky that Jackson hasn't found out yet," Cal said making it go silent.

"What would Jackson even do? I thought you all said she hated him," Alex said making them start walking again.

"Jackson loves Maxie. He protects her but when he saw how she acts different he watched and protected from afar," Jordan said as I heard there footsteps get closer and closer.

I stayed silent not wanting to be found yet.
"So why does Jackson not talk to her again?" Aiden asked as they walked closer into the woods.

"Max always stayed away from Jackson. He didn't know what to do so he stayed away too," Cal said and stopped.

"What did you see something?" Sam asked making cal shush him in the process. I looked around of trying to hear what cal was.

"It's northdale," Alex said as we all hear faint voices. There were about 4 or 5 guys with heavy boots on walking in the woods.

"Should we leave then?" Aiden asked quietly and I shook my head and tried to stand up.

Northdale isn't a very good school, it's where most kids go after juvie or hurt someone physically.

"I don't know," Jordan said. My foot slipped and I hit my wrist on the log. I groaned, my wrist was in pain and I think I twisted my ankle.

"Maxie?" The guys said at the same time and took off towards me but they were too late. Northdale was on the other side of me.

"Well Jude didn't deliver but this is good enough," Joseph from Northdale said, they took a step closer to me and the guys followed.

"Why does Northdale even want her?" Caleb yelled to the guys and they chuckled.

"She's active you could say. We could use her for a long lasting toy," a guy with long blond hair said. I sat on the ground in pain.

"If any of you lay a finger on her, well let's say you won't have a hand anymore," Sam said making Northdale chuckle and take steps closer to me.

"Sam is it? You don't care for her. We saw you making out with Teya," I shuddered and looked down. "And Alex what happened to you? Hanging with these guys, I mean I get the chick but them," Alex turned away.

"You three? Well let's just say you use her for 'things' don't ya? Good Friday night," they chuckled and Caleb was about to talk but Northdale stopped him. "Listen, all we want is her. We don't need to do anything crazy," one of the guys said.

"Or how bout we kick your asses and you all get back to school," I heard a voice from the woods and we all looked around for it.

"Who the hell is that?" One of the guys asked looking around.

"Um I don't know bro but we should get her and go," a taller guy said reaching and grabbing my wrist. When I was next to them my brother walked out from the side and walked in front of us.

"You have 3 seconds to get your hands off of her," Jackson making the guys back up but still holding onto my wrist. "3......2," Jackson said and before he got to one the guy let go and Caleb attacked him. Jackson pulled me towards him and Sam and Jordan joined Caleb.

"Are you okay?" Aiden asked looking at me making Jackson pull me closer in an overprotective way.

"I'm fine," I whispered as the other three headed towards us after Northdale ran away. Cal grabbed me from Jackson and squeezed me.

"God your so annoying sometimes," cal chuckled nuzzling his face into my hair.

"Don't kill her," Jordan chuckled as cal let go of me. "Ok I know your a tomboy and all but can we get a hug?" Jordan asked and before I could move Caleb and cal were hugging him.

"Happy?" Aiden chuckled then joined in the big group hug. "I can't watch a big hug and can't join," Aiden chuckled making us laugh.

"You all are goof balls," Sam chuckled as Alex jumped on them making them tumble to the ground. Only Sam, Jackson, and I were standing.

"So do I get to know what happened?" Jackson asked making me shake my head. I don't believe the guys, I don't feel like I can trust all of them. And Jackson, if he wanted he could've a long time ago.

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