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I got through the rest of the day and the guys were taking me back home. I decided to text Finn, I started liking him and I guess I knew it was too good to be true.

M: Hey
F: hey Max
M: wanna come over?
F: I'm watching the boys
M: you can bring them too
F: k be there soon

I smiled at my phone and slid it back in my pocket. I walked into the basement where the guys were as they started up the Xbox and fought for who got to play first. I just laid back on the couch until someone knocked on the door and Jackson got it since he wasn't playing.

"What's up?" Jackson said as I saw Finn and his brothers walk into our house.

"Max invited us over," Kayden smiled and him and chase ran down the stairs and sat right beside me.

"Your brothers have taken a liking to my sister," Jackson chuckled as Finn and him came down the stairs. Cal chuckled and turned to see us.

"My brother loves her," Cal smiled and turned back to the game. Chase and Kayden began telling me so many things that I zoned out. I chuckled when they did and pulled my phone out since it was buzzing.

"Hey Maxie, I'm going on a business trip for a couple days so it'll be just you and Jackson," I heard my dad say so I passed my phone to Jackson.

"It's dad," my voice was still raspy and I hated it, he nodded and began speaking to him. "I'll be right back," I stood up and headed for my room to change. I walked in and threw on a bigger shirt and a random pair of shorts.

"Max can I talk to you," Finn was on the other side of my door so I opened it and he walked in and sat on my bed. "I want to make sure you're ok," he said after a couple of minutes.

"I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me," I told him but he shook his head and the next thing I knew I was between his legs and his hands were on my hips.

"Don't lie to me. I know your not and something is bothering you so tell me," his hands moves up and down my hips slowly so I tried to back away but he wouldn't let me.

"Let go of me. I know you have a girlfriend," I whispered and he looked at me shocked. His hands were still holding my hips and I was still between his legs.

"Max, you do things to-" Finn started saying but I didn't let him finish. I couldn't.

"Chloe seems like a nice girl and you were happy with her way before me," I reached up and rubbed my throat. "I'm not gonna end your relationship," I tried to pulled away again but he kept his hands on my hips.

"I want you. I need you," he squeezed my hips lightly and it made my skin burn but in a good way that I've never felt. I shook my head down at him.

"You need Chloe and want Chloe," I finally got out of his hands and he laid on his back. He groaned and tugged his hair.

"I do not. When I saw you at the pond I knew you were different and I wanted you," he sat up and stared at me with his glossy eyes. I ran my hand on my dressers

"How long have you two been together?" I asked him and he looked away.

"About a year maybe. But we both have changed and barely talk. I want you," he stood up and was in front of me. We starred at each others eyes, he's were light blue and they were so glossy.

"You guys okay up there?" Caleb yelled to us and I turned away from Finn.

"Yea were about to come down," I yelled to him and turned to walk out of the room but Finn grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. His lips touched mine and I turned my head. "Let's go," I whispered and walked out.

"Would you two like some tea?" Aiden asked I nodded to him. I walked back into the basement with Finn following me, I sat with Kayden and Chase mostly because they begged me. Finn sat over near Sam.

"You alright?" Jackson asked and I smiled and nodded my head. Chase and Kayden told me a story of when they were fishing in the pond by there house. I laughed when they did and fiddled with my fingers as they spoke. I drank the tea Aiden made for me. "It's just Maxie and I so you guys can stay," Jackson told them once it started getting dark.

"Is it ok if Drew comes here? Mom and dad went on a date night," Cal said and of course we nodded and I went up stairs with Sam to make the beds for people.

"How's your voice?" He asked me as we moved the futon over and made beds in the living room. I rubbed my throat and he nodded his head. "I heard you slept in your room last night," he smiled at me and I joined him. "I'm proud of you Maxie," we got done making the beds and he gave me a hug that I would get from Jackson, tight but not enough to kill me.

"You all make the beds?" Jackson said once all them came up the stairs of the basement. "Alright well we have these beds here, some of you can sleep in the basement and one guest room," Jackson spoke with pride and was about to wrap his arm around Cal but remembered his brother.

"I call the guest room!" Jordan ran up the stairs to the room making Caleb groan.

"I'll sleep down in the basement," Caleb grabbed a pillow and went down stairs. Aiden followed him.

Sam, Finn, Kayden, chase and Drew decided to sleep in the living room. Cal was gonna try and sneak up stairs to Jacksons room but I didn't see the point. I told Kayden, chase, and Drew to come up stairs to my room and they were so confused. "What's wrong Maxie?" Chase asked once we settled in my room.

"Drew. Cal likes Jackson and Jacksons likes him and your his brother so I really think that you should love him. Help him through this at least," Drew starred at me confused and nodded his head slowly once I told them.

"Why did you bring us up here then?" Kayden asked making Drew chuckle.

"You guys are my friends so she thought I'd need support through this," He wasn't right but he wasn't wrong either.

"Does Finn talk about Chloe a lot?" I asked them and they turned to each other and shrugged.

"Sometimes but they haven't went out in a while," chase said making me think of the time Finn was in here just a couple hours ago.

"We were talking to her today because Finn didn't text her last night," Kayden explained so I nodded again.

"Ok. How bout we hit the hay now?" I smiled at them and took them back to the living room to a confused Sam, Finn, and Cal.

"Night beautiful," Chase chuckled and kissed my hand.

"Night tomboy," Kayden kissed my other hand.

"Night Maxie," Drew kissed my cheek and they all headed to there beds.

"Night boys," I went back up to my room and laid down on my bed. I stared up at the ceiling, it felt like 5 minutes but when I looked at the clock, an hour had passed.

"Can I come in?" Finn whispered as he knocked. He walked in anyways and I faked sleeping as he walked over to my bed. "Damn it your asleep," he whispered as he got closer. I felt a dip in the bed at my feet and felt him rubbing my leg slightly. "Either way I'm saying what I have to," he took a deep breath and looked away. "I've fallen for you. Chloe has left my mind and all I want is you in my arms. I want to protect you everyday of the week," he chuckled and I bit my lip as he stopped.

"Maxie?" A groggy voice whispered, it sounded like drew but I was confused. "What are you doing?" Drew spoke loudly and then went quite.

"I'm not gonna hurt her. Please don't tell anyone. Not even my brothers," Finn said making me shift in my bed.

"Tell me what your doing then," Drews voice was quite.

"I'm in love with her. I wanted to confess but she's asleep. You can't tell anyone please drew I'm trusting you," Finn stood up and that's the last I heard of them till morning after I woke up.

He loves me? I like him, I don't know love. Maybe I do.

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