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At night, I couldn't sleep. Jackson and Cal was laying his room, Finn had left but put his number in my phone, Jordan and Caleb along with Raymond and Aiden were trying to sleep in the living room. I didn't want to go in my room after what had happened so I was sleeping in the basement with Zachery and Sam. I didn't want to close my eyes and see him above me. The house was quiet and dark even if I wanted it to be loud and bright.

I wanted to call Finn but I didn't want to wake him and even my voice wouldn't even show and I knew it had too. My phone buzzed once so I checked it and saw Finn texted me, I smiled and couldn't help it. All he sent was 'Hey' but I wanted to say so much more to him. I just met him but I trust him even after to day. 'Hi' was the only thing my jittery fingers would type. I didn't have to wait long because he sent his message right away 'Can't sleep?' I nodded and sent yes right away. I looked around in the dark and heard only the snores of the two guys. 'Me too' he sent back and I thought it was weird that he couldn't. Maybe bad dream or something else.

We talked to each other for a while, it was 4 when I noticed it was hot in the basement. I couldn't stay in the hot room so I went to the living room, seeing all the guys sleeping made me happy and that's when I heard someone calling my name. 

"Maxie," it was distant and coming upstairs so I followed it. It was coming from my room? "Max help me please," I opened my door and saw a shirtless Alex. I stopped moving and looked at him. He looked like he did earlier.

"Wh- what are you doing here?" I stuttered and he coughed and turned his head to me. I blinked and he disappeared and appeared beside me be pushed me to the bed. My back bounced on the bed and when I looked around no one was near me. I got up and left the room and went downstairs where the sun was shining in slightly. I looked at my phone and it was 6:26, Finn had messaged me so I texted him back before going to the kitchen and cooking breakfast for everyone. Everyone finally woke up at 7:58 and was already eating all the food I put out.

"Thanks Maxie," they all said while stuffing there mouths. My dad walked down and hugged and kissed my head before sitting down and eating too, I guess I just needed sleep earlier.

"All of you sleep well?" My dad said but mostly to me I'm guessing, I lied and nodded my head after pouring me a cup of orange juice.

"So I heard the fair is in town. Maybe we should go," Jordan slipped in and Cal jumped out of his seat.

"Oh my god I want to go can we go please?" He begged making everyone chuckle at him.

"Of course we can go," Jackson said and pulled cal back to his seat.

"Maxie are you coming?" Zachery asked me and I shrugged looking into the orange juice. When I looked up I saw Alex and it made me jump and the orange juice go on to the floor.

"Woah are you ok? Here I can clean it up," Sam said and Jordan gently led me into the living room. The others joined and so did Sam once he cleaned up the mess I made and my dad had to head to work.

"You're ok Sis," Jackson said and wrapped his arms around me, again it startled me and made me think of yesterday when Jackson was punching Raymond. "I'm sorry," Jackson pulled away quickly. My phone buzzed and I looked at it seeing Finn texted me.

'Can Finn come to the Fair with us?' I typed and showed them my phone. They nodded so I pressed call and handed it too Jackson. He invited him to come and stuff, I stared at my hands not knowing what to do.

"He said he'll be here in 12 minutes," Jackson said so I stood up and went to the basement and looked in the dryer for some of my clothes I can change into. I couldn't find any so I knew I had to go into my room or get someone else to do it for me.

"What are you looking for?" Aiden asked me and I pointed to my clothes and he nodded. "Do you need someone to go in your room? Or do you want someone to go with you maybe?" Aiden said and I nodded. He helped me up to my room and opened the door, my blanket was off the bed from yesterday and Alex's shirt and my ripped shirt was still on the ground and gripped onto Aiden tightly. "It's okay. Here your clothes are in here," Aiden pointed to the closet and opened it. I grabbed a Blue shirt and black jeans. My high tops were downstairs so I nodded at Aiden.

"Ready?" Sam yelled up to us and Aiden took me to the bathroom and I changed quickly, I walked down stairs where everyone was sitting and talking.

"You look nice sis," Jackson said and I looked down at my outfit. I slid on my shoes and walked to the guys sitting on the couches. They all stood up and Jackson grabbed the money dad left for us and I remembered I wanted to bring my own so I went back up the stairs to my room. I took a breathe and went into my room.

"Need help?" Finn asked me and I nodded, he put his hand on the bottom of my back I walked in and grabbed my box with my money and grabbed 200 dollars out. "Ready?" He asked me and I nodded and we headed to the cars. Jackson took his car with Cal, Jordan, Caleb, and Aiden. Sam took Raymond, and Zachery. So Finn and I rode together. "So I really only have country music but I can get something on my phone if you don't like it," Finn said making me giggle? I actually giggled?

"It's fine," I whispered and rubbed my throat, Finn looked over at me and smiled.

"So you speak with me but not them?" He asked me confused following the others.

"I won't talk anymore I'm sorry," I apologized and looked out the window.

"Max I didn't mean it like that," Finn said and put his hand on my knee. I looked down at his hand and back out the window, he left it there while he drove to the fair.

I don't know what I'm feeling. I just met Finn and I don't know why I feel weird about being around him.

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