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So apparently Finns brothers are okay at hiding stuff or Finn is super dumb.

"Oh really?" Finn asked them as the twins had stood side by side.

"Yes now why did you come through the woods?" Kayden asked his older brother making Finn look around.

"No reason just looking for some-" Finn stopped once Sam fell out of a bush.

"And whose that?" Chase asked Finn. I stared at the boy laying on the green grass groaning while Finn was rubbing his head.

"That's Sam," Finn shook his head and his brothers chuckled.

"Thanks for the help Finn," Sam groaned walking over to them dusting himself off.

I took a step back and stepped on a twig making it snap and them turn to me.

"What was that?" Sam asked as him and Finn took a step toward me.

"It's Hersh Finn. We brought her with us," Chase said and pulled Finn back to him.

"That didn't sound like hersh, chase. You and kayden stay here," Finn said and pulled out a pocket knife and Sam pulled one out as well.

"Woah stop no ok put the knifes away. We'll tell you," Kayden begged making them turn. My heart stopped when he said that and I knew he was gonna tell.

"We are?" Chase asked and earned a punch from Kayden. "Yes we are," Chase nodded making Finn cross his arms.

"We have some girls from school in the woods," Kayden and Chase looked down making Sam and Finn chuckle.

"Girls?" Finn chuckled making Kayden blush. Chase turned to look at me and winked.

"Yes. Her name is Julie and she is so pretty," Chase smiled while looking at his brother.

"What does she look like?" Sam chuckled and stared at the boys in front of them.

"Well she has long brown hair that is amazing on her," Kayden blushed and turned to chase.

"She has beautiful tan skin that makes us melt," Chase turned to me making me smile at him.

"Oh and her eyes sparkle so bright at this time," Kayden said and I looked at the boys as they turned to one another.

"You guys have fallen hard. I have feelings like that for a girl," Sam chuckled and wrapped his arms around the twins necks.

"We have to get back to looking," Finn said making Sam groan. "Boys make sure this Julie girl gets home safe," Finn winked at them and they headed to the edge of the woods.

"Maybe she doesn't want to be found Finn," Sam said and they left into the woods.

"You can come out now," Chase smiled as they sat back down by the pond. I walked over to them and kissed both of their cheeks making them blush hard.

"Thank you so much boys," I smiled and sat near them. "So is there a girl you both like," I nudged both them. And they turned to one another smiling.

"Her name is Maya," Chase blushed and I turned to Kayden.

"Her name is Mary," Kayden chuckled and laid back on the grass. Chase followed so I joined them as we stared up at the sky.

"You knew both of them right?" Chase asked and I nodded. My phone buzzed but I didn't check it.

"There my friends," I said as we stared at the moving clouds. They moved slowly but it was pretty kinda.

"Why are they looking for you?" Kayden asked making me chuckle.

"Long story which I think Finn would kill me if I told you," we all laughed a little and Kaydens phone began ringing.

"Hello?" He said into the phone making us sit up. "Oh hey Jason," Kayden spoke to his friend.

"Jason is one of our friends," Chase whispered and I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Dude. Drew is having people over. Let's go," Kayden chuckled and stood up along with us.

"Yes were totally going," Chase high fives Kayden and Kayden said bye to his friend.

"Can I come? I know Drew," I smiled and they stared at me wide eyed.

"Yes you can come let's go," Kayden said as we headed to their house which wasn't large but it was enough, I would love it.

"We can take Finns old car," Chase handed me the keys so I climbed in the front and they got in and we headed to Cals and Drews house.

"Welcome all to mi cas-" Drew said to his friends as he stood in the living room but he stopped talking once he saw me walk in. "M-Maxie?" Drew turned red and ran to my and hugged me.

"Woah," the guys gasped and I smiled. "Whose she? She came with the twins? Isn't she the senior?" I heard from the group of guys.

Drew let me go and went to his friends once again who went silent.

"Guys this beautiful lady is Maxie," Drew chuckled and Chase and Kayden joined the group of guys on the couch.

"How did you twins find a girl like that?" A guy asked starring once again at the two boys I walked in with.

"She's friends with our brother," Kayden smiled and drew smiled.

"She's friends with mine too," I turned to drew who was blushing and I remembered he didn't know his brother was gay.

"Drew is anyone home right now?" I asked him and he shook his head. I raised my eyebrow and saw him turn.

"We should get a girl in our group," someone said making me chuckle at him.

"Careful what you say Jai. Maxie isn't like other girls," Drew chuckled making me smile. I heard the door open and some sniffles when the people walked in.

"We couldn't fucking find her again," Cal said making me run and hide.

"Why are there so many people in here?" I heard Jordan ask and it went silent.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Finn I'm guessing asked his brothers. "I knew that was my old car, which one of you drove it?" He asked making it go silent once again.

"I.....we....." Kayden tried to explain but he stopped.

"Cal. These are my friends and we were just hanging out we didn't do anything wrong," Drew said and I felt bad.

"Then why is there a car outside that none of you can drive. Drew," Cal sounded sympathetic.

"We left them at the pond. Maybe the Julie girl was old enough to drive," Sam said making the boys chuckle.

"Y'all are 15 or 14 correct?" Jacksons loud voice boomed and they nodded slowly.

"Which one of you drove the car?" Finn asked slowly. No one answered so I stepped out from the corner making the guys gasp.

"Holy shit," Cal took off towards me making fall onto a chair.

"Chill Cal. Don't hurt her," The guys chuckled. They all ran and hugged me like Cal did but Cal wouldn't let go. Zachery and Raymond weren't here but I didn't ask.

"Please talk," Jackson said but before I turned to him a voice spoke up.

"She's been talking," Kayden said confused and everyone turned to me.

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