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Heading back to my house was silent. I didn't know why Caleb was back.

"Who were the guys?" Caleb said trying to break the silence.

"Cowards," Jordan grumbled keeping his eyes on his hands.

"They bully her but can't fight us," Cal said looking over at me but I wouldn't look back. Keeping my eyes out the window staring at the night sky.

"How are you feeling Max," Caleb asked looking back me through the mirror but I said and did nothing. I don't know why I thought this was a smart idea. I'm not in pain but I didn't know what I was feeling when I saw them.

"Maxie?" Jordan said turning back to look at me. I didn't need them to save me.

"You ok?" Cal asked putting his hand on my shoulder. I jumped, scaring Cal.

Caleb pulled into my house and I got out, I already headed for the door and leaving it open and unlocked so they could get as I went to my room. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted the unknown number.

M: which one are you?
U: you'll find out soon enough Maxie
M: don't call me Maxie
U: go get some sleep that kick was pretty hard
M: don't tell me what I should do
U: go Maxine please it'll help
~conversation deleted~

I slipped on a big hoodie that was originally Calebs but who cares really. I went back downstairs to the basement and saw Cal already asleep. Jordan and Caleb were talking on the couch.

"Your wearing my hoodie," Caleb said looking over at me and I nodded feeling more cold.

"Why didn't you tell us you were going?" Jordan whispered as he sat me between him and Caleb, I shook my head not knowing myself.

"If it wasn't for when he called you who knows what could be happening right now," Caleb said but he wasn't thinking it, knowing he couldn't.

I would have gotten away, my stomach doesn't even hurt. I could've ran away from them. I blanked out staring at the wall thinking of the many ways I could've ran from them. There endless.

"MAX?" Jordan was yelling/ whispering in my ear. I shook my head and turned to them. "What did they do to you?" Jordan looked at me differently. Like he was scared of what I was doing or showing. I smiled.

"They tricked me. That's really it, I'm fine and you two should hit the hay. If Caleb is going to school tomorrow then you should sleep," I laughed and stood up grabbing more pillows and another blanket for him.

"Thanks, are you sleeping down here with us?" Caleb asked getting comfortable.

"Yeah I have a pallet in front of Cal, hopefully he won't roll on me," I chuckled and laid down on the pallet I made and slowly drifted off into deep sleep.
~Next Morning~

"Morning sleepy heads," I heard my dad laughing and when I opened my eyes I saw why. Caleb's huge body was laying on Jordan who was on the ground and Cal had marker on his face.

"What the heck?" I laughed along and saw Caleb waking up. He sat up so fast and Jordan groaned under him.

"Holy shit I'm so sorry Jordan I didn't know you were there," Caleb said as he stood up so fast and picked Jordan up.

"Oh my god you fell asleep on him, that's hilarious," Cal was laughing until I showed him my camera facing him, he screamed like a girl, "what is on my face?!" He yelled at us but I looked over at the boys who were whistling.

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