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The guys were still sitting on the ground looking at the screen as the little chucky doll zoomed across the screen they finally yawned at 8:30.

"Man it's not scary anymore," Jordan yawned as he rested his head on the pillow that rested on the couch.

"True," Cal yawned putting his head on his hands on a different couch.

"You guys should sleep we still have school tomorrow," I fake yawned as I made a pallet on the ground and turning my phone back on.

"Yeah night," Jordan whispers as he shut the tv and Xbox off.

In minutes there snores filled the room as I slowly got up and walked out the door and headed for the school. It was nine when I was half way there so I watched the streets as no one drove down them. I wrapped my arms around me as I got colder as my shorts and tank top didn't keep me warm.

I heard sirens as I got closer to the school hoping I wasn't getting blamed for something. I looked down at my phone seeing it was 9:30. I just sat on a hidden bench as I heard 3 men voices talking to each other. "Why did you even elbow her?" One voice chuckled at another.

"We need to talk to her now shut up she might be here already," one voice sounding like Raymond said.

"Ok ok just tell us why you did it," one voice said and it sounded like Marco but I couldn't be sure from where I was listening from. I just only saw 3 shadows.

"I don't know I mean thought it would be funny," Raymond shrugged as the guys chuckled at him.

"Hell if we actually thought of it, you would be the bad boy not Zach," I recognized his voice but it sounded like Austin.

"You all three can shut up or I'll make ya," the voice boomed as the steps got closer to them.

"Zach my man, how was the day? I heard Alex spent it with freak," Raymond said chuckling.

"He's coming or should be tonight," Zachery said as I'm guessing he looked down at his watch.

"I'm here just wanted to do an entrance I guess," Alex chuckled as I heard him run up to them.

"Why did you call a meeting?" Alex asked looking around.

"Enemy number one, Freak," Ramon's said but looked around.

"Ray she might be here," Marco whispered to him but he kept looking around.

"She's coming? I wouldn't have came if I knew that," Alex started backing away before Austin grabbed him.

"What did you do at her house? Your acting weird," Austin told him but he looked away. "She did something didn't she?" Austin said again and shook him.

"She didn't do shit we did!" Alex yelled back at him pushing Austin away, I rearranged my footing but stepped on a branch making it crack.

"That you Maxine?" The guys looked around but didn't see me behind the bench until Raymond saw my legs. "I see you Maxine," Raymond said chuckling so I did what I could do. I stood up and saw them, there eyes raked down my pjs.

"Who texted me?" I asked pulling out my phone as it vibrated on silent as Jordan tried to call me.

"I just want to talk alone Maxine," Raymond said walking over to me still hiding behind the fence.

"Ray we didn't agree to that," Alex whispered to him but Raymond didn't care as he grabbed my collar and pushed me against the brick wall.

"You four could go home I got what I wanted," Raymond whispered at me as his voice smelled of cigarettes and beer.

"Dude why are you doing this?" Marco asked taking steps towards us but Raymond heard and turned his head so fast and guessing he scolded him because Marco fell back on Austin both of them terrified.

"I said leave," Raymond's voice was deeper and raspier now, he kept keeping his eyes on the boys till Marco and Austin took off running through the parking lot to the road. "You too," Raymond said again looking at his two friends you could say.

"We're not leaving so you do what you want," Zachery said glancing at me then back at him.

He let go of my collar making me drop to the ground. I felt my phone stop vibrating as I reached back and clicked answer but he was on mute so they wouldn't be heard.

"Good then you two can help me," Raymond chuckled and lifted me back up. "Come hold her arms against the wall," he looked at me with his hazel nut eyes that I barely could see at this time of night.

"So you can punch her? I'm not doing that," Alex said backing away but still staring.

"Oh yea I forgot you like her, what did you say that night-," all of a sudden he dropped me again and pulled his phone where he played a message.

'Zach I need help I think I like her, please I know you won't make fun of me for it just please tell me-,'

"You like freak," Raymond laughed looking back me as I was laid on the ground. He kicked my stomach as I was hit against the wall.

"Stop. Now." I heard as a deeper yet stronger voice got closer to us.

"Or fucking what, you like her too Zach well guess what me too," I blanked out for a second closing my eyes acting like his kick stunned me badly but I was like getting hit in the nose.

"Wait what?" Alex said looking at the two friends of his. "Your lying, you don't like her your just saying that," He told him but before he could say anything I heard them luckily.

"Get away from her now," not Cal, not Jordan, Caleb.

"Who the hell are you?" Zach said and when I opened my eyes I looked over at Caleb and smiled.

"Jordan, go grab her," Caleb told him as Jordan ran to my side, Raymond grabbed his shoulder trying to make him turn around but Caleb pushed him away.

"Cal get the back ready," Caleb yelled but I chuckled.

"How are you laughing? He kicked you," Alex said but was scolded by Jordan.

"Hey Zach," Raymond said looking to his friend.

"Yea Ray?" Zachery looked back over at him.

"You three leaving now," Cal said as they got me up which I didn't need.

"What's the big guys name?" Zachery asked and looked at me as I raised my shirt up to the edge of my bra making sure there was no bruise.

"Leave," Jordan growled as I turned to look at him.

Zachery walked over to me slowly but the guys watched. I stood till he leaned down to my ear. "I have secrets Maxie, you share. I share." He whispered pulling away with everyone's eyes on us as him and his friends walked away.

"What did he say?" Cal asked me as we got in the car.

"Nothing," I said normally but inside I was mortally confused.

I have secrets to tell, you share. I share. He could use them against me and trick me to tell secrets. I don't know but I'm glad Caleb is back.

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