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"Some joke Maxine......."
I try to turned around but they wrapped there arm around my waist loosely and puts there hand over my mouth.

"Don't move," they whispered into my ear as the person moved me infront of the mirror. I looked at who was behind me and it was Raymond.

I mumbled into his hand and tried to get away. We stared at each other through the mirror as I tried to get away.

"I'm not here to hurt you," He whispered into my ear as his hand slid away from my mouth to my hair which he pushed out of the way. The arm around my waist was where he pushed my shirt up to feel the wrap around my waist.

"Stop touching me," I tried to push him away but he tightened his grip around me.

"You ok in there Maxie?" Caleb asked as I heard the door open.

Raymond stared at me and nodded his head. "Help me!" I yelled once Raymond moved his hand away.

"You little bit-" Raymond whispered till all the guys stormed into the bathroom and stared at Raymond.

"Let her go Ray," Aiden said looking around at the bathroom. His eyes landed on my wrap that Raymond pulled my shirt up to see. "You fucking touched her," Aiden said walking closer to us making Raymond back up with a hold of me.

"You lifted her shirt!" Cal yelled stepping next to Aiden.

"N-no I was checking to see if she's ok," Raymond said pulling my shirt down.

"You don't fucking touch a girl like that," Jordan said as Raymond slowly took his hands away.

"Just let me explain-" Raymond said putting his hands up as they all looked at him in a girls restroom. I stayed still. There was one person not here that was suppose to promise: Sam.

"I have to go," I whispered and walked out as the guys called to me I walked down the hall and saw Sam kissing a girl against the wall.

I turned around and ran to the lunch room alone. People was already there so I sat in the opposite corner of where we usually sit. I grabbed a sketch book from my bag and drew a girl trapped in a fake world with all lies.

"Its weirdo she's back after the beat up," Jude said making me look up from my book. I shook my head and looked back down and started to shade in the clothes.

"Talk weirdo," a guy said hitting his hand down on the table.

"Back off guys she's done nothing to you," Sam said sitting down at the table I glimpsed over at him and could see his lips a little plumped and pink.

"Why don't all of you leave me alone," I looked up and shrugged sarcastically. Jude and his friends walked away as Sam stayed sitting next to me.

"There annoying aren't they?" Sam chuckled and reached and tried to put his hand on mine. I gathered all my stuff and stood up. "Maxie what's wrong?" He asked standing up with me.

"Go talk to your friends, I'm going home," I said and started walking away. He tried to follow so I ran into the janitors closet and sat down. I started drawing again as the bell rang in the hallway.

"Where could she be?" I heard Cal at the door talking to the guys.

"I don't know but we need to find her fast," Jordan said as I stayed still as they all walked by even Sam.

"We'll catch up later I need to talk to Sam," Aiden said. I was sitting behind tall things so no one saw me. Aiden pulled Sam into the room making Sam look confused. "What the hell is your problem? Messing with her like that," Aiden yelled and making sure the door is locked.

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