Epilogue .36

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5 years later:

"Maxie I need you real quick!" Finn and I are married with our first little boy. He's 2 soon and is already walking. I never imagined coming so far with Finn and seeing all my best friends and them being happy.

"Diaper again?" I chuckled at him and he nodded. I walked over to Jalen and Finn to change his diaper. "The diaper looks fine ba-" I turned to Finn and he dipped me and kissed me passionately.

"And so do you," he winked and lifted me back to my feet. "Everyone is coming over with there kids later," he whispered in my ear as I picked up Jalen.

"Sounds like a lot of work," I chuckled. He kissed my neck as his arms wrapped around my waist and I held little Jalen in my arms.

"We're here!" People yelled from downstairs and Finn groaned. I pecked his lips before going downstairs to everyone else. "Give me my nephew," Jackson took Jalen from my arms and took off with him, cal followed because he really does love him.

"Chloe, how's being pregnant?" We laughed and she rubbed her stomach.

"Honestly, Sam doesn't stop worrying about me," we giggled and she told me what she was gonna plan to name the girl they were having.

"Jordan! Where's Court?" He smiled at me and gave me a hug

"She went to see her family. But I did bring Gracie," Jordan is an amazing dad, Gracie is 10 months old.

"Caleb and Marci," I smiled at the two and hugged them tight. "How have you two been?" They began telling me stories of places they went and some places they want to go.

"Babe you didn't see the three sneak by ya," Finn walked by me once Caleb and Marci was in the living room. Chase, Kayden, and Drew where chasing Jalen around.

"Jalen I have cookies," Kayden said but Jalen didn't stop running until his arms were wrapped around my leg. Sam and Zachery walked in the house with bags of something and Popi followed Zachery.

"Awe isn't that cute," Popi saw Jalen and he stuck his tongue out at her. "Still cute little dude," she smiled and hugged me before walking to a seat.

"Jalen come to uncle Jack," Jackson held out his arms but Jalen didn't move. He rubbed his eyes and waited for me to pick him up.

"He must not like old men," Cal chuckled making everyone laugh except Jackson.

"I'm not old," Jackson wined and Cal kissed his cheek. Jackson was around 31 so Cal made fun of him for it. Finn had to take Jalen from me because my arms were beginning to hurt from holding him.

"How does it feel to be a dad?" Chase asked his older brother and it made him chuckle.

"It's great but you have to find the right one, and I don't want to see any of you three being a father yet," Finn always felt like Drew was like another little brother to him. Cal and Jackson were planning to adopt a boy or girl soon. Finn and I wanted another baby already.

"Don't worry Bro. I have the right one," Kayden smiled and Finn smacked him in the head and Jalen did the same making us laugh. "Ow, Kid your suppose to agree with me," Jalen shook his head.

"See even Jalen is smarter than you," Finn chuckled at Kayden and Jalen clapped at him.

"Can he say anything?" Chloe asked and I nodded.

"He doesn't say a lot but he does say a couple peoples names.

"Jalen can you say Cal?" Cal asked him and Jalen giggled at him.

"Car!" Jalen yelled making us laugh. He clapped at himself and Cal smiled at him.

"Jalen say Jor Jor," Finn said and Jalen looked around for Jordan and pointed at him.

"Jor Jor!" Jalen giggled and Jordan smiled. Jalen gave him that name and Jordan loved it. "Dew!" Jalen was reaching for Drew so Finn let him hold him.

"Well hey big guy," Drew fixed his shirt and Jalen through his arms in the air. "Fist pump?" Drew smiled and Jalen nodded at him.

"Boom!" Jalen yelled as there fist bumped each other. Jalen got down and walked around. Aiden showed up later and came into the living room looking very tired.

"What happened to you?" Sam chuckled at him, Aiden scolded him and turned to Jalen.

"The job is killing me," Aiden picked up Jalen, Jalen reached for his glasses making him chuckle.

"Mom?" Jalen looked around and Finn got him. "Where Mom?" Jalen learned to say that when I got his milk or juice from the fridge.

"He's very intelligent," Zachery smiled at him and Jalen got to the ground and ran looking for me. I was in the kitchen getting a drink.

"Mom!" Jalen grabbed my leg and wouldn't let go.

"Can I try and hold him?" Caleb asked and Finn and I nodded. Caleb picked him up and held him on his side. He looked happy as he stared at Jalen.

"He looks so much like you two," Marci smiled and held Jalens little hand.

"Say Hi Caleb and Marci," I smiled at Finn when he told Jalen that.

"Hi!" Jalen was very hyper and the other babies being younger wasn't helpful for him.

"What if we have found the right one Finn?" Chase smiled at Jalen in Calebs arms and Finn wrapped his arm around my neck.

"Then you'll know and she'll have to meet us," Finn chuckled at his brother and kissed my head I leaned against his chest and watched everyone make Jalen laugh or smile. When he cried, Jackson or someone took care of it. Finn and I got a break and our friends and family helped a lot. They had there own kids who cried but they took care of all of them.

"You look tired Max," Drew put his hands on my shoulders and I shrugged. "Finn will you take Max to bed?" drew asked and I shook my head but Finn had picked me up and was carrying me.

"Let's lay down and have a little break together," Finn laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. He kissed my neck to my cheek making me smile. "I love your reaction to things I do," he chuckled and rubbed my hips lightly. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Yes I know but this is a break not a love break," he chuckled and laid down beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I love you Maxie," Finn whispered as we both began to doze off in each other's arms.

"I love you too," I whispered and we both fell asleep on our bed. Our wedding rings still on our fingers and clothes still on. I never knew I'd be in love with a man like him or have a child like Jalen. I never imagined being where I am today and still living a new dream with the love of my life. I never want this life to end and I think Finn would agree....

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