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Instead of going home we went to Cals house. His 15 year old brother was sitting on the couch watching tv when we walked in.

"Drew!!!! You better be descent," Cal yelled putting his bag at the door.

"Why? Did you bring a hot girl?" Drew chuckled and the tv went silent.

"He brought two guys who doesn't want to see his dick!" Jordan yelled and we started walking into the room.

"Woah," Drew said looking at my tank top and shorts from soccer. "You didn't tell me Maxie was here," he just stared at me and I felt weirded out so I went behind Caleb.

"Stop being a young pervert and go do your homework," cal told him but he wasn't paying attention.

"Hey Cal is your car unlocked? I want to grab a different shirt and sweatshirt," I said and they all turned to look at me, i pulled my shorts down a little along with my top.

"Um yea I think it is," cal said and said down beside drew who was sitting with a blanket on. I walked outside and tried opening the door but it was locked. Then I tried a different door but they were all locked. I groaned and pulled the hair tie from my hair and tossed it around trying to make it not in my face and went back in.

"CAL WHERES YOUR KEYS?" I yelled to him but it was quiet. I walked into the room but no one was there. "Guys?" I asked looking around. I walked into the kitchen but no one was in there either. I walked up stairs slowly. I knocked on Cals door but it was silent. I then knocked on Drew's and there was movement before he door swung open.

"You didn't change?" Jordan asked me and I looked in to see the guys sitting in there.

"The doors are locked and I couldn't get in," I said and looked at cal. "Where are your keys?" I asked and he stood up and reached in his pockets but nothing.

"Um did you look downstairs?" He asked chuckling slightly, I groaned and went down stairs to look around. I went back out side to the car and saw the keys sitting in the car.

"Holy fudge knuckle!" I yelled and banged my head onto the car door.

"Miss are you ok?" I heard a British voice behind me and I turned around slowly.

"Oh I'm fine just annoyed by my stupid friend," I chuckled and looked back into the car.

"Did he lock the keys in the car?" He chuckled and I nodded smiling at it. "Can I see the door?" He asked and I moved to the side as he walked to the door with a Boy Scout thing and starting picking it till there was a click. "Done" he chuckled and opened the door.

"Oh my goblin how did you do that?" I asked looking at the open door.

"I did it a lot in London," he stuck his hand out and smiled. "Hi I'm Aiden and you are?" He asked, I took his hand and chuckled.

"I'm Maxine but my friends call me Maxie or max," I chuckled again and looked at the house that my friends were now watching me from the window.

"I see there very protective. Are you going to Richmond?" He asked me and I nodded and he stopped for a minute. "Are you the fut' bol captain?" He asked me slowly and I nodded again with a smile.

"It's my last year but I've played every year while I was there," I said and I heard the door open behind Aiden.

"Maxie was my keys locked in?" Cal asked me walking over to us.

"Yep, Cal meet Aiden, Aiden meet cal," I said reaching in the car and grabbing his keys.

"Max your dad called, he said someone is coming over for dinner," Jordan yelled and I looked at Aiden.

"I'll see ya in school Brit," I punched his shoulder softly and he chuckled and headed back over to his house next door.

"That guy didn't touch you did he?" Caleb asked me as he showed up with the others.

"Nope, he opened the door and we talked about school," I said grabbing Calebs sweatshirt from my bag and putting it on.

"Now we should go before your dad chops us up," Cal got in the drivers seat and Caleb got in the front, Jordan got in the back with me.

"So do you know whose coming to your house for dinner?" Cal asked me and I shook my head feeling my phone ding as a notification for a text message.

"Has your dad been dating someone?" Caleb asked but I shook my head seeing a leaf falling.

"Maybe someone he use to be friends with?" Jordan suggested and I shrugged as he parked in to my house.

"See ya boys later," I said grabbing my stuff and walking to the door and walking inside. "Hey dad!" I yelled and took my bags up the stairs to my room. I changed into jeans and left Calebs sweatshirt on and walked back down stairs.

"Hey Max You know Ms. Ryder and her son Zachery right?" my dad asked as I saw who was sitting on the couch. Zachery sitting on the couch in ripped jeans and a button up shirt. His mom in a dress with red heels.

"Give me one moment," I said and ran to my room closing more door and calling the guys on FaceTime.

"What's WRONG Max?" Caleb yelled with his face close to the screen.

"Zachery Ryder and His mother are here for dinner," I said and they all groaned. I could see they were all together but I liked having all them.

"Why are they there for dinner?" Cal asked looking away from his phone but paying attention.

There was a knock on my door and I looked at the guys, "who is it?" I asked leaving my phone on my bed up side down.

"It's Zach" I opened the door and looked at him.

"Why are you here?" I asked opening the door all the way.

"Your dad and my mom work together, thought it would be nice to have dinner once they found out they had children the same age," He shrugged and walked in slowly.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked him picking my phone up And saw they added Alex.

"You took care of it pretty well," he said lowly and Looked my many trophies sitting near my desk. "First you kick Ray in the dick then broke Austins arm," he still looked at the trophies. I set my phone back on my bed and walked over beside him. "You really are beautiful Maxie," he whispered and reached for my head rubbing his thump on my skin. "I hate seeing guys bully you. I want you to be apart of my image but it's hard," he said pulling his hand away and tugged his hair.

"Zachery I think you should go back down stairs," I said backing away from him.

"See your scared of me, you call me Zachery," he said then I was pushed into the wall. "Alex showed him self for you and I'm so scared to do it. Maxie please know I'm trying at least," he put his head in my neck and blowed his hot breathe on to it. He backed away. "I'm sorry," he walked off and I looked at the call.

Jordan has left the call
Caleb had left the call
Cal had left the call
Alex has left the call
Call ended.

So Alex knows. What's going on? First bullied and now these to act like I'm perfect. Hopefully Aiden will talk to The guys.

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