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"So did your practice go well?" Dad asked Zachery and I and we both nodded not lifting our heads from our plate.

"So Maxine I heard your the new Captain," Ms. Ryder smiled and I looked up at her and chuckled.

"Maxie loves sports, ever since she was little,"my dad said as he scolded me. "Zach I heard you have good grades in your classes," my dad said and i looked at Zachery surprised.

"Um Yes sir, I try to do well in school for college," Zachery said sounding so grown up.

"Zachery always works on his studies," He's mom smiled proud.

Dinner soon finished and the adults told us to go to my room as they talked.

"You study?" I asked flopping down on my bed. He shrugged and sat on my desk chair.

"I'm not always bad," he chuckled and pulled out his phone. I looked at mine and texted the unknown number. I waited for something. Anything for me to notice it was him.

"So I heard Amelia asked you to the dance," I said texting the guys to inform them he was in my room.

"Yeah, but I said no," he said picking up one of my drawings I did as he studied it. "You drew this?" He asked showing me the sunset picture with different shades of red, yellow, and orange.

"Yea but it's pretty bad, I was gonna throw it away," I told him standing up from my bed but he looked at the picture again.

"Can I have it?" He asked me and I shrugged, he folded it up and slipped it into his pocket. "Have anymore?" He asked and I pulled out some old drawing books I had and handed them to him.

"Most are pretty bad," I said looking at one of my old ones.

"These are amazing, why haven't you showed them to anyone?" He asked and I stared at one of a heart with a cracked hole with blood dripping from it. "Oh my god," he took the book from my hands and looked at the drawing closer.

"ZACHERY WE SHOULD GET HOME!" He's mom yelled from down stairs but he stared at the drawing.

"Your so joining art club now," Zachery said setting the book back in my hands. "See ya at school," he said and took off down stairs.

At school......

"Where is he? I'm gonna kill him," Caleb yelled looking around the halls but didn't see him.

"Oh he's so dead," Jordan said looking around.

"Who are you looking for?" I asked them as they got closer to my locker.

"There looking for me," Cal said standing behind me.

"Why is that?" I asked Jordan and Caleb and the tried to jump over me.

"We stayed the night over at his house and Cal left us stranded there," Jordan said and cal chuckled.

"Maxine!" I heard from behind Jordan and Caleb as they turned and looked at who said my name.

"Who are you?" Caleb asked looking at the person who said my name and I tried to budge my way between the two.

"His name is Aiden I believe," Jordan said and I finally got past them.

"Guys meet Cals Neighbor Aiden, Aiden Meet the guys," I said and I shut my locker. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to go have a chat with someone," I said seeing Zachery walk through the door and walked over to him.

"Hey," he whispered but I dragged him away to an empty room. "What the hell? Why am I here?" He asked sitting on a desk and looking at me.

"You put me in art! And you changed the webpage to my Sunset," I yelled at him and he chuckled as he looked at me.

"Relax I didn't put your name under it and you should be in art, your talented with it," he shrugged and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. He unfolded it and showed me the sunset. "What made you want to draw this?" He asked but I didn't answer.

"I have to get to class," I told him and he looked up from the picture. I walked to the door and he grabbed my wrist.

"I'll see you in art," he smirked and opened the door and walked out. I went out and went to class as Cal and Caleb walked through the door.

"WHERE WERE YOU!" Cal gasped running to my seat and looking at me.

"I had to talk to someone," I told him pulling my books out.

"To whom?" Caleb ask sitting next to Cal as others walked in.

"She was probably talking to coach about breaking austins arm," Tyler chuckled sitting in his seat.

"You broke a guys arm?" Someone asked at the door and I looked over seeing Aiden as he walked in with his bag.

"Who are you?" A girl named Perri asked looking at him.

"Aiden Colloway new exchange student," he chuckled and took a seat next to cal.

"Could you take two people onto the team?" Caleb asked me and I shrugged thinking of the things Zachery said.

"Class welcome Sam Lester," the math teacher as another boy with a leather jacket walked in.

Will Sam Lester become another bully? Did Zachery really change my classes? Who is sam Lester?

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